Commonwealth Survey of 1652

Name in 1652 | Rassan |
Proprietor | Captain Coach |
Census of 1821
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Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Rassan | Rossan | Brady | Bryan | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Callaghan | Edwd | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Duignan | Thos | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Duignan | 1828 | |
Rassan | Rossan | King | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Linch | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Linch | Michl | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Linch | On | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Little | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Little | Phil | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Little | Phil | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcentire | Bryan | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcentire | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcentire | 1828 | |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Jas | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Mathw | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Michl | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Monaghan | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Monahan | Jas | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Monahan | Pet | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Chas | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Hugh | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | 1828 | |
Rassan | Rossan | Smith | C | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Smith | Farrel | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Wilson | H B | 1828 |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
Contains 392 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of Counsellor Wilson of White Hill near Granard. The agent is Mr. Henry Wilson of Screen, Co. Meath. Leases are of 1 life to 21 years. Rent is from £1.7. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 2 to 24 Irish acres. Soil is of a pretty good loam and produces good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co.cess is 6d per half year per acre. Religion: all Roman Catholics. Near the centre of the townland are old forts. The main road from Ballyjamesduff to Kilnaleck runs through this townland and adjoining the road on the East side of the townland is a corn and tuck mill.
Contains 96 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is £1 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Soil is poor and stoney and produces but poor crops of oats and potatoes. Co. cess is 5 1/2 d per acre per half year. Size of farms is from 1 to 15 acres. The inhabitants are all Roman Catholics. The houses are all built with stone on the East side of the townland. Along the parish mearing is a large precipice.
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Rassan | Brady | Matthew |
Rassan | Brady | Anne |
Rassan | Callaghan | Patrick |
Rassan | Comerford | John |
Rassan | Dignam | Andrew |
Rassan | King | Matthew |
Rassan | Little | Michael |
Rassan | Little | Rose |
Rassan | Lynch | Bridget |
Rassan | Lynch | Patrick |
Rassan | Lynch | Philip |
Rassan | Lynch | Thomas |
Rassan | Maguire | Ellen |
Rassan | Mc Enerny | Michael |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | William |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Michael |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Matthew |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Mary |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Edward |
Rassan | Mc Gaughran | Peter |
Rassan | Mc Gaughran | Peter, Jr. |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | Bryan |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | John |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | Patrick |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | Peter |
Rassan | Moore | William |
Rassan | Morrogh | Robert |
Rassan | Reilly | Charles |
Rassan | Reilly | Hugh |
Rassan | Reilly | John |
Rassan | Reilly | Thomas |
Rassan | Timmons | Michael |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Census of 1901
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Census of 1911
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Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Crosserlough
Aghaconny Aghagegna Aghakee Aghawee Carrickabane Carrickacroy Cashel Clare Clareboy Clonmult Coolkill Corbeagh Corduff Corglass Corlateerin Corlislea Creenow Crosserlough Cullow Curraghabreedin Derrin Lower Derrin Upper Derry Derrylahan Derrylea Drumanalaragh Drumbee Drumcassidy Drumegil Drumhallagh Druminisclin Drumkilly Drumloman Drumnakinneo Drumnalaragh Drumrath Drumroragh Drumscruddan Duffcastle Finaway Garrynogher Gortachurk (Crosserlough Civil Parish) Graddum Keelderry Keenagh Kiffagh Kill Kill Demesne Killynure Killytogher Kilmainham Kilnacrott Kilnaleck Kilnaleck Latnadronagh Lecharry Lisdonnish Mullacastle Mullaghkeel Pollareagh Portan Raharverty Rassan Rassan or Corglass Rockfield Sallaghill Tedeehan Lower Tedeehan Middle Tedeehan Upper Togher Tonylion