Commonwealth Survey of 1652
Name in 1652 | not listed |
Proprietor | not listed |
Census of 1821
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Name Books of 1836
No records found
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | Alice |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | James |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | John |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | Michael |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | Richard |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | Richd. |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | William |
Greaghclogh | Cochrane | Adam |
Greaghclogh | Fitzsimon | Thomas |
Greaghclogh | Gilmore | James |
Greaghclogh | Heartley | William |
Greaghclogh | Kirke | William |
Greaghclogh | Lahy | Robert |
Greaghclogh | Lahy | Samuel |
Greaghclogh | Mitchell | Mrs. ??? |
Greaghclogh | Reilly | Jane |
Greaghclogh | Reilly | Philip |
Greaghclogh | Roe | Michael |
Greaghclogh | Rogers | Thomas |
Greaghclogh | Rusk | James |
Greaghclogh | Rusk | Robert |
Greaghclogh | Rusk | William |
Greaghclogh | Smyth | Thomas |
Greaghclogh | Sullivan | Michael |
Greaghclogh | Taylor | James, M.D. |
Greaghclogh | Thistle | James |
Greaghclogh | Thistle | Moses |
Greaghclogh | Ward | Christopher |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Census of 1901
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Census of 1911
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Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Mullagh
Annagharnet Ardlow Cloghbally Lower Cloghbally Upper Cloghballybeg Cloghergoole Clonarney Clonmacmara Corfad Corlat Cornaglare or Palmira Cornaglea Lower Cornaglea Upper Cornakill Corragloon Corryrourke Crossbane Crosscarn Crossreagh Cuilcagh Doon Drumrat Enagh Glebe Greaghclogh Greaghnadarragh Killeter Lenanavragh Lislin Lisnabantry (Mullagh Civil Parish) Lisnahederna Mullagh Mullagh Raffony Rantavan Rosehill Seeharan