Commonwealth Survey of 1652

Name in 1652 | Pullamore |
Proprietor | Col. Sanderson |
Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Donogho | Phill | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Elliott | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Eskine | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Finnegan | Richd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Finnegan | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Gaffney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Leddy | Terce | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Mccale | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Pratt | Jno E | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Rahill | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Ramsay | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Reilly | Miles | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Trenor | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Donogho | Phil | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Elliott | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Erskine | W | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Finegan | Richd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Finegan | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Gaffney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Leddy | Terce | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Leddy | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Maginel | Andw | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Mccall | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Olwill | Mick | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Pratt | Jno | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Rahill | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Ramsy | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Reilly | Hu | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Reilly | Miles | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Trenor | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | Rose | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Donohoo | Phill | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Finigan | Richard | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Gafney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Gainell | Andrew | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Leddy | Terence | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Liddy | Terence | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Liddy | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Mopr | Myles Reilly | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Murray | Mathw | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | Elliott | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Rahill | Judith | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Ramsay | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Ramsay | Thos | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Reilly | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Treynor | Pat | 1826 |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
No records found
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Pollamore Far | Brady | John |
Pollamore Far | Donohoe | Anne |
Pollamore Far | Lee | Bernard |
Pollamore Far | Mc Nally | John |
Pollamore Far | Murray | Owen |
Pollamore Far | Olwill | Michael |
Pollamore Far | Rehill | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Reilly | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Anne |
Pollamore Far | Smith | John |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Mrs. ??? |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Patrick, Sr. |
Pollamore Far | Smith | William |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Census of 1901
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Census of 1911
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Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Annagelliff
Aghalackan Agharahan Aghnaglogh Annagelliff Ballymackinroe Beaghy Billis Carrickane Corglass Corhoogan Corlisalee Corlurgan Cornagleragh or Oldtown Crubany Crumlin (Annagelliff Civil Parish) Cullies Curragho Drumalee Drumbo Drumcrauve Drumkeen Drumlark Drumoghra Edenticlare Glasdrumman Gortnakesh Killygarry Killynebber Latt Lismullig Lisreagh Moynehall Poles Pollamore Far Pollamore Near Pottle Rathcorick Reask Shankill Lower Shankill Upper Stragelliff Tirourkan Tirquin Tullycoe Tullylough