Lewis 1837
ANNAGELIFFE, a parish, in the barony of UPPER LOUGHTEE, county of CAVAN, and province of ULSTER, 1 mile (N. E. by E.) from Cavan, on the road from that place to Virginia; containing 4341 inhabitants. It comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 8260¼ statute acres, of which 5096 are applotted under the tithe act. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Kilmore, forming, with that of Urney, the union of Urney and Annageliffe, in the patronage of the Bishop; the rectory is impropriate in the Representatives of Richard, Earl of Westmeath. The tithes amount to £217. 16. 11½., of which £62. 2. 2½. is payable to the impropriator, and £155. 14. 9. to the vicar. In the R. C. divisions this parish forms part of the union or district of Urney, or, as it is more commonly called, Cavan: the chapel is a large building, situated at Stragolla. There are a parochial school, and a school on the townland of Curlurgan; also four hedge schools.
Commonwealth Survey of 1652

Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Aghalackan | Agholackan | |
Agharahan | Aghorahenitragh | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Aghnaglogh | Aghoneglogh | Major Nichs Moore |
Annagelliff | Annaghgaliffe | Mr. Hugh Culme |
Ballymackinroe | Ballemcenrow | Col. Sanderson |
Beaghy | Beagh | Stephen Butler Esq |
Billis | Billy | Commonwealth |
Carrickane | ||
Corglass | Corglasse | Col. Sanderson |
Corhoogan | ||
Corlisalee | Corlissaly | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Corlurgan | Corlorgen | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Crubany | Croobanagh | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Crumlin | ||
Cullies | Quilly? | Maj Humphrey Perrott |
Curragho | Corraghowe | Freeschooleland |
Drumbo | Dromboe | Maj Humphrey Perrott |
Drumcrauve | ||
Drumkeen | ||
Drumlark | Dromlahark | Col. Sanderson |
Drumoghra | Dromoghragh | Col. Sanderson |
Edenticlare | Edenticlara | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Glasdrumman | ||
Gortnakesh | Gartnekesha | Major Nichs Moore |
Killygarry | Killegarry | Col. Sanderson |
Killynebber | Killenebber | Col. Sanderson |
Latt | Latta | Col. Sanderson |
Lismullig | ||
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Major Nichs Moore |
Moynehall | Youghall? | Major Nichs Moore |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | ||
Poles | ||
Pollamore Far | Pullamore | Col. Sanderson |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | |
Pottle | ||
Rathcorick | Racoricke | Major Nichs Moore |
Reask | Reaska | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Shankill Lower | Shanchilitragh | Stephen Butler Esq |
Shankill Upper | Shankilotragh | Stephen Butler Esq |
Stragelliff | Straghgelly | Freeschooleland? |
Tirourkan | Teerorkan | Thos Waldrom Esq |
Tirquin | Teerquin | Freeschooleland? |
Tullycoe | Tullyquo | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Tullylough | Tullylagh | Thos Waldrom Esq |
Unidentified | Corracheeny | Thos Waldrom Esq |
Unidentified | Dromkeevill | Col. Sanderson |
Unidentified | Aghonencaw | Freeschooleland |
Unidentified | Dromknawa | Freeschooleland |
Unidentified | Kilneleg | Mr. Samuel Townley |
Unidentified | Pullebrallagh | Major Nichs Moore |
Unidentified | Dromen | Major Nichs Moore |
Unidentified | Clare | Major Nichs Moore |
Unidentified | Cackog | Major Nichs Moore |
Unidentified | Dromolla | Col. Sanderson |
Unidentified | Drombeebeg | Maj Humphrey Perrott |
Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Clark | Hu | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Clark | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Clarke | Hu | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Clarke | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Clarke | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Clarke | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Dawd | F | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Dowd | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Dowd | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fagan | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fagan | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fagan | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fagan | Patt | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fegan | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fegan | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatk | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatk | Michl | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatk | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatk | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Michl | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Michl | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Phil | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Phil | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Phil | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | T | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | T | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | T | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Wm | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Gillon | Luke | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Gillon | Luke | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Gillon | Luke | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Keogan | Farrel | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Keogan | Farrel | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Keogan | Farrell | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Kernan | W | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Lee | Loghlin | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Lee | Loughlin | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Loughlin | Lee | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Lynch | Bd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Lynch | Bd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Lynch | Bd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mccabe | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mccabe | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mccabe | Patt | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mcevoy | Bryan | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mcevoy | Bryan | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mcevoy | Bryan | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mcevoy | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mcevoy | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mcevoy | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mckernan | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mckernan | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Meehan | Berd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Meehan | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Meehan | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Meehan | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mehan | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Mehan | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Bern | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murray | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murry | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murry | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murry | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Murry | Ths | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reehil | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reehill | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reehill | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Rehill | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reiley | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reilly | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Reilly | Ths | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Jno | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Ter?E | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Terce | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Terce | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Aghalackan | Smith | 1826 | |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Allwill | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Dunn | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Dunn | Robert | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Dunn | Robt | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Dunn | Robt | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Bernd | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Bernd | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Bernd | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Jas | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Jas | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Jas | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Pat | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Terce | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Maguire | 1826 | |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Mccabe | Mathew | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Reynolds | Peter | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Reynolds | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Agharahan | Staples | R | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Bannon | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Dowd | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Fihpk | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Fihpk | Judith | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Fihpk | Michl | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Fihpk | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Fihpk | Phill | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Fihpk | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Gillon | Luke | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Keagan | Farrel | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Keagan | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Keagan | Mathew | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Kernan | Mathw | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Mccabe | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Mcevoy | Bryan | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Mcevoy | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Meehan | Bryan | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Meehan | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Murray | B | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Murray | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Murray | Laurence | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Murray | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Murray | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Rahill | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Rahill | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Rahill | Richd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | Eleanr | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | Farrel | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | Terence | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahalakan | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Boyle | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brady | Mathw | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brady | Terence | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brown | George | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brown | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Brown | William | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Catharite | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Fthpk | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Kelly | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Mccabe | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Mccabe | John M | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Mcquade | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Rehill | Frak | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Rehill | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Rehill | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Rehill | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Rully | Charles | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Teagan | James | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahanaglogh | Tweedy | Alice | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Cumaskey | James | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Dunn | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Dunn | Robert | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Fitesimmons | Bernd | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Fitesimmons | Terence | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Fitesummons | James | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Fitsimmons | Pat | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Fitsimons | Thomas | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Mcabe | Mathew | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Obvill | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aharahan | Reynolds | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Clark | Hu | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Clark | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Dowd | F | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Fitzpatrick | F | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Fitzpatrick | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Fitzpatrick | Michl | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Fitzpatrick | Phile | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Gillon | Luke | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Keogan | Farrill | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Kiernan | 1826 | |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Lee | Loughlin | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Mcevoy | Bryan | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Mcevoy | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Meehan | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Meehan | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Murray | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Murray | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Reehill | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | James | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | John | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | Reilly | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | Terence | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Aghalackan | Ahelackin | Thomas | Pat Reehill | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Math | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Matt | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brown | Geo | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brown | George | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brown | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brown | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brown | Willm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Brown | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Cartwright | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Cartwright | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Fegan | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Fegan | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Fitzpatrick | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Fitzpatrick | Hw | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Lynch | Math | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Mccabe | Hu | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Mccabe | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Mccabe | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Mccabe | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Mcquade | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Mcquade | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Reilly | J C | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Reilly | V C | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Richael | Frank | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Richael | Frank | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Richael | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Richael | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Smith | Matt | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Tweedy | Wid | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalogh | Tweedy | 1826 | |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brady | Heugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brady | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brown | Geoe | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brown | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Brown | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Cartwright | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Fagan | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Mccabe | Heu | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Mccabe | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Mcquade | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Reilly | C | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Richael | Frank | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Richael | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Smith | Matt | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenaloghe | Tweedy | Widow | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brady | Mat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brown | Geo | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brown | Thomas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Brown | Wm | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Cartwright | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Fegan | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Fitzpatrick | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Lynch | Mathew | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Mccabe | Hugh | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Mccabe | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Mcquade | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Moore | 1826 | |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Reilly | C | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Richael | Frank | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Richael | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Ahenalough | Tweedy | 1826 | |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Dume | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Dunn | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Dunn | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Dunn | Robt | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Bernd | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Jas | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Pat | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Pat | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Terce | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Terence | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimmons | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimons | Pat | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimons | Terce | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Fitzsimons | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Kelly | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Mccabe | Math | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Mccabe | Matt | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Mccabe | Matt | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Mccabe | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Olwill | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Olwill | Michl | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Reynolds | Peter | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Reynolds | Peter | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Reynolds | Peter | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Reynolds | Peter | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Reynolds | Thos | 1826 |
Agharahan | Aherahan | Reynolds | Thos | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | Andw | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | Andw | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | Brogan | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | Brogan | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Brogan | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Mcguin | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Saunderson | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagelliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Brady | Andw | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Brogan | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annagheliiff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Brady | Andw | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Brady | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Brogan | 1826 | |
Annagelliff | Annaghgellift | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annegelliff | Mcthree | John Drope | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Annegelliff | Moore | George | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Brady | Andrew | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Brady | Bryan | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Brady | Judith | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Brady | Rose | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Kelly | Brigt | 1826 |
Annagelliff | Armageliff | Sheredan | John | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarne | Moore | James | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarne | Moore | John | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Farnham | Lord | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Farnham | 1826 | |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Moore | Chas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Moore | John | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarron | Moore | John | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Farnham | Lord | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Hosey | Thos | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Magauran | Thos | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Moore | Chas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Moore | Geo | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymacarroo | Moore | John | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Farnham | 1826 | |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Hosey | Thos | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Magauran | Thos | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Moore | Chas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Moore | Geo | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Moore | Geo | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Moore | James | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaccarroo | Moore | John | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaceroo | Farnham | 1826 | |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaceroo | Moore | Chas | 1826 |
Ballymackinroe | Ballymaceroo | Moore | James | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Brady | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Leonard | Brady | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Mcavinea | Terence | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Neile | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behey | Neill | 1826 | |
Beaghy | Behey | Ohara | Jas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Brady | Thomas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Brady | Thomas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Brady | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Brady | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Brady | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Cabe | Owen W | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Keagan | Michl | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | John | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Kelly | 1826 | |
Beaghy | Behy | Keogan | Mich | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Leonard | Bern | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Leonard | Bernard | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Leonard | Bernd | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Leonard | Bernd | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Linnenay | Bernd | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mcavinew | Ter | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mcavinew | Terc | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mcavinew | Terce | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mcavinew | Terce | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mccabe | Pat | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Mcevinia | 1826 | |
Beaghy | Behy | Neile | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Neile | 1826 | |
Beaghy | Behy | Neill | Thomas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Neill | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Neill | Thos | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Neill | Widow | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Neill | 1826 | |
Beaghy | Behy | Neill | 1826 | |
Beaghy | Behy | Ohara | Jas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Ohara | Jas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Ohara | Jas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Ohara | Owen | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | O'Hara | James | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Seale | Robt | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Seale | Thomas | 1826 |
Beaghy | Behy | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Carson | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Collin | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Collin | M | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Farrelly | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Hay | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Keif | Arthur | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Lawson | Robt | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Mayer | George | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Mcabe | Edwd | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Olevill | Bryan | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Olevill | Chas | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Rielly | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Young | B | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Young | Robt | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Young | Robt | 1826 |
Billis | Billa | Young | Thomas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Carson | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Carson | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Carson | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Carson | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Carsons | Wm | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collin | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bern | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bern | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | Bernd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Collins | 1826 | |
Billis | Billis | Collins | 1826 | |
Billis | Billis | Darby | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Farley | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Farley | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Farly | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Farly | Pat | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Keef | Anthy | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Keef | Anthy | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Keef | Anthy | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Keef | Auty | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Keefe | Anthy | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Lawson | Thomas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Lawson | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Lawson | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Lawson | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Magee | G | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mara | F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mara | G Magee Reilly | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mccabe | Edwd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mccabe | Edwd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mccabe | Edwd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mccabe | Edwd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Mccabe | Edwd | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Olwill | Chas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Olwill | Chas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Olwill | Chas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Olwill | Chas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Olwill | Chas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | G Magas | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | G Magee | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | G. Magee | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | Jno | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | Jno | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | Jno | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | M | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | V F Ward | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Reilly | 1826 | |
Billis | Billis | Ward | G F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Ward | V F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Ward | V F | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Ward | 1826 | |
Billis | Billis | Young | Bob | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | F B | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | F Brady | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Robert | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Robt | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Robt | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Robt | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | T B | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | T B | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | T B | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | T B | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | T Brady | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Billis | Billis | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Boyle | Jas | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Boyle | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Boyle | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Boyle | Matt | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Brady | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Brady | Jno | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Brady | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Brady | Matt | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Cahill | 1826 | |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Fitzpatrick | Hu | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Fitzpatrick | Mat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Fitzpatrick | Math | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Fitzpatrick | Matt | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Kelly | Owen | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Kelly | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Kelly | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Kelly | Thos | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Magin | Pat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Magin | Pat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Magin | Pat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Magin | Pat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Roark | John | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Roark | Pat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Roarke | Pat | 1826 |
Aghnaglogh | Bleak | Roarke | Pat | 1826 |
Carrickane | Carrickane | Hosey | Thomas | 1826 |
Carrickane | Carrickane | Magovern | Peter | 1826 |
Carrickane | Carrickane | Moore | George | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Brady | James | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Cunnigan | James | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Cunningham | James | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Finegan | Richd | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Mcdowel | Geo | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass | Mcdowell | George | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Brady | Js | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Cahill | 1826 | |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Clark | Edw | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Clark | Pat | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Donogho | Terce | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Gaffney | 1826 | |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Green | Pat | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Mcdowel | Geoe | 1826 |
Corglass | Corglass Reask & Corlurgan | Murphy | Michl | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Bele | R | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Bell | R | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Donoho | Bd | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Donoho | Con | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Donoho | James | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Donoho | Phil | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Donoho | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | B | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Bog A | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Con | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Donagho | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Donagho | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Own | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Phile | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farreley | Thos | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farrelly | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farrelly | Owen | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farrelly | Thos | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Farrelly | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Malone | Thos | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Malone | Thos | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Olvany | James | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Olvany | Jno | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Olvany | Jno | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Reehill | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Reehill | John | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Rehill | John | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Rogers | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Saunderson | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Corlisalee | Bog | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Burns | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Clarke | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Collins | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Davis | Wm | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Finigan | Cathrine | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Finigan | Jas | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Finigan | Jn | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Finigan | Me | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Finigan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Finigan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Galligan | Henry | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Lamon | Jno | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Maguire | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Corlurgan | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Phile | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Clarke | Michael | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Clarke | Michael | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Clarke | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Clarke | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Clarke | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Conlan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Conlan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Conlon | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Conlon | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Conlon | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Culoin | Bernd | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Culvin | Bern | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Culvin | Bernard | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Culvin | Bernd | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Cummingham | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Cunningham | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Devin | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Devine | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Devine | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Devine | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Donogho | Mer | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Donogho | Ml | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Donogho | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Donoho | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Donohoo | Phill | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Dowd | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Fagan | Edw | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Fagan | Edward | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Fegan | Edwd | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gaffney | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gaffney | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gaffney | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gaffney | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gafney | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gallegan | Chas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gallegan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Charles | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Chas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Chas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Chas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gevney | Henry | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gevney | Thomas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gibney | Hu | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gibney | Hu | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gibney | Hu | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Gibny | Heu | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Keirnan | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Keirnan | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Keirnan | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Kiernan | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Leddy | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Logan | Danl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Logan | Magovern | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Logan | Magovern | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Logan | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Logan | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Lynch | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Magivna | Heu | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Magivna | Hugh | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Magovern | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Magovern | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Maguina | Hu | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Maguire | H | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcabe | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mccabe | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcdonald | Michael | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcdonald | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcdonald | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcdonald | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcevoy | Mary | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcevoy | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcevoy | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcevoy | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Mcevoy | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Monaghan | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Monaghan | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Monaghan | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Monaghan | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mullegan | Peter | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mulligan | Peter | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mulligan | Peter | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mulligan | Peter | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Mulligan | Peter | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Olvany | Jno | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Reilly | Michael | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Andrew | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Bog Fer | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Bog Terce | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Cathe | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Dan | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Dan | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Daniel | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Danl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Danl | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | James | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | John | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Math | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Mathew | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Matt | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Matthew | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Owen | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Patt | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Patt | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Phil | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Phil | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Phill | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Phill | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Teree | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Terence | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Terence | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | Wm | 1826 |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Smith | 1826 | |
Crubany | Crubany | Tegan | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Donogho | Phill | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Elliott | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Eskine | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Finnegan | Richd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Finnegan | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Gaffney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Leddy | Terce | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Mccale | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Pratt | Jno E | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Rahill | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Ramsay | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Reilly | Miles | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Cullamore | Trenor | Pat | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Babbington | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Babington | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Boles | Willm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Boles | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Brady | Denis | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Brady | Geo | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Brady | Geo | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Brady | Geoe | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Caffry | Jas | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Caffry | Jas | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Conlan | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Conlon | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Conlone | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Donnelly | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Donnelly | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Donohoo | Mary | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Eagan | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Fitzallen | Wm Reyds | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Hamiah | Margt | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Hanna | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Hanna | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Ludlow | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Magauran | Edwd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Magauran | Edwd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Mgovern | Edwd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Moore | Saml | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Moore | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Moore | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Postans | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Rafferty | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Rafferty | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Reynolds | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Reynolds | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullies | Smith | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Smith | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Smith | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Young | Pat | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Young | Pat | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullies | Young | Pat | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Babington | M | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Babington | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Boles | Willaim | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Boles | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Brady | Geo | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Brady | Geo | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Caffray | I S | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Caffray | James | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Conlone | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Conlons | Bernd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Donelly | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Donnelly | Widow | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Donoho | Michl | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Farly | Owen | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Farly | Phil | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Fegan | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Finnigan | Pat | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Hanna | M | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Hanna | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Magauran | Edw | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Magauran | Edwd | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Moore | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Mulvany | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Murray | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Rafferty | Bern | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Rafferty | Bernard | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Reilly | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Reynolds | M | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Reynolds | M | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Sheridan | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Smith | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Smith | Rielly | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Smith | Th S | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Smyth | John | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Smyth | Thomas | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Stinson | Tho | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Tierney | 1826 | |
Cullies | Cullis | Young | Pat | 1826 |
Cullies | Cullis | Young | Pat | 1826 |
Corglass | Curglass | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Corglass | Curglass | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Corglass | Curglass | Cunningham | Jas | 1826 |
Corglass | Curglass | Mcdowd | Geo | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlingan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlingan | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Bag | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Bell | R | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Bill | Richd | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Burns | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Collins | Pat | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Davis | Willm | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donagho | V | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Bd | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Bd | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Con | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Con | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Phil | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | Phill | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donogho | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donohoo | Bernd | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Donohoo | Connor | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Fannen | Jno | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Farrelby | Von | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Farrelly | Bog Lo | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Farrelly | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Farrelly | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Farrelly | Phill | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Farrelly | Phl | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Finigan | Catherine | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Finigan | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Finigan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Finigan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Finigan | W | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Galligan | Henry | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Maguire | Pat | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Malone | Thos | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Malone | Thos | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Cathe | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Jno | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Olvany | Nabby | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Reehil | John | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Reehil | 1826 | |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Reehill | John | 1826 |
Corlisalee | Curlisalee | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Burns | Cathe | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Burns | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Burns | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Clarke | Edw | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Collins | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Collins | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Davis | William | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Davis | Wm | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Davis | Wm | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Donogho | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Donogho | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Fannen | John | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Bernd | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Catherine | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | John | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | John | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Mary | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Cathe | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | James | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Jas | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Jno | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | M? | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Ml | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Finnegan | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gaffney | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gaffny | 1826 | |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gallegan | Henry | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gallegan | Henry | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gallegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gallegan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Galligan | Henry | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Galligan | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Gevney | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Green | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Maguire | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Maguire | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Murphy | Mich | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Reilly | Edward | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Reilly | Elear | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Smith | Cat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Corlurgan | Curlurgan | Tannen | John | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Brady | James | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Duffy | James | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Mee | James | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Mulligan | Chas | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Mulligan | James | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Mulligan | Pat | 1826 |
* unmatched | Curnacarrow | Waring | Wm | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Brady | Patt | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Collins | Owen | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Collins | Owen | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Collins | Owen | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Lamb | Laurence | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Lamb | 1826 | |
Curragho | Curragho | Lamb | 1826 | |
Curragho | Curragho | Lawson | Thomas | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Lawson | Thos | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Mccabe | 1826 | |
Curragho | Curragho | Mccabe | 1826 | |
Curragho | Curragho | Monaghan | James | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Monaghan | James | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Monaghan | Jas | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Young | B | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Young | B | 1826 |
Curragho | Curragho | Young | Bernd | 1826 |
Curragho | Curraha | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Curragho | Curraha | Collins | Owen | 1826 |
Curragho | Curraha | Lamb | 1826 | |
Curragho | Curraha | Lawson | Thos | 1826 |
Curragho | Curraha | Mccabe | 1826 | |
Curragho | Curraha | Monaghan | Jas | 1826 |
Curragho | Currahoo | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Curragho | Currahoo | Collins | Owen | 1826 |
Curragho | Currahoo | Lamb | 1826 | |
Curragho | Currahoo | Lawson | Thos | 1826 |
Curragho | Currahoo | Mccabe | 1826 | |
Curragho | Currahoo | Monaghan | Jas | 1826 |
Curragho | Currahoo | Young | B | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Daumoughra | Coyle | Chas | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Daumoughra | Coyle | Peter | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Daumoughra | Gray | Michl | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Daumoughra | Lynch | Edwd | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Daumoughra | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Daumoughra | Ohara | James | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Babington | John | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Babington | John | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Brady | Andw | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Brady | Thos | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Bradywhite | Michl | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Caffery | 1826 | |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Cassidy | Phill | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Cassidy And Co | 1826 | |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Collingha? | J C | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Cottingham | John Cooper | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Darby | Thos | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Devine | Bryan | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Faddin | M | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Farrelly | 1826 | |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Flood | Terence | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Flood | Terence | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Keagan | Michl | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Lee | John | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Magauran | Jno | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Magauran | Jno | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Mccabe | Jas | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Mccaffray | James | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Mcfaddan | Doctor | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Mcgovern | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Mcgovern | John | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Moore | Susan | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Moore | 1826 | |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Murray | John | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Murray | John | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Newnan | Robt | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Nunan | Robt | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Reilly | Thos | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Reilly | Thos | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Reilly | Thos | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Stewart | Saml | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Stuart | Saml | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Tarly | Cathe | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Warrington | Thos | 1826 |
Drumalee | Drumalee | Warrington | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Brown | Jas | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Brown | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Carson | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Castles | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Darby | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Darcy | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Darcy | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Forres | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Gorman | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Hire | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Ledy | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Ludlow | Richd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Ludlow | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Nulty | Phill | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Reilly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Smith | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Tubman | Robt | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbo | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Boals | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Carson | Robt | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Castles | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Cowan | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Dancy | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Fitpk | Edwd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Fitpk | Mathw | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Fugman | Robt | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Gorman | Cathe | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Hicks | Richd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Jones | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Leddy | Michl | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Ludlow | Richd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Ludlow | Rose | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Reilly | George | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Reilly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboe | Stinson | Thomas | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Carson | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Carson | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Castles | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Cooper | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Dancy | Widow | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Dancy | Widow Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Dancy | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Dancy | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Gorman | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Gorman | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Hix | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Jones | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Jones | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Jones | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Leddy | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Leddy | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Richd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Richd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Richd | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Widow | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Widow | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Ludlow | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Moore | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | O Gormon | Fitzpatrick | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | O Leddy | Smith Carson | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | O Sleix | Castles | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Pubmary | Robt | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Reilly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Reilly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Reilly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Smith | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Smith | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Stinsone | Thos | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Tubman | Robert | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumbow | Tubman | Robert | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Carson | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Castles | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Dancy | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Dancy | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Gorman | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Hix | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Jones | John | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Leddy | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Ludlow | Richard | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Ludlow | Wm | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Ludlow | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Reilly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Smith | 1826 | |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Drumbo | Drumboy | Tubman | Robt | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Donoho | Michl | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Donoho | Michl | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Fagan | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Farly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Farly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Farly | Phil | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Farly | Phill | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Finigan | Pat | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Finigan | Pat | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Mulvany | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Mulvany | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Murray | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Murry | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Reiley | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Reilly | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Sheridan | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Sheridan | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Smith | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Smith | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Tegan | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Teirney | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrauve | Teirny | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Brady | 1826 | |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Donohoo | Michl | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Farrelly | Owen | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Farrelly | Phill | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Ferney | John | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Finegan | Pat | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Murray | Phill | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Olvany | Peter | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Phell | John | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumcrave | Smith | Mathew | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Brady | Cha | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Brady | Mich | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Brady | Phile | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Donoho | Michl | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Farley | Owen V Phile | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Finnegan | Pat | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Mulvany | V Fagan | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Smith | Sheridan V Rully | 1826 |
Drumcrauve | Drumerave | Tierney | Murray | 1826 |
Drumkeen | Drumkeen | Brown | John | 1826 |
Drumkeen | Drumkeen | Mguire | John | 1826 |
Drumkeen | Drumkeen | Saunderson | R | 1826 |
Drumkeen | Drumkeen | Saunderson | R | 1826 |
Drumkeen | Drumkeen | Saunderson | R | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Bradley | A | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Bradly | A | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Bradly | A | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Bradly | Abrm | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Brady | A | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Brown | John | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Brown | John | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Brown | John | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Browne | John | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Cosgrove | James | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Cosgrove | T | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Early | Cathe | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Early | Widow | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Early | Widow | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Early | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Early | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Feeney | Pat | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Ferney | Pat | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Humphrys | Thomas | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Mcclean | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Mcclean | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Mclean | ? | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Mclean | Messrs | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Nully | Phill | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Nulty | Phil | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Nulty | Phil | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Nulty | Phill | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Reilly | Bernard | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Reilly | Bernd | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Reilly | Bernd | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Reilly | Bernd | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Rully | Bernd | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Saunderson | R | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Savage | M | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Savage | Mr | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Savage | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Savage | 1826 | |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Teirny | Pat | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Teirny | Pat | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Tierney | Pat | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Ward | Felix | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Ward | Felix | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Ward | Felix | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Ward | Felix | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Ward | Felix | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Webb | Noah | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Webb | Noah | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Webb | Noah | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Webb | Noah | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Webb | Noah | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Welles | Robt | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Willis | Robert | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Willis | Robert | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Willis | Robt | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Woods | Sergt | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Woods | Sergt | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Woods | Seyl | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Woods | Thos | 1826 |
Drumlark | Drumlark | Woods | 1826 | |
* unmatched | Drummulla | Bambridge | Edwd | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drummulla | Delace | Jas | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drummulla | Patterson | Geo | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drummulla | Patterson | Jas | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drummullagh | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drummullagh | Saunderson | R | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumoghra | Coyle | Peter | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumoghra | Lynch | Edwd | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumoghra | Lynch | On | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumohra | Coyle | Peter | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumohra | Coyle | Peter | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumohra | Lynch | Edw | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumohra | Lynch | Edwd | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumohra | Lynch | Or | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Drumohra | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drumullagh | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drumullagh | Moore | Jas | 1826 |
* unmatched | Drumullagh | Saunderson | R | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Dumohrae | Coyle | Peter | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Dumohrae | Lynch | Edwd | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Dumohrae | Lynch | Owen | 1826 |
Drumoghra | Dumohrae | Sanderson | Alex | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Brady | Bridgt | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Brady | Bridgt | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Donogho | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Donoho | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Duke | Math | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Duke | Mathew | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Duke | Matt | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Finegan | Chas | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Finegan | Chas | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Finegan | Chas | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Finnegan | Chas | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Fitzpk | Margt | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Gwney | Pat | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Lee | Bryan | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Lee | Bryan | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Lee | Bryan | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Lynch | Bernd | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Lynch | Bernd | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Magauran | Pat | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Mccusker | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Mccusker | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Ramsey | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Rook | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Rook | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Rorke | Hugh | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edendeclare | Smith | Bryan | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Donoho | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Donoho | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Duke | Mathew | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Duke | Matt | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Finegan | Chas | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Finnegan | Chas | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Fitspatrick | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Fitzpatrick | Wd | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Fitzpatrick | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Lee | Bryan | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Lee | Bryan | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Lynch | Bern | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Lynch | Bernard | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Magauran | Pat | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Magauran | Pat | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Mccusker | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Mcusker | Biddy | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Ramsay-Rook | Step | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Ramsy | 1826 | |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Reilly | Phil | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Reilly | Phil | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Edenticlare | Edenticlare | Rook | 1826 | |
Cullies | Eullis | Moore | 1826 | |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Brady | James | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Brady | Poernard | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Brady | Sally | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Calk | Arch | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Calk | Cath | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Raenbay | Wm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Feerguin | Reedy | Pat | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Feerorkaul | Kemp | Wm | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Feerorkaul | Kneep | Edward | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Feerorkaul | Kneep | George | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Feerorkaul | Mcguine | James | 1826 |
Tullylough | Fullylough | Walsh | Jane | 1826 |
Tullylough | Fullylough | Walsh | John | 1826 |
Tullylough | Fullylough | Walsh | Robert | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Castles | Lanty | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Castles | Phill | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Castles | Rose | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Cusack | Pat | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Duke | Thomas | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Keogan | Phillip | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Malowney | James | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Masterson | Anthy | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Masterson | D | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | O'Hara | Robt | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Rahill | Bernd | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Ruddy | John | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdremin | Sully | Terence | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Castles | Phill | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Cusaack | Pat | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Dobson | David | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Dobson | William | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Dobson | William | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Keogan | Phill | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Masterson | James | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Matchett | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Nully | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Ohara | Robert | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Smith | James | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Smith | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumen & Poles | Terence | Thos | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Castles | Phil | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Cusack | Pat | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Dobson | Wm | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Dobson | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Hoogan | Math | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Hoogan | Phile | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Masterson | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Matchell | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Nulty | Terce | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Nulty | Thomas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Nulty | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Ohara | Robt | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Om | Davia | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Smith | James | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumin And Poler | Smith | 1826 | |
Glasdrumman | Glasdrumman | Moore | 1826 | |
Glasdrumman | Glasdrumman | Nulty | Terce | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdrumman | Nulty | Thos | 1826 |
Glasdrumman | Glasdrumman | Nulty | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Castles | Phil | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Cusack | Pat | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Dobson | David | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Dobson | Wm | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Dobson | Wm | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Keogan | Matt | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Keogan | Phl | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Masterson | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Matchett | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Nulty | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Ohara | Robt | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Smith | 1826 | |
Poles | Glasdrumman And Poles | Thomas | Terce | 1826 |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | Brady | John | 1826 |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | Brady | Mathias | 1826 |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | Fitzgerald | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | Lee | Frank | 1826 |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | Mervin | Eliza | 1826 |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | Mervin | Robt | 1826 |
Killynebber | Kellanebber | O'Reilly | Rufferty | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Brady | Bryan | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Fitzpk | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Gillon | Simon | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Gwney | Thomas | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Lawler | James | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Leddy | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Lee | James | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Lee | Thomas | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Monaghan | Margt | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Mulvany | Anne | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Murphy | Pat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Murray | Bryan | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Murray | Mathew | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Murray | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Olwell | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Olwill | Mathew | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Rahill | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Kellegary | Reilly | Peter | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Allwell | Mat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Allwell | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Brady | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Brady | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Brady | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Fitzpatrick | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Fitzpatrick | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Fitzpatrick | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Gillen | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Gillon | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Gillon | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lawler | James | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lawler | James | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lawler | Jas | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Leddy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Leddy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Leddy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | James | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | James | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Jas | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Maguina | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Magwnea | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Massina | Phil | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Monaghan | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Monaghan | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Monaghan | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Monaghan | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Monaghan | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murphy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murphy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murphy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murray | Bd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murray | Bd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murray | Bernd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murray | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murray | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Murray | Phill | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olivile | Mat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olivile | Me | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olvany | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olvany | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olvany | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olwiles | Math | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Olwiles | Ml | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Raal | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Raal | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Raal | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killagary | Reilly | Pat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Reilly | Pat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Reilly | Pat | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killagary | Sanderson | Alexr | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Boyle | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Boyle | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Brady | John | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Brady | Mathias | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Elliott | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Elliott | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Finegan | Ml | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Finnegan | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Fitzgerla* | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Lee | Frank | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Mervin | Elisa | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Mervine | Robt | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber | Oreilly | Rafferty | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Brady | John | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Brady | Mathias | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Fitzgerald | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Lee | Frank | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Mervin | Eliza | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Mervin | Robert | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Rafferty | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killanebber Contennea | Reilly | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Brady | Mathew | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Brady | Rose | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Cosgrove | James | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Coyle | Thomas | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Elliott | James | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Morvyn | Robt | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killeneber | Partland | Pat | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killenny Beg | Cahill | Bernd | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killenny Beg | Finegan | Richd | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killenny Beg | Finegan & Co | Richd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Brady | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Fitzpatrick | Owen | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Gilleen | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Lawler | Jas | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Leddy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Lee | Jas | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Magivna | Phil | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Monaghan | Phil | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Monaghan | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Murphy | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Murry | Bd | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Murry | Phil | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Olvany | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Olwill | Matt | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Olwill | Ml | 1826 |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Raal | 1826 | |
Killygarry | Killygarry | Reilly | Pat | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Boyle | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Boyle | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Brady | John | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Brady | Mathias | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Cosgrove | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Elliott | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Elliott | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Finegan | Ml | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Finnegan | Michl | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Fitzgerald | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Lee | Frank | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Mervine | Eliza | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Mervine | Robert | 1826 |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Rafferty | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Reilly | 1826 | |
Killynebber | Killynebber | Sanderson | Alexr | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Blackwood | R B | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Blackwood | R B | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | David | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | James | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | Jas | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | Jas | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Brown | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Browne | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Browne | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Browne | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Browne | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Conaghly | Owen | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Connelly | Owen | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Connolly | Owen | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Connolly | Owen | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Conolly | Owen | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Conolly | Owen | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Darby | Wm | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Darby | Wm | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Darby | Wm | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Darby | Wm | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Darby | Wm | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Denane | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Dennen | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Dennin | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Dennin | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Dinnen | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Dinnen | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Gormly | John | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Knipe | 1826 | |
Latt | Latt | Magauran | Pat | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Magauran | Pat | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Magawan | Patt | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Magovern | Pat | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Magovern | Pat | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Mc Knipe | 1826 | |
Latt | Latt | Nully | Phill | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Nulty | Phil | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Nulty | Phil | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Nulty | Phil | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Stinson | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Sully | Phill | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Young | Peter | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Young | Thomas | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Latt | Latt | Young | Thos | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Calary | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Etherton | J C | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Fitzpatrick | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Jackson | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Keogh | Chas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Kerrigan | James | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Kerrigan | John | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Kerrigan | Thos | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Kerrigan | Wm | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Rahill | Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Rahill | Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisaeagh | Thomas | A Smith | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Blackmore | R B | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Bog | 1826 | |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Brady | Mary | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Brady | 1826 | |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Brady | 1826 | |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Brady | 1826 | |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Brady | 1826 | |
Lismullig | Lismullig | D* | Phil | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | D* | Phil | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Donohoe | Archd | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Gray | Denis | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Gray | Denis | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Gray | Denis | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Gray | Dennis | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Gray | Dennis | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Malone | 1826 | |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Dan | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Dan | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Danl | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Phil | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Phil | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Phil | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Phil | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Phill | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Silvester | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Silvester | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Silvester | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Silvester | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reilly | Silvester | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reily | Owen | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Reily | Patt | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Sully | Phill | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Sully | Phill | 1826 |
Lismullig | Lismullig | Sully | Phill | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Calary | Thos | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Callery | Thos | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Etherton | H | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Etherton | I C | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Fitzpatrick | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Fitzpatrick | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Jackson | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Jackson | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Keogh | Chas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Keough | Chas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerigan | James | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerigan | John | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerigan | Thos | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerigan | Wm | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerrigan | John | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerrigan | John | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Kerrigan | Wm Thos Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Moore | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Rahill | James | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Rahill | Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Rahill | Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Reehil | James | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Smith | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreagh | Smith | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Calary | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Etherdon | H | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Fitzpatrick | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Fitzpatrick | Pat | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Jackson | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Jackson | 1826 | |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Keogh | Charles | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Rahill | Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Reehile | Jas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisreah | Smith | A | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisseagh | Callery | James | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisseagh | Hederton And Co | Henry | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisseagh | Keogan And Conaghly | John | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisseagh | Keough | Chas | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisseagh | Rehill | James | 1826 |
Lisreagh | Lisseagh | Andrew | 1826 | |
Moynehall | Maynehale | Bell | R | 1826 |
Moynehall | Maynehale | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Moynehall | Maynehale | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Maynehale | Reilly | Edwd | 1826 |
Moynehall | Maynehale | Roarke | Hu | 1826 |
Moynehall | Maynehale | Sheridan | Jas | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Bell | R | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Bell | R | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Bell | 1826 | |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Walt | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Burns | Thos | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Fagan | James | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Fagan | Pat | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Lee | Hugh | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Luise | Fn | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Maginnell | Mathw | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Moore | 1826 | |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Mullone | Thos | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Olvany | 1826 | |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Reilly | Anne | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Reilly | B | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Reilly | Chas | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Reilly | Edwd | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Reilly | Edwd | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Roarke | Hu | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Roarke | Hu | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Sheridan | James | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Sheridan | Jas | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Smith | Hugh | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | Yorke And Conaghly | Hugh | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynehall | James | 1826 | |
Moynehall | Moynhall | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynhall | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynhall | Reilly | Edwd | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynhall | Roarke | Hee | 1826 |
Moynehall | Moynhall | Sheridan | Jas | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Armstrong | Danl | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Matt | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Watt | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Watt | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | William | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Burns | Thos | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Burns | Thos | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Burns | Thos | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | James | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Jas | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Jas | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Jas | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Fagan | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Feagan | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Gallegan | Owen | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Glvany | 1826 | |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Gulshenan | John | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Gulshinan | John | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Gunnell | Mathew | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Lee | Hu | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Lee | Hue | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Lee | Hugh | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Lee | Hugh | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Lynch | Bd | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Magennole | Matt | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Magina | Math | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Maginnel | Matt | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Malone | Thomas | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Malone | Thos | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Mccabe | Pat | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Mullon | Thos | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Mullone | Thos | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Olvany | John | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Olvany | 1826 | |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Olvany | 1826 | |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Smith | H | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Smith | Hu | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Smith | Hugh | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Smith | Hugh | 1826 |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Smith | 1826 | |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Oldtown | Thomas | 1826 | |
Poles | Poles | Brady | James | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Castles | Phil | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Cusack | Pat | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Dobson | David | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Dobson | David | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Dobson | David Wm | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Dobson | William | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Dobson | Wm | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Donohoo | Phill | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Keogan | Mat | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Keogan | Phil | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Masterson | Jas | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Matchet | James | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Matchett | James | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | O'Hara | Robert | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Rully | John | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Rully | Mary | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Smith | James | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Smith | James | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Smith | Mary | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Poles | Poles | Smith | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Donogho | Phil | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Elliott | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Erskine | W | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Finegan | Richd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Finegan | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Gaffney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Leddy | Terce | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Leddy | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Maginel | Andw | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Mccall | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Olwill | Mick | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Pratt | Jno | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Rahill | 1826 | |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Ramsy | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Reilly | Hu | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Reilly | Miles | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pollamore | Trenor | Pat | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | D | Jas | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Mccabe | Thomas | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Mccabe | Thomas | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Mccabe | Thos | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Mccabe | Thos | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Mccabe | Thos | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | James | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | James | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | James | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | James | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | John M | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | M | 1826 |
Pottle | Pottle | Smith | M | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | Michael | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | D | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Donogho | Phil | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Elliot | Abm | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Elliott | 1826 | |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Erskine | William | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Erskine | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Finegan | Rich | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Finegan | 1826 | |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Finnegan | Mccahill | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Finnegan | Richard | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Gaffney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Gaffney | Edwin | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Kahill | Patt | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Kahill | Widow | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Leddy | Tec | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Leddy | Terrance | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Leddy | William | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Leddy | William | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Leddy | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Lee | Mich | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Lee | Michael | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Lee | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Magennile | Andw | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Maginal | Andrew | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Maginel | Ana | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Mccall | 1826 | |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Ollwill | Michael | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Olwill | Mich | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Olwill | Michl | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Pratt | Isacc | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Pratt | Jno E | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Pratt | John E | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Rahill | Patt | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Rahill | Widow | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Ramsay | Samuel | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Ramsy | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Reilly | Hu | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Reilly | Miles | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Reilly | Miles | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Reilly | 1826 | |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Trenor | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Near | Pullamore | Trenor | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Brady | Rose | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Donohoo | Phill | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Finigan | Richard | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Gafney | Edwd | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Gainell | Andrew | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Leddy | Terence | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Liddy | Terence | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Liddy | Wm | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Mopr | Myles Reilly | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Murray | Mathw | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | Elliott | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | Isaac | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Pratt | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Rahill | Judith | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Ramsay | Saml | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Ramsay | Thos | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Reilly | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | John | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Pollamore Far | Pullemore | Treynor | Pat | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Brady | James | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Cahill | James | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Cahill | Michl | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Cahill | Phill | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Clarke | Hugh | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Clarke | Owen | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Clarke | Pat | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Donohoo | Terence | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Green | Pat | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Green | Pat | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Murphy | Michl | 1826 |
Reask | Reask | Ocahill | Gaffney | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Cahill | Gaffney V | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Cahill | Owen | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Clarke | Edwd | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Clarke | Pat | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Donogho | Terence | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Green | Pat | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Mcdonagh | Geo | 1826 |
Reask | Reask & Corryhuggan | Murphy | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Breslin | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Lee | Jno | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Lynch | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Mcclelland | Bernd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Olwell | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Olwill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankhill Lower | Olwill | Patt | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Belton | Mich | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | D | D | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | D | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Donals | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Grey | Bryan | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Kema | Con M | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Mccabe | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Mccabe | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Mckenna | Con | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Nutty | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Reynolds | Jn | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Sheily | Math | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Smith | Andrew | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Smith | Mich | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankhill Upper | Smith | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Coyle | Mich | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Leenahan | Bernd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Mckenna | Connor | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Olevill | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Olevill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Olevill | Thomas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Reilly | Edward | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | Owen | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | Thomas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Allwill | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Blackwood | R B | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Chas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | James | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | James | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brady | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Breslin | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Breslin | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Breslins | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Brestlan | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Knipe | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Jno | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Jno | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lee | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lynch | Mathew | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lynch | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lynch | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Lynch | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Mcclellan | Bernd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Mcclellan | Bernd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Mcclelland | Bernd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Ollwill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwell | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwell | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | M | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Owen | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Owen | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Owen | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Owen | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Olwill | 1826 | |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reiley | Edwd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reiley | Hu | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reiley | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reilly | Edwd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reilly | Edwd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reilly | Hu | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reilly | Hugh | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Rully | Eawd | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Rully | Hugh | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Rully | John | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Lower | Shankill Lower | Smith | Pat | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Aully | Eleanor | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Belton | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Belton | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Brestlan | William | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Cayle | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Cayle | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Coyle | Michael | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Coyle | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Coyle | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gallagher | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gallagher | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gallagher | Patt | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gray | Bryan | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gray | Bryan | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gray | Bryan | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Gray | Bryan | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Kelly | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Kenney | John | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | Thomas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | Thomas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mccabe | Thos | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mcdonald | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mcdonald | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mcdonald | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mcdonald | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mcdonell | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mckena | Con | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mckena | Con | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mckenna | Con | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Mckenna | Con M | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Nulty | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Nulty | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Nulty | Jas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Reynolds | Jno | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Reynolds | John | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Reynolds | John | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Reynolds | Thomas | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Sheals | Mathew | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Sheill | Mathw | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Sheils | Mal | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Sheils | Matt | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Andrew | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Andrew | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Andw | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Anne | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Belton | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | James | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Martha | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Michael | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Peter | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | Widow | 1826 |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | 1826 | |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | 1826 | |
Shankill Upper | Shankill Upper | Smith | 1826 | |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Brady | * | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Gafney | Phil | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Hutton | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Monroe | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Morrow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Murray | H | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Murray | Owen | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Olvany | Larry | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Olvarey | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Reilly | Jas | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Tilson | H | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Strageliff | Tully | Hugh | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | P | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | Peter | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Brady | Wm | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Cavanagh | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Cavanagh | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Cavanagh | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Cavanagh | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Fierney | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Gaffney | Phil | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Gaffney | Phil | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Gaffney | Phill | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Gafney | Phil | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Hutton | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Hutton | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Hutton | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Hutton | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Keogan | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Monroe | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Monroe | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Monroe | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Monroe | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Moorow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Morrow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Morrow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Morrow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | H | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | Hw | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | Owen | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | Owen | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | Owen | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murray | 1826 | |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murry | Heu | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murry | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murry | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Murry | Owen | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Larry | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Larry | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Larry | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Larry | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Olvany | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Reilly | Jas | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Reilly | Js | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Reilly | Js | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Rully | Jas | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Sheridan | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Michl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Smith | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Teirny | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Teirny | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Tierney | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Tilson | H | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Tully | Heu | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Tully | Hew | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Tully | Hugh | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragelliff | Tully | Hugh | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Beady | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Beady | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Ferney | Pat | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Gafney | Phillip | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Hadden | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Leuneny | Mary | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Morrow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Mulvany | Hugh | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Mulvany | Laurence | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Mulvany | Thomas | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Mulvany | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Munrow | James | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Munrow | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Murray | Hugh | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Murray | John | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Olvany | Jas | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Olvany | Owen | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Olvany | Thos | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Reilly | Jas | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Shendan | 1826 | |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Smith | Aichl | 1826 |
Stragelliff | Stragellive | Smith | Thomas | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Teerorkin | Kemp | Edwd | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Teerorkin | Kemp | Edwd | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Teerorkin | Kemp | Geo | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Teerorkin | Kemp | Geo | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Teerorkin | Kemp | Wm | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Teerorkin | Kemp | Wm | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Tenorkin | Kemp | Edwd | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Tenorkin | Kemp | George | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Tenorkin | Kemp | Willm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Brady | Mary | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Ramsay | Wm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Rehill | Thos | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Ruddy | Pat | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tierquinn | Tilson | 1826 | |
Tirourkan | Tirourkan | Kempe | Edw | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Tirourkan | Kempe | Geo | 1826 |
Tirourkan | Tirourkan | Kempe | Wm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Bernd | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Heu | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Hu | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Hugh | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Jas | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Mary | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Mary | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Mary | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Michael | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Michl | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Phil | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Brady | Phill | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Ramsay | Wm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Ramsey | Wm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Ramsy | Wm | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Reehil | Thos | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Reehil | Thos | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Reehill | Thomas | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Ruddy | Pat | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Ruddy | Pat | 1826 |
Tirquin | Tirquin | Ruddy | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Magaughran | Thos | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Mcnamee | Fras | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Smith | John | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tuleyco | Smith | Math | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Magaughran | Thos | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Mcnamee | Frank | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Reilly | Richard | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Smith | John | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullyco | Smith | Matt | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Magaughran | Thomas | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Mcnamee | Fras | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Reilly | Michael | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Smith | James | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Smith | John | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoe | Smith | Mathew | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Gray | Denis | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Keogan | John | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Mcgeure | Thos | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Nully | Benie | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Rahill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Smith | John | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Smith | Mary | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tullycoel | Smith | Mathew | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Farnham | 1826 | |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | John | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | John | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | John | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | John | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | Robert | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | Robt | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | Robt | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | Robt | 1826 |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | 1826 | |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | 1826 | |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | 1826 | |
Tullylough | Tullylough | Walsh | 1826 | |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Everard | R H | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Magaughrun | Thos | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Mcnamee | Frank | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Reehel | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Reehill | Pat | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Reilly | Michl | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Reilly | Richd | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Smith | Jas | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Smith | John | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Smith | Matt | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Welsh | George | 1826 |
Tullycoe | Tyllycoe | Wynne | Richd | 1826 |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
No records found
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Aghalackan | Clarke | Hugh |
Aghalackan | Colovan | Patrick |
Aghalackan | Connaghty | John |
Aghalackan | Dunn | John |
Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Peter |
Aghalackan | Fitzpatrick | Thomas |
Aghalackan | Jackson | James |
Aghalackan | Keogan | Anne |
Aghalackan | Mc Cabe | Owen |
Aghalackan | Mc Evoy | Patrick |
Aghalackan | Meehan | Patrick |
Aghalackan | Murray | Bernard |
Aghalackan | Murray | Bernard, Jr. |
Aghalackan | Murray | Bernard, Sr. |
Aghalackan | Rehill | Andrew |
Aghalackan | Rehill | Patrick |
Aghalackan | Reilly | Hugh |
Aghalackan | Smith | Andrew |
Aghalackan | Smith | Bernard |
Aghalackan | Smith | James |
Aghalackan | Smith | Patrick |
Aghalackan | Smith | Terence |
Aghalackan | Tully | Andrew |
Agharahan | Dunn | John |
Agharahan | Dunn | Terence |
Agharahan | Dunne | Robert |
Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Joseph |
Agharahan | Fitzsimons | Patrick |
Agharahan | Mc Cabe | Francis |
Agharahan | Mc Cabe | Patrick |
Agharahan | Smith | Patrick |
Aghnaglogh | Boylan | Philip |
Aghnaglogh | Brady | John |
Aghnaglogh | Brady | Patrick |
Aghnaglogh | Browne | Thomas |
Aghnaglogh | Browne | William |
Aghnaglogh | Fegan | Patrick |
Aghnaglogh | Fegan | Thomas |
Aghnaglogh | Fitzpatrick | James |
Aghnaglogh | Fitzpatrick | Laurence |
Aghnaglogh | Gaffney | James |
Aghnaglogh | Galligan | Bridget |
Aghnaglogh | Hewitt | Thomas |
Aghnaglogh | Jackson | John |
Aghnaglogh | Keogh | John |
Aghnaglogh | Lowry | David |
Aghnaglogh | Mc Cabe | Rose |
Aghnaglogh | Smith | Andrew |
Annagelliff | Brady | Andrew |
Annagelliff | Brady | Bernard |
Annagelliff | Brady | Margaret |
Annagelliff | Brady | Mary |
Annagelliff | Brady | Patrick |
Annagelliff | Brady | Terence, Jr. |
Annagelliff | Brady | Terence, Sr. |
Annagelliff | Sheridan | John |
Ballymackinroe | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Ballymackinroe | Humphrys | William |
Ballymackinroe | Moore | John |
Ballymackinroe | Moore | William |
Beaghy | Brady | Bernard |
Beaghy | Brady | Luke |
Beaghy | Darby | Robert |
Beaghy | Fitzpatrick | Hugh |
Beaghy | Gallagher | Patrick |
Beaghy | Gorman | Andrew |
Beaghy | Lee | Patrick |
Beaghy | Mc Cabe | Edward |
Beaghy | Mc Cabe | Peter |
Beaghy | Mc Cabe | Robert |
Beaghy | Mc Caul | John |
Beaghy | Nolan | James |
Billis | Brady | Anne |
Billis | Brady | Francis |
Billis | Brady | John |
Billis | Brady | Philip |
Billis | Collins | John |
Billis | Collins | Mary |
Billis | Halpin | Charles, M.D. |
Billis | Keeffe | Arthur |
Billis | Lawson | John |
Billis | Magee | Thomas |
Billis | Mc Guire | Patrick |
Billis | Monaghan | Catherine |
Billis | Olvany | Peter |
Billis | Young | Thomas |
Carrickane | Hosey | Thomas |
Carrickane | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Carrickane | Wood | William |
Corglass | Beatty | Martin |
Corhoogan | Cahill | Michael |
Corhoogan | Cahill | Owen |
Corhoogan | Greene | Patrick |
Corhoogan | Smith | Thomas |
Corlisalee | Doherty | Patrick |
Corlisalee | Donohoe | John |
Corlisalee | Gaffney | Patrick |
Corlisalee | Hamilton | Anne |
Corlisalee | Johnston | Joseph |
Corlisalee | Kelly | Thomas |
Corlisalee | Malone | Catherine |
Corlisalee | Olvany | Mary |
Corlurgan | Byrnes | Hugh |
Corlurgan | Fannin | John |
Corlurgan | Finnegan | James |
Corlurgan | Finnegan | Patrick |
Corlurgan | Fitzpatrick | John |
Corlurgan | Galligan | Mary |
Corlurgan | Hyland | Thomas |
Corlurgan | Lee | John |
Corlurgan | Mc Intyre | Edward |
Corlurgan | Moore | Henry |
Corlurgan | Reilly | Patrick |
Corlurgan | Saunderson | Mary Anne |
Crubany | Beatty | Martin |
Crubany | Brady | John |
Crubany | Donohoe | Patrick |
Crubany | Gaffney | Bernard |
Crubany | Hewit | Joseph |
Crubany | Hewitt | Jane |
Crubany | Keaney | Terence |
Crubany | Knipe | Rev. John A. |
Crubany | Monaghan | John |
Crubany | Reilly | Hugh |
Crubany | Rourke | John |
Crubany | Smith | Bridget |
Crubany | Smith | James |
Crubany | Smith | Michael |
Crubany | Smith | Peter |
Crubany | Smith | Rose |
Crubany | Smith | Terence |
Crubany | Smith | Thomas, Jr. |
Crubany | Smith | Thomas, Sr. |
Crumlin | Browne | George |
Crumlin | Browne | John |
Crumlin | Clarke | Michael, Jr. |
Crumlin | Clarke | Michael, Sr. |
Crumlin | Leddy | James |
Crumlin | Leddy | Matthew |
Crumlin | Leddy | Patrick |
Crumlin | Mc Givney | Bernard |
Cullies | Brady | John |
Cullies | Brady | Philip |
Cullies | Brown | William |
Cullies | Dancy | William |
Cullies | Gaffney | Edward |
Cullies | Gilchreest | John |
Cullies | Montgomery | Nathaniel |
Cullies | Simons | Samuel |
Cullies | Young | John |
Curragho | Brady | Patrick |
Curragho | Collins | James |
Curragho | Lamb | Laurence |
Curragho | Lawson | John |
Curragho | Mc Guire | Patrick |
Curragho | Monaghan | Catherine |
Curragho | Young | Rep. Bernard |
Drumalee | Brady | Walter |
Drumalee | Moore | William |
Drumalee | Pattison | Alexander |
Drumalee | Reilly | Patrick |
Drumalee | Saunderson | Col. Alex |
Drumbo | Baxter | James |
Drumbo | Baxter | Thomas |
Drumbo | Castles | Patrick |
Drumbo | Clarke | Catherine |
Drumbo | Dancy | Archibald |
Drumbo | Dancy | Thomas |
Drumbo | Dancy | William |
Drumbo | Fawcett | Mary |
Drumbo | Fitzpatrick | Edward |
Drumbo | Fitzpatrick | Matthew |
Drumbo | Fitzpatrick | Patrick |
Drumbo | Gilchreest | John |
Drumbo | Gorman | Mary |
Drumbo | Grey | John |
Drumbo | Jones | Henry |
Drumbo | Lawson | John |
Drumbo | Mc Cascar | Patrick |
Drumbo | Reilly | James |
Drumbo | Smith | Patrick |
Drumbo | Tubman | Patrick |
Drumbo | Tubman | Robert |
Drumcrauve | Baxter | James |
Drumcrauve | Brady | Alice |
Drumcrauve | Brady | Bernard |
Drumcrauve | Brady | Charles |
Drumcrauve | Brady | William |
Drumcrauve | Donohoe | John |
Drumcrauve | Farrelly | John |
Drumcrauve | Kelliher | Owen |
Drumcrauve | Logan | Hugh |
Drumcrauve | Murray | Owen |
Drumcrauve | Murray | Philip |
Drumcrauve | Olvany | Margaret |
Drumcrauve | Olvany | Peter |
Drumcrauve | Reilly | Rose |
Drumcrauve | Smith | Matthew |
Drumcrauve | Young | Rep. Bernard |
Drumkeen | Moore | William |
Drumkeen | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Drumlark | Browne | James |
Drumlark | Carins | John |
Drumlark | Dinnin | Mary |
Drumlark | Mc Clelland | John |
Drumlark | Morris | Christopher |
Drumlark | Morris | Christopher |
Drumlark | Rehill | Thomas |
Drumlark | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Drumlark | Tierney | Patrick |
Drumlark | Ward | Felix |
Drumlark | Woods | William |
Drumoghra | Brady | Bernard |
Drumoghra | Coyle | Ellen |
Drumoghra | Lynch | Bernard |
Drumoghra | Lynch | James |
Edenticlare | Brady | Owen |
Edenticlare | Dunn | Michael |
Edenticlare | Fitzpatrick | Terence |
Edenticlare | Fitzsimons | Bernard |
Edenticlare | Lee | Brien |
Edenticlare | Mc Cabe | James |
Edenticlare | Mc Givney | John |
Edenticlare | Ramsey | Robert |
Edenticlare | Ramsey | Samuel |
Edenticlare | Ramsey | William |
Edenticlare | Reilly | Terence |
Edenticlare | Smith | Brien |
Glasdrumman | Castles | James |
Glasdrumman | Castles | Loughlin |
Glasdrumman | Colovan | Anne |
Glasdrumman | Dobson | John |
Glasdrumman | Malony | James |
Glasdrumman | Nulty | Terence |
Glasdrumman | Nulty | Thomas |
Glasdrumman | Rehill | Patrick |
Glasdrumman | Ruddy | Rose |
Glasdrumman | Smith | Andrew |
Glasdrumman | Smith | Peter |
Gortnakesh | Finnegan | Thomas |
Gortnakesh | Malone | John |
Killygarry | Brady | Bernard |
Killygarry | Lawler | James |
Killygarry | Lee | Bernard |
Killygarry | Lee | Francis |
Killygarry | Lee | Patrick |
Killygarry | Murray | James |
Killygarry | Murray | Patrick |
Killygarry | Murray | Thomas |
Killygarry | O'Hara | James |
Killygarry | Olwill | Matthew |
Killygarry | Olwill | Michael |
Killygarry | Rehill | Philip |
Killygarry | Reilly | Mary |
Killygarry | Reilly | Patrick |
Killynebber | Cosgrave | Patrick |
Killynebber | Coyle | Ellen |
Killynebber | Fagan | William |
Killynebber | Hague | William |
Killynebber | Kennedy | Edward |
Killynebber | Lough | Matthew |
Killynebber | Magee | Thomas |
Killynebber | Saunderson | Col. Alex |
Killynebber | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Killynebber | Smith | Thomas |
Latt | Annesley | Earl |
Latt | Brady | Anne |
Latt | Brady | Jn. |
Latt | Brady | John |
Latt | Browne | James |
Latt | Connaghty | Patrick |
Latt | Darby | Bt. |
Latt | Darby | Robert |
Latt | Darby | William |
Latt | Hague | William |
Latt | Kehoe | John |
Latt | Mc Cann | Peter |
Latt | Nulty | Francis |
Latt | Olwill | Patrick |
Latt | Olwill | Philip |
Latt | Rehill | Edward |
Latt | Smith | Thomas |
Latt | Tully | Matthew |
Lismullig | Brogan | John |
Lismullig | Burroughs | Robert |
Lismullig | Cullen | Michael |
Lismullig | Gray | James |
Lismullig | Hartly | Thomas |
Lismullig | Keliher | Rep. James |
Lismullig | Lee | John |
Lismullig | O'Reilly | Cosby |
Lismullig | Reilly | Owen |
Lismullig | Reilly | Philip |
Lismullig | Reilly | Rep. Farrell |
Lisreagh | Brady | Andrew |
Lisreagh | Brady | Anne |
Lisreagh | Fitzpatrick | Owen |
Lisreagh | Fitzpatrick | Patrick |
Lisreagh | Gaffney | Bernard |
Lisreagh | Keogan | John |
Lisreagh | Keogh | Charles |
Lisreagh | Kerrigan | Patrick |
Lisreagh | Leddy | Patrick |
Lisreagh | Mc Evoy | Michael |
Lisreagh | Monaghan | Andrew |
Lisreagh | Reehin | Catherine |
Moynehall | Adams | Rev. Anthony |
Moynehall | Brady | John |
Moynehall | Brady | Peter |
Moynehall | Davis | Thomas |
Moynehall | Gilshenan | Owen |
Moynehall | Mc Gauran | James, Jr. |
Moynehall | Mc Gauran | Rep. Js., Sr. |
Moynehall | Rourke | Hugh |
Moynehall | Sheridan | James |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Beatty | Martin |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Brady | Patrick |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Fegan | Patrick |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Finnegan | Thomas |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Lee | Hugh |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Malone | John |
Oldtown or Cornagleragh | Owens | Mary |
Poles | Brady | Peter |
Poles | Dobson | John |
Poles | Inglesby | John |
Poles | Matchet | John |
Poles | Naze | John |
Poles | Naze | William |
Poles | Reilly | Thomas |
Poles | Smith | Mary |
Poles | Smith | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Brady | John |
Pollamore Far | Donohoe | Anne |
Pollamore Far | Lee | Bernard |
Pollamore Far | Mc Nally | John |
Pollamore Far | Murray | Owen |
Pollamore Far | Olwill | Michael |
Pollamore Far | Rehill | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Reilly | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Anne |
Pollamore Far | Smith | John |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Mrs. ??? |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Patrick |
Pollamore Far | Smith | Patrick, Sr. |
Pollamore Far | Smith | William |
Pollamore Near | Brady | William |
Pollamore Near | Erskine | Col. Robert |
Pollamore Near | Olwill | Margaret |
Pollamore Near | Pratt | Edward |
Pollamore Near | Pratt | Elliott |
Pollamore Near | Pratt | Isaac |
Pollamore Near | Pratt | Samuel |
Pollamore Near | Pratt | William |
Pollamore Near | Ramsay | Thomas |
Pollamore Near | Ramsay | William |
Pottle | Cusack | Owen |
Pottle | Smith | Hugh |
Pottle | Smith | Margaret |
Rathcorick | Browne | Thomas |
Rathcorick | Browne | William |
Rathcorick | Cahill | Owen, Jr. |
Rathcorick | Cahill | Owen, Sr. |
Rathcorick | Fitzpatrick | James |
Rathcorick | Fitzpatrick | Matthew |
Rathcorick | Gaffney | James |
Rathcorick | Hewit | Thomas |
Rathcorick | Jackson | John |
Rathcorick | Keogh | John |
Rathcorick | Lowry | David |
Rathcorick | Murray | John |
Rathcorick | Rourke | Andrew |
Rathcorick | Rourke | Patrick |
Reask | Brady | James |
Reask | Brady | John |
Reask | Brady | Peter |
Reask | Cahill | Philip |
Reask | Pratt | Elliott |
Shankill Lower | Brady | Margaret |
Shankill Lower | Brady | Mary |
Shankill Lower | Brislin | Anne |
Shankill Lower | Brislin | Charles |
Shankill Lower | Donohoe | Hugh |
Shankill Lower | Kelly | Anne |
Shankill Lower | Lanesborough | ??? |
Shankill Lower | Lee | Luke |
Shankill Lower | Lee | Michael |
Shankill Lower | Lee | Owen |
Shankill Lower | Maginness | Ellen |
Shankill Lower | Mc Lennon | Bernard |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | Anne |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | John |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | Lawrence |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | Patrick |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | Philip |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | Sarah |
Shankill Lower | Olwill | Thomas |
Shankill Lower | Reilly | Edward |
Shankill Lower | Reilly | John |
Shankill Lower | Reilly | Patrick |
Shankill Lower | Smith | Patrick |
Shankill Lower | Smith | Thomas |
Shankill Upper | Callaghan | Patrick |
Shankill Upper | Clarke | John |
Shankill Upper | Coyle | Ellen |
Shankill Upper | Coyle | Margaret |
Shankill Upper | Cusack | Owen |
Shankill Upper | Flood | Philip |
Shankill Upper | Gallagher | Mary |
Shankill Upper | Gray | John |
Shankill Upper | Keeney | John |
Shankill Upper | Lyons | Philip |
Shankill Upper | Maginness | John |
Shankill Upper | Mc Cabe | Felix |
Shankill Upper | Mc Evers | Bernard |
Shankill Upper | Neale | Terence |
Shankill Upper | Nulty | James |
Shankill Upper | Reilly | Edward |
Shankill Upper | Reynolds | Eliza |
Shankill Upper | Smith | Margaret |
Shankill Upper | Smith | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Brady | Alice |
Stragelliff | Brady | John |
Stragelliff | Carroll | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Farrelly | John |
Stragelliff | Gaffney | Bernard |
Stragelliff | Gaffney | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Gray | James |
Stragelliff | Kavanagh | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Keliher | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Kelliher | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Leonard | Owen |
Stragelliff | Lynch | Bernard |
Stragelliff | Lynch | James |
Stragelliff | Mc Avenew | Thomas |
Stragelliff | Mc Givney | Thomas |
Stragelliff | Mc Lennon | Bernard |
Stragelliff | Munroe | James |
Stragelliff | Murray | Bernard |
Stragelliff | Murray | John |
Stragelliff | Murray | Mary |
Stragelliff | Murray | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Murray | Philip |
Stragelliff | Olvany | Hugh |
Stragelliff | Reilly | James |
Stragelliff | Reilly | John |
Stragelliff | Reilly | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Smith | James |
Stragelliff | Tully | Patrick |
Stragelliff | Young | Rep. Bernard |
Tirourkan | Connaghty | Thomas |
Tirourkan | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Tirourkan | Higgins | Michael |
Tirourkan | Hynes | Bridget |
Tirourkan | Kemp | Edward |
Tirourkan | Kemp | William |
Tirourkan | Maguire | James |
Tirourkan | Rahill | Mary |
Tirourkan | Smith | Owen |
Tirourkan | Wilton | John |
Tirquin | Brady | Anne |
Tirquin | Brady | Bridget |
Tirquin | Brady | Hugh |
Tirquin | Brady | John |
Tirquin | Brady | Judith |
Tirquin | Brady | Michael |
Tirquin | Leddy | John |
Tirquin | Ruddy | Patrick |
Tirquin | Smith | Edward |
Tullycoe | Brady | Patrick |
Tullycoe | Brady | Thomas |
Tullycoe | Clarke | James |
Tullycoe | Galligan | Patrick |
Tullycoe | Jemsey | James |
Tullycoe | Maguire | John |
Tullycoe | Maguire | Joseph |
Tullycoe | Saunderson | Mary Anne |
Tullycoe | Smith | John |
Tullylough | Banister | Robert |
Tullylough | Kells | Eliza |
Tullylough | Kenny | Charles |
Tullylough | Walsh | Joseph |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Annagelliff
Aghalackan Agharahan Aghnaglogh Annagelliff Ballymackinroe Beaghy Billis Carrickane Corglass Corhoogan Corlisalee Corlurgan Cornagleragh or Oldtown Crubany Crumlin (Annagelliff Civil Parish) Cullies Curragho Drumalee Drumbo Drumcrauve Drumkeen Drumlark Drumoghra Edenticlare Glasdrumman Gortnakesh Killygarry Killynebber Latt Lismullig Lisreagh Moynehall Poles Pollamore Far Pollamore Near Pottle Rathcorick Reask Shankill Lower Shankill Upper Stragelliff Tirourkan Tirquin Tullycoe Tullylough