Lewis 1837
KILLENCARE, or KILLENKERE, a parish, partly in the barony of UPPER LOUGHTEE, but chiefly in that of CASTLERAGHAN, county of CAVAN, and province of ULSTER, 4 miles (W. S. W.) from Bailieborough, on the road to Virginia; containing 7600 inhabitants. This parish, which is also called Killinskere, comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 15,9621/4 statute acres, of which 1311/4 are water, and there is some bog. The lands are principally arable, and in a tolerable state of cultivation; slate is found here, but of very inferior quality, and the quarries formerly worked have in consequence been discontinued: an ore supposed to be zinc has been discovered on the townland of Durryham, but it has not been yet worked. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Kilmore, and in the patronage of the Bishop: the rectory is impropriate in the representatives of Richard, Earl of Westmeath: the tithes amount to £480. The church, for the erection of which the late Board of First Fruits granted £900 as a gift, and £1200 as a loan, in 1817, is a very neat structure. The same Board, in 1816, gave £325 and lent £1050 towards the erection of the glebe-house, which is a handsome residence; the glebe comprises 380 acres. The R. C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church: the chapel is a plain building, and there is also one at Clanaphillip. There is a place of worship for Presbyterians, in connexion with the Synod of Ulster, of the third class; also one for those in connexion with the Seceding Synod. About 440 children are taught in four public schools, of which one is supported by Lord Farnham, and another by the Sankey family; and there are eight private schools, in which are about 480 children, and a Sunday-school. There are numerous mineral springs in the parish, some of which are used medicinally.
Commonwealth Survey of 1652

Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Assan | Assantrewish | Col Thos Coote |
Beagh Glebe | Beagh | Gleabland |
Billis | Billy | Col Thos Coote |
Burnew | Bornew | Captain Cosby |
Cargagh | ||
Carnagarve | Carngarow | Mr John Davenport |
Carnalynch | Carn Ilyney | Mr John Davenport |
Carrickeeshil | Cargagishell | Col Thos Coote |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Mr John Davenport |
Carricknamaddoo | Cargenemaddow | Col. Sanderson |
Carricknaveagh | Carrickneviagh | Mr John Davenport |
Cleffin | ||
Coolnacola | Coolnecowla | Col. Sanderson |
Corradooa | Corradua | Captain Cosby |
Corraneden | Correneaden | Col Thos Coote |
Corratinner | ||
Derryhum | Doohriem | Church Land |
Drumagolan | Dromaghguolyn | Col Thos Coote |
Drumederglass | Dromedderaglasse | Col Thos Coote |
Drumfomina | Dromfomuny | Col Thos Coote |
Drummallaght | Dromallaght | Col Thos Coote |
Drutamy | Drootamone | Mr John Davenport |
Fartadreen | Fartydryen | Mr John Davenport |
Finternagh | Finternagh | Cornet Daniell Clemence |
Gallon | ||
Galloncurra | ||
Gola | ||
Greaghadoo | Greaaghduffe | |
Greaghadossan | Greaghdossan | Captain Cosby |
Greaghclaugh | Greaghcleagh | Captain Cosby |
Greaghduff | Greaghduff | Col Thos Coote |
Greaghnacunnia | Greaghnakenmy | Church Land |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnefarna | Col Sanderson & Col Thos Coote |
Invyarroge | Envergarroga | Mr John Davenport |
Killyduff | Killaghduffe | Col Thos Coote |
Kilmore | Killemore | Captain Cosby |
Lateaster | Lattaester | Col Thos Coote |
Lismagiril | ||
Lisnabantry | Lisnebontrewy | Barthol Killett |
Lissacapple | Lissachappuill | Col Thos Coote |
Lissanymore | Lissanyvore | Col. Sanderson |
Lurgananure | Lorgenanure | Col Thos Coote |
Lurganaveele | Lorgenaveele | Cornet Daniell Clemence |
Moylett | ||
Pottleduff | Potlduffe | Col Thos Coote |
Stramaquerty | Srahvickweherty | Col Thos Coote |
Termon | ||
Tievenaman | ||
Togher | Togher | Mr John Davenport |
Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Byrns | Joseph | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Carothers | Saml | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Coghran | Robt | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Flood | James | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Flynn | James | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Hayes | Henry | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Hunter | John | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Hunter | Thos | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Hunter | William | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Mccullagh | Henry | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Mcelwain | Andw | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Nugent | Oliver | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Ross | John | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Wainright | Luke | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Waller | Robt | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Williamson | Ann | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Williamson | Jas | 1833 |
Cleffin | Annacliffin | Williamson | Robt | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Carahil | Michl | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Carahil | Michl | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Cooney | Patrick | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Cooney | Patrick | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Nixon | George | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Nixon | George | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Nixon | George | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Nixon | George | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Nixon | John | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Nixon | John | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Bernd | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Bernd | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Edwd | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Edwd | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | John | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | John | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Luke | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Luke | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Thos | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Reilly | Thos | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Smith | Mark | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Smith | Mark | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Smith | Thomas | 1833 |
Assan | Assan | Smith | Thomas | 1833 |
* unmatched | Augharush | Winter | Pratt | 1833 |
* unmatched | Augharush | Winter | Pratt | 1833 |
* unmatched | Augharush | Winter | Saml | 1833 |
* unmatched | Augharush | Winter | Saml | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Dawson | Ralph | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Hyland | Terence | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Jameson | William | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Little | Thos | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Lynch | Bryan | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Smith | Jno | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Smith | Terence | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Stafford | Henry | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Tracy | John | 1833 |
Billis | Bellesses | Wilson | Thomas | 1833 |
Billis | Bellisses | Blunt | Patrick | 1833 |
Billis | Bellisses | Brady | James | 1833 |
Billis | Bellisses | Cootes | Thomas | 1833 |
Billis | Bellisses | Dawson | Launcelles | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Brady | Edwd | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Brady | Owen | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Brady | Terence | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Clerken | Thos | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Farrelly | Edwd | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Fitzsimons | Jas | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Fitzsimons | Peter | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Fitzsimons | Thos | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Kelly | Barthw | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Kelly | James | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Kelly | Lawce | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Lynch | John | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Rotchfort | Bryan | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Rotchfort | Mathw | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Smith | Jas | 1833 |
Burnew | Burnagh | Traynor | Andrew | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Byrne | Guson | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Carey | Cathn | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Carolan | James | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Clarke | Elizn | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Clarke | Richd | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Dunn | Jas | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Dunn | Patk | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Farrelly | Owen | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Grier | Joseph | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Little | George | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Little | Robert | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Love | John | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Love | Saml | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Love | William | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Ormston | Andw | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Whahope | Joshua | 1833 |
Carnalynch | Carnalinch | Wilson | David | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Carolan | Edwd | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Carolan | Edwd | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Daly | John | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Daly | John | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Farrelly | Mary | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Farrelly | Mary | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Farrelly | Mary | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Farrelly | Michl | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Kettleton | John | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Kettleton | John | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Mahud | James | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Mahud | James | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Mccaffrey | James | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Mccaffrey | James | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Mccaffrey | Patrick | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Mccaffrey | Patrick | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Owens | Mary | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Owens | Phillip | 1833 |
Carricknaveagh | Carnaveagh | Parr | Cathn | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Armstrong | Edwd | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Armstrong | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Barnes | Edwd | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Bohanan | Esther | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Byrne | Guson | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Byrne | James | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Byrne | William | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Byrne | William | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cassidy | Laurce | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Clarke | Jo* | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Clarke | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Clarke | Patrick | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Clarke | Richd | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Clarke | William | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | Ann | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | Edwd | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | James | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | Ralph | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Cox | Robert | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Crawford | Hugh | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Crowe | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Dunn | Bryan | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Farrell | Peter | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Farrelly | Mathew | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Farrelly | Phillip | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Garagan | Patrick | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Henthorn | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Jackson | George | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Jackson | Hugh | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Jackson | James | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Shannon | John | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Smith | Jas | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Smith | Simon | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Smith | William | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Sullivan | Owen | 1833 |
Carnagarve | Carngarrow | Wilson | William | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Carroll | Florence | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clancy | Thomas | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Charles | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Mary | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Mathew | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Phill | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Phillip | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Phillip | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Terence | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Clarke | Thomas | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Cleriken | Patrick | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Dawson | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Dawson | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Delaney | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Delaney | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Farelly | Michl | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Farrelly | Michl | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Fitzsimmons | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Fitzsimons | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Flanigan | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Flanigan | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Irvin | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Irvin | Thomas | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Irwin | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Maxwell | Robert | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Mcelwain | Saml | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Mcfadden | Dempster | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Mcfadden | Edwd | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Mcfadden | George | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Nugent | Charles | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Nugent | Robert | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Parr | Widow | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Reilly | Lawrence | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Roe | Charles | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | Mathew | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | Mathew | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | Michl | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | Patrick | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Smith | Patrick | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Traynor | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Traynor | James | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Traynor | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Traynor | John | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Tully | Francis | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carragorman | Tully | Francis | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Irwin | Thomas | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Maxwell | Robert | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Mcelwain | Saml | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Mcfadden | Dempster | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Mcfadden | Edwd | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Mcfadden | George | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Nugent | Charles | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Nugent | Robert | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Parr | 1833 | |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Reilly | Laurence | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Roe | Charles | 1833 |
Carrickgorman | Carrickgorman | Smith | Michl | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Lundy | Joseph | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Lundy | William | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Lynch | John | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Lynch | John | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Lynch | Phillip | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Macauly | John | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Stafford | Alexr | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Stafford | Benjn | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Stafford | Henry | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Stafford | Jas | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Stafford | Robt | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Williamson | John | 1833 |
* unmatched | Carrickmore | Williamson | Robt | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Brady | Connor | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Brady | James | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Carolan | John | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Carolan | Phillip | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Carolan | Phillip | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Carolan | Stephen | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Cooney | Michl | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Cusack | Jas | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Fagan | James | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Fay | Peter | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Hartford | Mathew | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Hartford | Thomas | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Magillick | Mathew | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Magilmick | Michl | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Mc Cabe | J L | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Mccabe | Mathew | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Mccabe | Peter | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Murray | Thoms | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Ohara | Ambrose | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Ohara | Ann | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Reilly | Phillip | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Saunderson | Alex | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Smith | Bridget | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Smith | James | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Smith | Jas | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Smith | Jno | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Smith | Peter | 1833 |
Carricknamaddoo | Carricknamada | Smith | Phillip | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Brady | Patk | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Connell | Cathn | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Connell | Cathn | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Connell | Judith | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Connell | Patk | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Connell | Peter | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Connell | Thos | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Farrelly | Bryan | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Farrelly | Michl | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Farrelly | Owen | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Fitzsimons | John | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Fitzsimons | Patk | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Fitzsimons | Richd | 1833 |
Cloghergoole | Cliffergoole | Magillick | Jas | 1833 |
Corraneden | Coranedan | Byers | Jas | 1833 |
Corraneden | Coranedan | Byers | Jas | 1833 |
Corraneden | Coranedan | Byers | Joseph | 1833 |
Corraneden | Coranedan | Byers | Robert | 1833 |
Corraneden | Coranedan | Byers | William | 1833 |
Corraneden | Coranedan | Stafford | Nathan | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Cullen | Thos | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Mcneile | John | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Reilly | Luke | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Reilly | Phillip | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Reilly | Sylvester | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Rogers | Thomas | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Smith | Andw | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Smith | Owen | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Smith | Patk | 1833 |
Corradooa | Cordoagh | Smith | Thos | 1833 |
Drumederglass | Drumadiglass | Cox | Robert | 1833 |
Drumederglass | Drumadiglass | Mulligan | Henry | 1833 |
Drumederglass | Drumadiglass | Mulligan | Ralph | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Bohanan | Anthy | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Brady | Edwd | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Byers | John | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Byers | John | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Cootes | William | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Harrison | William | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Henry | John | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Henry | William | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Keilly | Lawrence | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Mckiernan | Lawce | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Mcquade | Henry | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Minagh | Patrick | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Parker | 1833 | |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Spinks | John | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Watson | John | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Wilson | Alexr | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Wilson | David | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Wilson | James | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Wilson | Jas | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Wilson | Mathew | 1833 |
Drumagolan | Drumagolan | Wilson | Robert | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Brady | Joseph | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Brady | Michl | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Cavenagh | James | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Cavenagh | John | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Cavenagh | Michl | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Cavenagh | Rose | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Gillick | Michl | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Lackey | Patrick | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Mcbrien | Andw | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Mccanna | Michl | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Mccanna | Patrick | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Molloy | John | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Molloy | Mary | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Monaghan | Bryan | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Monaghan | John | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Montgomery | George | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Montgomery | Henry | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Montgomery | Robt | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Reilly | Patk | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Reilly | Thos | 1833 |
Drumfomina | Drumfomina | Reilly | William | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Danl | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Michl | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Nichs | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Patrick | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Phillip | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Phillip | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Brady | Thomas | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Burns | Peter | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Byers | James | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Donaghoe | Hugh | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Donaghoe | Jas | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Donaghoe | Patk | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Donaghoe | Phillip | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Donaghoe | Thos | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Lynch | James | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mccahill | John | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mcgiveney | Ann | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mcgiveney | Patrick | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mckeone | Dafney | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mckeone | John | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mckeone | Phillip | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Mckeone | Thomas | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Reilly | Bryan | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Reilly | James | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Reilly | Owen | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Reilly | Patrick | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Smith | John | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Smith | Mary | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Smith | Mary | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Smith | Peter | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Smith | Thomas | 1833 |
Drummallaght | Drummollard | Wilson | Chas | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamin | Jackson | John | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamin | Wilson | James | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Bohanan | George | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Browne | Edwd | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Coghran | James | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Coghran | John | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Gibson | John | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Gibson | Robert | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Harrison | James | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Harrison | William | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Henry | Robert | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Irwine | Thomas | 1833 |
Drutamy | Drutamon | Thrisel | John | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Clarke | John | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Clarke | Michl | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Clarke | Patrick | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Daly | Peter | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Dermott | Patrick | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Drum | Thomas | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Farrelly | Patrick | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Gillick | Lawce | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Gillick | Michl | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Gilmore | James | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Kellett | John | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Kellett | Simon | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Lynch | James | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Parr | Cathn | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Reilly | James | 1833 |
Fartadreen | Farthadreen | Smith | James | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Clinton | Christr | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Cooney | Chas | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Cooney | Jas | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Cooney | Joseph | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Cooney | Patrick | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Duffe | Owen | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Farrelly | Ellen | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Farrelly | Francis | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Farrelly | John | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Farrelly | Owen | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Geelan | William | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Jackson | Robt | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Mcentee | Hugh | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Reilly | Chas | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finterna | Reilly | Edwd | 1833 |
Finternagh | Finternagh | Bones | Owen | 1833 |
Galloncurra | Gallancora | Coghran | James | 1833 |
Galloncurra | gallancora | Coghran | Jas | 1833 |
Galloncurra | Gallancora | Coghran | William | 1833 |
Galloncurra | Galloncurra | Mcelwain | John | 1833 |
Galloncurra | Galloncurra | Strong | Robt | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Booker | Edwd | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Carpenter | Thos | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcbrien | Andw | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcbrien | Andw | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcbrien | Luke | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcbrien | Michl | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcbrien | Patk | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcdaniel | Jas | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcdaniel | Michl | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Mcmahon | John | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Moore | Robert | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Reilly | Chas | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Reilly | John | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Reilly | Mary | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Sheridan | Jas | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Smith | Hugh | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Smith | James | 1833 |
Gola | Golagh | Wainwright | Luke | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Edmondson | Joseph | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Mccabe | Thomas | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Mcelwain | John | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Reilly | Bridget | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Reilly | John | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Smith | Bryan | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Smith | James | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Smith | Patk | 1833 |
Greaghadoo | Grahadoagh | Smith | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Connell | John | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Davison | Henry | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Henry | John | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Mccabe | Felix | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Mccabe | Owen | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Mccaffrey | William | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Reilly | Hugh | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Reilly | Luke | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Reilly | Michl | 1833 |
Greaghduff | Grahaduffe | Reilly | Patk | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Brady | Thomas | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Cranston | Thomas | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Flood | Patk | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Flynn | Edwd | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Flynn | Joseph | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mallen | Patk | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcbrien | James | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcdonnell | Jas | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | Andw | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | Andw | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | Jas | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | John | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | Saml | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | Saml | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Mcelwain | Thos | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Newel | Robert | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Ohara | Saml | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Reilly | Francis | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Reilly | James | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Reilly | John | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Reilly | Michl | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Reilly | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Reilly | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Ruske | Robert | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Shannon | Patk | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Smith | Thos | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Tully | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Wainright | Luke | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Wainright | Mathew | 1833 |
Greaghadossan | Grahadussen | Wright | Hugh | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Brady | Michl | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Fitzpatrick | Jas | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Gaughran | Peter | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Lynch | John | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Maguiness | Bernd | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Mccabe | Mathew | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Stafford | Alexander | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Stafford | Benjn | 1833 |
* unmatched | Graughanan | Traynor | Thomas | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Byrne | Anthy | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Flynn | Edwd | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Lynch | Cath | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Lynch | Owen | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Martin | Cathn | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Parr | George | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Parr | Young | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Reilly | Phillip | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughla Lower | Smith | Andw | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Clinch | James | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Coghran | Adam | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Coghran | James | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Coghran | Richd | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Coghran | William | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Coghran | William | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Connell | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Fitzsimons | Thos | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Gilmore | Jas | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Hartley | Wm | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Hartley | Wm | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Kerk | John | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Kerk | Richd | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Kerk | Wm | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Kerk | Wm | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Lahey | Samuel | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Roe | Michl | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Ruske | Edwd | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Ruske | Hugh | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Ruske | James | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Ruske | Robt | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Ruske | William | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Smith | Anthy | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Smith | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Thrisel | James | 1833 |
Greaghclaugh | Graughlough Upper | Wilson | William | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Brady | Connor | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Brady | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Clarke | John | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Clarke | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Comey | Mary | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Cusack | Michl | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Farrelly | Domk | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Farrelly | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Fegan | Andw | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Fegan | Michl | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Lynch | John | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Lynch | Martin | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Lynch | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Lynch | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Lynch | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mcbrien | Andw | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mccabe | Bryan | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mccabe | John | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mccabe | Owen | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mccabe | Pat | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mccabe | Peter | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Mccabe | 1833 | |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Ohara | Patrick | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Reilly | Bridgt | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Reilly | Hugh | 1833 |
Greaghnafarna | Greaghnafarna | Reilly | Thomas | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | Barthw | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | Chas | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | Chas | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | James | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | John | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | Mary | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Kellett | Simon | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Soden | Chas | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Soden | David | 1833 |
Invyarroge | Invearogue | Soden | David | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | Byers | Robert | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | Cootes | John | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | Cootes | Thomas | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | Cootes | William | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | Jameson | William | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | King | Edward | 1833 |
Killyduff | Killaduff | Lynch | Bernd | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Carolan | Terence | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Dinning | Michl | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Dinning | Phillip | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Douty | Charles | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Douty | John | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Farrelly | Patrick | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Fitzsimons | Chas | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Fitzsimons | Edward | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Fitzsimons | John | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Fitzsimons | Patrick | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Magillick | Patrick | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Magillick | Thos | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Mccabe | Felix | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Mccabe | Mathew | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Mcfadden | Cathn | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Mcfadden | Francis | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Mcfadden | Mathew | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Monaghan | Simon | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Moynaugh | Phillip | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Reilly | Garrett | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Sheils | Francis | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Sheils | Patrick | 1833 |
Kilmore | Kilmore | Sheridan | James | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Cane | Samuel | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Edmondson | Joseph | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Flood | Michael | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Hunter | Edward | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Jennings | Andrew | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Johnson | Edward | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Mcelwain | John | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Ohara | Thomas | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Smith | Francis | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Smith | John | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Smith | Nicholas | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Smith | Phillip | 1833 |
Coolnacola | Kilnacola | Smith | Thomas | 1833 |
Lateaster | Lateaster | Byers | John | 1833 |
Lateaster | Lateaster | Smith | Phillip | 1833 |
Lateaster | Lateaster | Smith | Thomas | 1833 |
Lissacapple | Lisacoppul | Brady | Phillip | 1833 |
Lissacapple | Lisacoppul | Byers | John | 1833 |
Lissacapple | Lisacoppul | Lynch | Mathew | 1833 |
Lissacapple | Lisacoppul | Newel | Samuel | 1833 |
Lissacapple | Lisacoppul | Newel | Thomas | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Hunter | John | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Love | Samuel | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Mcconnell | Jas | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Mcconnell | Peter | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Ohara | Samuel | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Reilly | Andrew | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Reilly | James | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Reilly | James | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Reilly | John | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Reilly | Mary | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Ruske | John | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Smith | Mathew | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Smith | Patrick | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Tully | Phillip | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagiril | Williamson | Hugh | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Brady | Owen | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Carolan | John | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Clarke | Andrew | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Clarke | James | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Clarke | John | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Clarke | Owen | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Clarke | Terence | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Flynn | Edward | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Flynn | James | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Gilshenan | Patrick | 1833 |
Lismagiril | Lismagirl | Hunter | Mary | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Bell | Andrew | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Bell | James | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Bell | Waller | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Bell | William | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Brady | Mathew | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Connell | Phillip | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Cullen | James | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Henthorn | James | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Kane | John | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Kane | Michael | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Kane | Peter | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Mcquade | Thos | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Morgan | Patrick | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Reilly | Jno | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Rooney | Patk | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Smith | Michl | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Smith | Patrick | 1833 |
Lisnabantry | Lisnabuntry | Smith | Phillip | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Carolan | Terence | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Carr | Jas | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Coogan | Michl | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Cooney | John | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Cooney | Patk | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Donaghoe | Thos | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Farrelly | Jas | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Lamb | James | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Lamb | Owen | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Owens | Hugh | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Owens | John | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Owens | Mathew | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Owens | Peter | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Reilly | Patrick | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Smith | Michl | 1833 |
Lurgananure | Lurgananure | Smith | Michl | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Byrne | James | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Campbel | Jane | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Clarke | Patrick | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Chas | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | James | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Jas | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Mary | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Mathew | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Michl | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Patrick | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Peter | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Phillip | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Lynch | Owen | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Rogers | Bryan | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Rogers | Patk | 1833 |
Lurganaveele | Lurganaveele | Walker | John | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Brady | Anthony | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Brady | Patrick | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Brady | 1833 | |
Moylett | Moylad | Cane | Thomas | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Clarke | Owen | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Clarke | Thomas | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | King | Michl | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Lynch | Bryan | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Lynch | Cathn | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Lynch | Owen | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Lynch | Peter | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Lynch | Peter | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Lynch | Phillip | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Mccabe | Owen | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Mccabe | Thomas | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Mcfadden | Chas | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Reilly | James | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Andrew | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | George | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | James | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Lawce | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Michl | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Owen | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Phil | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Terence | 1833 |
Moylett | Moylad | Smith | Thos | 1833 |
Pottleduff | Pottleduff | Mcfadden | Edwd | 1833 |
Pottleduff | Pottleduff | Ros | Chas | 1833 |
Pottleduff | Pottleduff | Usher | John | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Brady | Edward | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Cahill | Thomas | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Fitzsimons | Andrew | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Harrison | Mathew | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Kiernan | Ann | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Kiernan | Michl | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Kiernan | Patk | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Kiernan | Patk | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Kiernan | Phillip | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Kiernan | Phillip | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Lynch | Peter | 1833 |
Stramaquerty | Staghmagriarty | Maquire | Patk | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Armstrong | Martin | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Byers | John | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Byers | Joseph | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Byers | Robert | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Cavenagh | John | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Fay | Patrick | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Mccabe | Edward | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Nixon | George | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Nixon | John | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Rayborn | John | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Rayborn | William | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Smith | Mathew | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Smith | Michael | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Smith | Patrick | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Smith | Peter | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | Smith | Thomas | 1833 |
Tievenaman | Tecvanaman | White | Richard | 1833 |
* unmatched | Allen | Richard | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Broome | Isaac | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Carse | Samuel | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Cartan | John J | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Enknie | J S | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Fay | John | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Jones | Samuel | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Moore | Smith | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Mortimer | David A | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Nugent T | Everard | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Saunderson | Edward James | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Thorogood | William | 1833 | |
* unmatched | Walsh | Margaret Georgina | 1833 | |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
Killinkere Parish
This parish contains 15958.0.9 statute acres of which 139.0.17 are water. 2248 1/2 are uncultivated and the remainder arable land generally of an inferior quality. It contains no town or river of any importance.
It is the property of J. C. Jones Esqr. and contains 138 1/2 acres of which 7 are bog. The old road from Virginia to Cavan passes through it and it crosses at its W. side by the Ballyjamesduff and Cootehill road. Its highest ground near its N .E. boundary is 461 feet above the sea.
It is the property of the Rector of Killinkere parish, and contains 654 1/2 acres of which 148 1/2 are bog, 13 of rough pasture and the Bailieborough and Bally- jamesduff road passes through it and a bye road also. It contains the parish church and the glebe house with 6 1/2 acres of plantation. It also contains 3 forts one of which in the N. part is 533 feet above the sea and another hill on the S. part is 475 feet above the sea. (It was in this townland that General Philip Sheridan of the U.S.A. Army was born. L.OC.)
It is the property of Mrs. Sankey and contains 284 1/4 acres of which 46 acres and three roods are bog, 2 acres are plantation and the remainder cultivated. The Dublin and Cavan mail road passes through it and also the Ballyjamesduff and Bailieborough road. Its highest ground on its N. part is 483 feet above the sea. It contains a school house.
It is the property of (illegible) Young Esqr. and contains 179 acres of which (?) are water, 18 1/4 bog and 10 acres rocky pasture. Black (?) is 494 feet above the sea and Kilmore lough in its N.E. part 494 feet. A bye road passes thro' it.
It is the property of the Bishop of Kilmore and contains 286 acres and 3 quarters of which 21 1/2 are bog. The Bailieboro' and Ballyjamesduff road passes through it. A hill in its centre is 476 feet above the sea. It contains a fort and a remarkable stone near it.
It is the property of John Armstrong Esq. and contains 619 1/4 acres of which 37 1/4 are bog. A bye road passes through its Eastern part. The highest ground near its E. side is 639 feet above the level of the sea and the river. It contains 5 forts.
It is the property of J. Armstrong and contains 468 and 3 quarter acres which 31 are bog and 36 and 3 quarters rough pasture. The Bailieborough and Virginia road passes through it. A hill in its N. part is 773 and another in its S. part 720 feet above the sea. It contains a schoolhouse. (Birthplace of Philip Farrelly, father of John Cardinal Farley, (1842-1918) Archbishop of New York. The Cardinal was born in Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh, where his father had married a Miss Murphy. L.OC.)
It is the property of J. Young Esqr. and contains 344 acres of which 33 and 3 quarters are rocky pasture and 32 1/4 are bog. The Bailieboro' and Virginia road passes through it and also a bye road. Its highest ground near the E. is 713 feet above the sea. It contains a Public house. (it was in this townland that the family of General Philip Sheridan, U.S.A. Army, lived, although as stated elsewhere he was born in Beagh. L.OC.)
It is the property of (?) North Esqr. and contains 518 1/4 acres of which 73 are bog. A bye road passes through it. It contains 3 forts and its highest ground, one of the forts, is 475 feet above the sea. Another hill on its N. part is 453 feet and a river along its E. boundary is 332 feet where it leaves Killinkere parish.
It is the property of Lord Farnham and contains 337 acres of which 69 are rocky ground and 45 3/4 bog. The Bailieboro' and Ballyjamesduff road passes through it. A hill near its centre is 549 feet above the level of the sea. It contains a neat cottage, the residence of Mrs. Parr.
It is the property of Ld. Farnham, and contains 378 acres, of which 1 (?) are bog, and 4 1/2 are rough pasture. The highest ground in its E. part is 561 ft. above the sea. A road from Killinkere Ch. to Cootehill and a new road passes through it. It contains a corn and tuck mill and a river forms its S. boundary. It has 1 1/2 acres of plantation.
It is the property of (?) Smith and contains 221 acres of which 2 are water and 19 and 3 qrs. are bog. A new road passes through its W. side. It contains a large fort.
It is the property of Samuel Swansea and contains 123 1/2 acres all cultivated except 12 and 3 qrs. of bog and 4 acres of rough pasture. The Bailieborough and Virginia road passes through it and it is crossed by the road from Mullagh to Killinkere.
It is the property of Mrs. Sankey and contains 174 1/4 acres of which 34 1/4 are bog and the remainder cultivated. It contains a fort and a very old road passes through its centre.
It is the property of the Bishop of Kilmore let to Admiral Dawson and contains 331 acres of which 22 1/2 are water, 91 are bog and 12 rought pasture. Roads traverse it in various directions. It contains a corn mill, a tuck mill, a R.C. Chapel, a holy well and a fort. Corratinner lough on its S. boundary, is 368 feet above the sea and a small lake on its W. side is 337 feet.
It contains 429 1/4 acres of which 1? are water and 20 are bog. A bye road passes through it. A hill in its centre is 702 feet above the sea. It contains a fort and a corn mill.
It is the property of Mrs. Sankey and contains 98 1/4 acres of which 15 are bog. No road passes through it.
It is the property of J. C. Jones Esqr. and contains 268 1/4 acres of which 55 are bog. Its highest ground, near its centre, is 509 feet above the sea.
It contains 299 1/4 acres of which 38 1/2 are bog and 1 acre is rocky pasture. It is the property of Mrs. Sanky. The Virginia and Cavan old road passes through it and the Ballyjamesduff and Bailieboro' road along its S. boundary.
It is the property of Mrs. Sanky and contains 738 acres of which 43 1/2 are water and 129 are bog. The Dublin and Cavan Mail road passes thro' it and the Ballyjamesduff and Cootehill roal runs along its E. side. A hill in its N. part is 516 feet and another on its S. side 465. Loughnathreegulagh in its Southern part is 338 feet, and a small lake near it, 335 feet above the sea. It contains a corn mill. (This loch is the famous Loch na dTri gCaol the lake of the three narrow parts-? mentioned in the famous Fiannacht poem Lon Doire An Chairn. According to this poem Fionn Mac Cumhaill loved to hear the sounds of the ducks on this lake. The quatrain is as follows: Scolghaire loin Doire An Chairn, Buireach an daimh d'Fhaill na gCaor, Ceol len a gcodladh Fionn go moch, Lachain o Loch na dTri gCaol. L.OC.)
It is the property of Mrs. Young and contains 217 acres of which 15 1/4 are bog. The Bailieborough and Virginia road passes along the E. side. It contains a Public house and a smithy.
It is the property of Mrs. Young and contains 216 1/4 acres of cultivation, 23 acres of bog and 9 1/2 of rough pasture.
It is the property of Mrs. Young and contains 244 1/4 acres all cultivated except 26 acres of bog. A bye road passes through it. It contains 2 forts and a hill near its E. boundary is 592 feet above the sea.
It is the property of Pierce Morton and contains 294 1/4 acres of which 35 3/4 are bog, (?) are water, and the remainder cultivated. A bye road passes through its centre. A hill in its Northern part is 534 feet above the sea and another in its Southern part is 496 feet.
It is the property of Lord Farnham and contains 108 1/2 acres of which 7 1/4 are bog and 6 1/4 are waste.
It is the property of the Bishop of Kilmore and contains 193 1/2 acres of which 10 1/4 are water and 10 1/4 are bog. It contains the ruins of a Church in an old Grave Yard. A Lough in its S.E. part is 337 feet above the sea and another on its W. is 331 feet; the church ruins is (sic) 421 feet above the sea.
It is the property of Lord Farnham and contains 271 acres of which 1 1/4 are water and 23 1/4 bog. A hill near its centre is 691 feet above the sea and a small lake on its N. boundary is 574 feet. (Site of one of the earliest Presbyterian churches in East Cavan and birthplace of that great Cavan footballer, Jimmy Smith. L.OC.)
It is the property of A. Saunderson Esqr. and contains 182 1/2 acres of which 1 is water, 15 are bog and the remainder cultivated. It contains 2 forts and a hill near its centre is 550 feet above the level of the sea.
It is the property of Lord Farnham and contains 557 1/2 acres of which 32 1/4 are bog. A new road passes through it. It is comprised of 3 hills the Northern one 634 feet and the Southern one 523 feet above the sea. The other is situated in its E. part. It contains a fort and 1 acre of plantation.
The property of Lord Farnham and it contains 220 1/2 acres of which 7 are water and 88 are bog. Gallancurra Lough is on its S.E. boundary.
It is the property of the Bishop of Kilmore and contains 203 1/2 acres all cultivated except 9 1/2 acres of bog. The Bailieborough and Ballyjamesduff road passes through it. A hill in its centre is 474 ft. above the sea.
It is the property of Mr. Talbot Esqr. and contains 140 3/4 acres of which 5 are bog. The Ballyjamesduff and Bailieboro' road passes through it. Its highest ground in its centre is 575 feet above the sea.
It is the property of Mrs. Sankey and contains 202 acres, all cultivated except 11 acres of bog. The Dublin and Cavan mail road passes along its W. side. Its highest ground in its N. part is 487 feet above the sea. It contains an Inn on the Dublin road.
It is the property of Francis Young Esqr. and contains 332 3/4 acres of which 8 3/4 are water and 65 1/2 are bog. A bye road passes through it. Kilmore Lough is at its S.E. extremity and another small lake at its N.E. extremity is 337 above the sea. A hill near the last lake is 469 feet above the sea.
It is the property of Mrs. Sankey, and contains 122 acres of which 20 are bog. The Bailieborough and Ballyjamesduff road passes through its centre. The high- est ground near its centre 535 feet above the sea.
It is the property of Mrs. Sanky, and contains 186 acres of which 47 1/4 are bog. The Bailieborough and Ballyjamesduff road passes through its centre. It contains a fort.
It is the property of Lord Farnham and contains 377 1/4 acres, all cultivated except 24 1/4 of bog. A road to Cootehill from Killinkere church passes through it. It contains a fort and a school house with half an acre of plantation.
It contains 233 acres of which 76 1/4 are bog. The Virginia and Bailieborough road passes along its S.E. part and a bye road through its centre. A small lake is situated on its E. boundary. It contains a fort.
It is the property of Ewd. Brady Esqr. and contains 326 1/2 acres of which 51 1/2 are bog and 63 are rough and rocky pasture. The road from Ballyjamesduff to Cootehill passes through it.
It is the property of John Armstrong and contains 221 1/4 acres of which 10 1/2 are bog and the remainder cultivated. A bye road passes through it, and it contains a fort.
It is the property of Captn. J. Mayne and contains 51 1/4 acres all cultivated except 3/4 acres of bog. The Virginia and Bailieborough road passes through it and also a bye road. Its highest portion near its centre is 611 feet above the sea. It contains a smithy.
It is the property of Revd. Allan Mitchell and contains 180 1/2 acres of which 24 are bog. A bye road passes through it. A hill near its E. boundary is 467 feet above the sea. It contains 2 forts.
It is the property of J. Young Esqr. and contains 289 1/4 acres all cultivated except 20 1/4 acres of bog. The Virginia and Bailieborough road passes through its Northern part. Its highest ground in its S.W. part is 661 feet above the sea.
It is the property of Lord Farnham and contains 446 1/4 acres of which 64 3/4 are bog and 16 1/4 rough pasture. The old road from Virginia to Cavan passes through its extremity. A hill in its E. part is 546 feet above the level of the sea.
It is the property of Alex. Saunderson and contains 623 acres of which 177 1/4 are bog and 65 are rough pasture. The Ballyjamesduff and Cootehill road passes through it and also a bye road. A hill in its Northern part is 636 feet, and another in its S. part 538 feet, above the sea.
It is the property of A. Saunderson Esqr. and contains 531 1/2 acres of which 85 1/4 are bog. The Ballyjamesduff and Cootehill road passes along its E. extrem- ity. A hill in its N. part is 707 feet, and another near its W. boundary is 692 feet, above the level of the sea.
It is the property of Col. Saunderson and contains 760 acres of which 1 1/4 are water, 120 are bog and the remainder arable. The Bailieborough and Ballyjames- duff road passes through its centre. It contains 3 forts; one of them near its E. side is 480 feet above the sea.
It is the property of A. Saunderson Esq. and contains 561 1/2 acres of which 28 1/4 are water and 144 bog. The Bailieborough and Cavan road passes through it and also the Ballyjamesduff and Cootehill road. A hill in its N. part is 692 feet, and another in its S. part 713 feet, and Loughacurry on its East side, is 627 feet above the sea. It contains a public house.
It is the property of the Bishop of Kilmore and contains 756 1/4 acres of which 4 are water, 82 1/2 are bog and the remainder cultivated. The Bailieboro' and Ballyjamesduff road passes through its S. extremity and a bye road through its centre. It contains a R.C. Chapel and 2 forts; one of them near its centre is 474 feet and a hill in its N. part is 621 feet above the sea.
It covers a space of 41 1/4 acres of which 26 1/2 acres belong to Killinkere parish and it is 627 feet above the level of the sea.
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Assan | Carragher | Michael |
Assan | Colvin | Philip |
Assan | Coomey | Patrick |
Assan | Coomey | William |
Assan | Fitzsimons | James |
Assan | Lackey | James |
Assan | Maguire | Mary |
Assan | Montgomery | Henry |
Assan | Nixon | George |
Assan | Nixon | Robert |
Assan | Reilly | Edward |
Assan | Reilly | Thomas |
Assan | Skelly | Mary |
Assan | Smyth | Anne |
Assan | Smyth | Daniel |
Assan | Smyth | Mark |
Assan | Smyth | Philip |
Assan | Smyth | Thomas |
Beagh Glebe | Anderson | George |
Beagh Glebe | Armstrong | James |
Beagh Glebe | Brady | Ellen |
Beagh Glebe | Clarke | Andrew |
Beagh Glebe | Clarke | Arnold |
Beagh Glebe | Clarke | John |
Beagh Glebe | Clarke | Peter |
Beagh Glebe | Clarke | Philip |
Beagh Glebe | Clarke | Thomas |
Beagh Glebe | Corrigan | Michael |
Beagh Glebe | Daly | Owen |
Beagh Glebe | Dermot | Patrick |
Beagh Glebe | Duffy | Michael |
Beagh Glebe | Fitzsimon | Judith |
Beagh Glebe | Forsyth | Luke |
Beagh Glebe | Gogarty | Philip |
Beagh Glebe | Hunter | John |
Beagh Glebe | Hunter | Samuel |
Beagh Glebe | Logan | Patrick |
Beagh Glebe | Lynch | John |
Beagh Glebe | Mallon | Andrew |
Beagh Glebe | Mallon | Michael |
Beagh Glebe | Mc Gillick | John |
Beagh Glebe | Mc Sullagh | Owen |
Beagh Glebe | O'Reilly | Rev. James |
Beagh Glebe | Reilly | Patrick |
Beagh Glebe | Roe | Anne |
Beagh Glebe | Sharkey | Bernard |
Beagh Glebe | Sheridan | James |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Charles |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Edward |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Esther |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Mary |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Matthew |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Matthew, Sr. |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Michael |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Patk. |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Patrick |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Peter |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | Ptk. |
Beagh Glebe | Smyth | William |
Beagh Glebe | Taylor | Dr. ??? |
Billis | Brady | Peter |
Billis | Caffrey | Michael |
Billis | Dawson | Thomas |
Billis | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Billis | Elliott | Henry |
Billis | Hyland | Anne |
Billis | Jameson | William |
Billis | Jennings | Francis |
Billis | Little | Thomas |
Billis | Lynch | Bridget |
Billis | Peyton | Rev. Walter C. |
Billis | Roe | Matthew |
Billis | Smyth | Joseph |
Billis | Wilson | Thomas |
Billis | Withers | Patrick |
Burnew | Brady | Bernard |
Burnew | Brady | Mary |
Burnew | Carroll | Bernard |
Burnew | Dennon | Patrick |
Burnew | Doughty | Margaret |
Burnew | Farrelly | Charles |
Burnew | Farrelly | Philip |
Burnew | Fitzsimon | Bryan |
Burnew | Fitzsimon | Patrick |
Burnew | Gillick | Cornelius |
Burnew | Kelly | Bartholomew |
Burnew | Kelly | Laurence |
Burnew | Lynch | Ellen |
Burnew | Lynch | Patrick |
Burnew | Monroe | Margaret |
Burnew | Reilly | Michael |
Burnew | Rochford | Bernard |
Burnew | Rochford | Luke |
Burnew | Sullivan | Patrick |
Burnew | Traynor | Bridget |
Cargagh | Beresford | John |
Cargagh | Byres | Robert |
Cargagh | Gillick | Anthony |
Cargagh | Gillick | Peter |
Cargagh | Gillick | Peter, Jr. |
Cargagh | Gillick | Thomas |
Cargagh | Jennings | Andrew |
Cargagh | Lynch | Bernard |
Cargagh | Mc Cabe | Andrew |
Cargagh | Mc Neill | David |
Cargagh | Mc Neill | Hugh |
Cargagh | Mc Neill | James |
Cargagh | Roundtree | Isaac |
Cargagh | Smyth | Mary |
Cargagh | Soden | James |
Cargagh | Sodon | James |
Cargagh | Wheeler | Mary |
Carnagarve | Armstrong | Elizabeth |
Carnagarve | Armstrong | John |
Carnagarve | Barnes | Edward |
Carnagarve | Burns | James |
Carnagarve | Burns | William |
Carnagarve | Clarke | George |
Carnagarve | Clarke | John |
Carnagarve | Clarke | Joseph |
Carnagarve | Clarke | Owen |
Carnagarve | Clarke | Patrick |
Carnagarve | Clarke | Richard |
Carnagarve | Cox | Anne |
Carnagarve | Cox | John |
Carnagarve | Cox | John, Sr. |
Carnagarve | Cox | Robert, Jr. |
Carnagarve | Cox | Robert, Sr. |
Carnagarve | Crowe | Charles |
Carnagarve | Dunne | Bryan |
Carnagarve | Farrelly | Laurence |
Carnagarve | Farrelly | Philip |
Carnagarve | Gargan | Laurence |
Carnagarve | Hinthorne | John |
Carnagarve | Johnston | Samuel |
Carnagarve | Lynch | Bryan |
Carnagarve | Shannon | Robert |
Carnagarve | Smyth | Edward |
Carnagarve | Smyth | Henry |
Carnagarve | Smyth | Michael |
Carnagarve | Wilson | Joseph |
Carnalynch | Armstrong | John |
Carnalynch | Buchanan | John |
Carnalynch | Carolan | James |
Carnalynch | Clarke | George |
Carnalynch | Clarke | John |
Carnalynch | Clarke | Richard |
Carnalynch | Cochrane | John |
Carnalynch | Cole | John |
Carnalynch | Cole | Thomas |
Carnalynch | Dunne | Bernard |
Carnalynch | Dunne | James |
Carnalynch | Farrelly | Owen |
Carnalynch | Greer | Joseph |
Carnalynch | Little | George |
Carnalynch | Love | John, Sr. |
Carnalynch | Love | Samuel |
Carnalynch | Love | Thomas |
Carnalynch | Love | William |
Carnalynch | Mc Clure | George |
Carnalynch | Mc Gawley | Peter |
Carnalynch | Ormston | Andrew |
Carnalynch | Smyth | Andrew |
Carnalynch | Wauchab | John |
Carnalynch | Wilson | Robert |
Carrickeeshil | Carolan | Simon |
Carrickeeshil | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Carrickeeshil | Flood | Patrick |
Carrickeeshil | Lundy | Joseph |
Carrickeeshil | Lynch | Anne |
Carrickeeshil | Macauly | Thomas |
Carrickeeshil | Stafford | Alexander |
Carrickeeshil | Stafford | Benjamin |
Carrickeeshil | Stafford | George |
Carrickeeshil | Stafford | Henry |
Carrickeeshil | Stafford | Mary |
Carrickeeshil | Watson | John |
Carrickeeshil | Williamson | John |
Carrickeeshil | Williamson | Robert |
Carrickgorman | Cochrane | Adam |
Carrickgorman | Cooney | Francis |
Carrickgorman | Dempsey | Michael |
Carrickgorman | Flanagan | James |
Carrickgorman | Flood | Patrick |
Carrickgorman | Gillick | Catherine |
Carrickgorman | Lee | Owen |
Carrickgorman | Mc Ilwain | Samuel |
Carrickgorman | Mc Quaid | Henry |
Carrickgorman | Nugent | James |
Carrickgorman | Orpen | John H. |
Carrickgorman | Parr | Charles |
Carrickgorman | Roe | Charles |
Carrickgorman | Smyth | James |
Carrickgorman | Smyth | Matthew |
Carrickgorman | Smyth | Michael |
Carrickgorman | Smyth | Patrick |
Carrickgorman | Thompson | George W. |
Carricknamaddoo | Brady | James |
Carricknamaddoo | Burns | Francis |
Carricknamaddoo | Carolan | Daphne |
Carricknamaddoo | Carolan | Mary |
Carricknamaddoo | Carolan | Owen |
Carricknamaddoo | Carolan | Patrick |
Carricknamaddoo | Cooney | Michael |
Carricknamaddoo | Cooney | Peter |
Carricknamaddoo | Cusack | Patrick |
Carricknamaddoo | Fegan | Michael |
Carricknamaddoo | Fitzsimons | Owen |
Carricknamaddoo | Mc Cabe | Bridget |
Carricknamaddoo | Murray | Michael |
Carricknamaddoo | O'Hara | Michael |
Carricknamaddoo | Reilly | Owen |
Carricknamaddoo | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Carricknamaddoo | Skelly | Michael |
Carricknamaddoo | Smith | Andrew |
Carricknamaddoo | Smith | Felix |
Carricknamaddoo | Smith | Hugh |
Carricknamaddoo | Stafford | Benjamin |
Carricknamaddoo | Stafford | John |
Carricknamaddoo | Stafford | Matthew |
Carricknaveagh | Clarke | Thomas |
Carricknaveagh | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Carricknaveagh | Kellett | Elizabeth |
Carricknaveagh | Kettleton | John |
Carricknaveagh | Mahound | James |
Carricknaveagh | Mc Caffrey | Joseph |
Carricknaveagh | Mc Caffrey | William |
Carricknaveagh | Phayre | Robert |
Carricknaveagh | Smyth | Joseph |
Carricknaveagh | Sturgeon | Thomas |
Carricknaveagh | Waller | James |
Cleffin | Browne | Mary |
Cleffin | Burns | Joseph |
Cleffin | Burns | William |
Cleffin | Byres | Robert |
Cleffin | Clarke | Rev. James |
Cleffin | Coutts | James |
Cleffin | Hayes | John |
Cleffin | Hunter | Mary |
Cleffin | Hunter | Samuel |
Cleffin | Hunter | Thomas |
Cleffin | Lord | Humphrey |
Cleffin | Mc Ilwain | Andrew |
Cleffin | Nugent | Oliver |
Cleffin | Ross | John |
Cleffin | Ross | Lucy |
Cleffin | Smyth | James |
Cleffin | Strong | James |
Cleffin | Wainright | Samuel |
Cleffin | Waller | Robert |
Cleffin | Waller | Thomas |
Coolnacola | Byrne | Peter |
Coolnacola | Edmondson | James |
Coolnacola | Hunter | John |
Coolnacola | Kane | Robert |
Coolnacola | Mc Cabe | Patrick |
Coolnacola | Mc Ilwaine | John |
Coolnacola | Moore | James |
Coolnacola | O'Hara | Thomas |
Coolnacola | Reilly | Peter |
Coolnacola | Sheils | John |
Coolnacola | Smith | John |
Coolnacola | Smith | Patrick |
Coolnacola | Smith | Philip |
Corradooa | Boylan | Owen |
Corradooa | Carroll | Owen |
Corradooa | Carroll | Thomas |
Corradooa | Clarke | Robert |
Corradooa | Cullen | Thomas |
Corradooa | Halfpenny | Nicholas |
Corradooa | Reilly | Ellen |
Corradooa | Reilly | Patrick |
Corradooa | Reilly | Philip |
Corradooa | Rogers | Mary |
Corradooa | Smyth | John |
Corradooa | Smyth | Owen |
Corradooa | Smyth | Patrick |
Corraneden | Bride | James |
Corraneden | Byres | James |
Corraneden | Byres | Joseph |
Corraneden | Byres | William |
Corraneden | Campbell | Mary |
Corraneden | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Corraneden | Farrelly | Denis |
Corraneden | Harrison | William |
Corraneden | Jackson | Anne |
Corraneden | Reilly | Patrick |
Corraneden | Stafford | Nathaniel |
Corratinner | Carroll | John |
Corratinner | Clarke | Mary |
Corratinner | Connell | Patrick |
Corratinner | Connell | Peter |
Corratinner | Dawson | Rev. Hammond |
Corratinner | Gargan | John |
Corratinner | Gillick | Andrew |
Corratinner | Gillick | Patrick |
Corratinner | Gillick | Thomas |
Corratinner | King | Bridget |
Corratinner | Mc Sullagh | Bridget |
Corratinner | Reilly | Matthew |
Corratinner | Smyth | Bridget |
Corratinner | Smyth | George |
Corratinner | Smyth | Matthew |
Corratinner | Smyth | Patrick |
Corratinner | Smyth | Philip |
Derryhum | Carroll | Peter |
Derryhum | Clarke | John |
Derryhum | Clarke | Mick |
Derryhum | Clarke | Owen |
Derryhum | Cusack | Rose |
Derryhum | Farrelly | Owen |
Derryhum | Flood | Edward |
Derryhum | Kane | James |
Derryhum | Kiernan | Edward |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Edward |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Ellen |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | James |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Jas. |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | John |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Margaret |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Patk. |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Patrick |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Terence |
Derryhum | Mc Cabe | Thomas |
Derryhum | Mc Caffry | James |
Derryhum | Mc Cann | Terence |
Derryhum | Smith | James |
Derryhum | Smith | John |
Derryhum | Smith | Mick |
Derryhum | Smith | Philip |
Derryhum | Smyth | Edmond |
Derryhum | Tully | Susan |
Drumagolan | Brady | John |
Drumagolan | Byres | Robert |
Drumagolan | Cadden | James |
Drumagolan | Carlue | Matthew |
Drumagolan | Connell | James |
Drumagolan | Coy | John |
Drumagolan | Elliott | George G., M.D |
Drumagolan | Farrelly | Laurence |
Drumagolan | Fitzsimon | Michael |
Drumagolan | Fitzsimon | Peter |
Drumagolan | Gray | James |
Drumagolan | Harrison | William |
Drumagolan | Heerey | Bridget |
Drumagolan | Lang | James |
Drumagolan | Lynch | Michael |
Drumagolan | Lynch | Michael, Jr. |
Drumagolan | Maguire | James |
Drumagolan | Maguire | Patrick |
Drumagolan | Mc Manus | Matthew |
Drumagolan | Mc Quade | George |
Drumagolan | Mooney | Philip |
Drumagolan | Murray | Hugh |
Drumagolan | Raal | James |
Drumagolan | Reid | James |
Drumagolan | Reilly | John |
Drumagolan | Reilly | Michael |
Drumagolan | Reilly | Philip |
Drumagolan | Smyth | Michael |
Drumagolan | Smyth | Thomas |
Drumagolan | Watson | James |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Anne |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Charles |
Drumagolan | Wilson | James |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Mrs. M. |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Robert |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Thomas |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Thomas, Jr. |
Drumagolan | Wilson | Thos., Jr. |
Drumagolan | Withers | Pat. |
Drumederglass | Cox | Robert |
Drumederglass | Highland | Matthew |
Drumederglass | Mulligan | Fras. Henry |
Drumederglass | Mulligan | John |
Drumfomina | Bough | Catherine |
Drumfomina | Brady | Joseph |
Drumfomina | Brady | Philip |
Drumfomina | Brayson | Margaret |
Drumfomina | Donnelly | Nicholas |
Drumfomina | Elliott | ??? |
Drumfomina | Gillick | Laurence |
Drumfomina | Gillick | Michael |
Drumfomina | Kavanagh | James |
Drumfomina | Kavanagh | John |
Drumfomina | Kavanagh | John, Jr. |
Drumfomina | Kiernan | James |
Drumfomina | Leckey | Patrick |
Drumfomina | Lynch | Patrick |
Drumfomina | Mc Mahon | Henry |
Drumfomina | Molloy | James |
Drumfomina | Molloy | Luke |
Drumfomina | Molloy | Patrick |
Drumfomina | Molloy | Patrick, Jr. |
Drumfomina | Monaghan | Mary |
Drumfomina | Murtagh | James |
Drumfomina | O'Hara | Joseph |
Drumfomina | Reid | Charles |
Drumfomina | Reilly | Thomas |
Drumfomina | Skelly | Ellen |
Drumfomina | Skelly | John |
Drumfomina | Skelly | William |
Drumfomina | Skelly | William, Jr. |
Drumfomina | Smyth | Michael |
Drummallaght | Boylan | Joseph |
Drummallaght | Brady | Anne |
Drummallaght | Brady | James |
Drummallaght | Brady | Nicholas |
Drummallaght | Brady | Thomas |
Drummallaght | Burns | Peter |
Drummallaght | Byres | Edward |
Drummallaght | Byres | Robert |
Drummallaght | Costelloe | Peter |
Drummallaght | Coyle | John |
Drummallaght | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Drummallaght | Donohoe | Hugh |
Drummallaght | Donohoe | James |
Drummallaght | Donohoe | Mary |
Drummallaght | Donohoe | Michael |
Drummallaght | Donohoe | Thomas |
Drummallaght | Lynch | Bridget |
Drummallaght | Lynch | John |
Drummallaght | Mc Givney | Patrick |
Drummallaght | Mc Givney | Thomas |
Drummallaght | Mc Owen | John |
Drummallaght | Mc Owen | John, Jr. |
Drummallaght | Mc Owen | John, Sr. |
Drummallaght | Mc Owen | Patrick |
Drummallaght | Mullen | Jeremiah |
Drummallaght | Reilly | James |
Drummallaght | Reilly | John, Jr. |
Drummallaght | Reilly | John, Sr. |
Drummallaght | Reilly | Patrick |
Drummallaght | Smith | Matthew |
Drummallaght | Smith | Terence |
Drummallaght | Smyth | James |
Drummallaght | Smyth | Terence |
Drutamy | Buchanan | Jane |
Drutamy | Clarke | Charles |
Drutamy | Cooney | Matthew |
Drutamy | Coote | William |
Drutamy | Doran | John |
Drutamy | Duffy | Bernard |
Drutamy | Duffy | James |
Drutamy | Hassard | Mrs. J. H. |
Drutamy | Henry | William |
Drutamy | Irwin | Thomas |
Drutamy | Leeny | John |
Drutamy | Loraghan | Peter |
Drutamy | Smyth | Patrick |
Drutamy | Sullivan | Hugh |
Drutamy | Wilson | William |
Fartadreen | Clarke | John |
Fartadreen | Clarke | Patrick |
Fartadreen | Cullen | Charles |
Fartadreen | Daly | Peter |
Fartadreen | Drumm | Michael |
Fartadreen | Gilmore | Thomas |
Fartadreen | Kellet | John |
Fartadreen | Kellet | Joseph |
Fartadreen | Kinkaid | Alexander |
Fartadreen | Lynch | James |
Fartadreen | Murray | Michael |
Fartadreen | Nulty | Margaret |
Fartadreen | Parr | Charles |
Fartadreen | Smyth | James |
Fartadreen | Young | Rep. C. S. |
Finternagh | Clinton | Christopher |
Finternagh | Cochrane | George |
Finternagh | Colerigg | William |
Finternagh | Cooney | Bernard |
Finternagh | Cooney | Catherine |
Finternagh | Cooney | Ellen |
Finternagh | Cooney | James |
Finternagh | Cooney | Michael |
Finternagh | Cooney | Owen, Sr. |
Finternagh | Cooney | Patrick, Jr. |
Finternagh | Cooney | Patrick, Sr. |
Finternagh | Duff | Thomas |
Finternagh | Farrelly | John |
Finternagh | Farrelly | Patrick |
Finternagh | Farrelly | Thomas |
Finternagh | Fay | James |
Finternagh | Geelan | Patrick |
Finternagh | Geelan | William |
Finternagh | Gray | Terence |
Finternagh | Mc Entee | John |
Finternagh | Mc Entee | Philip |
Finternagh | Millard | Anne |
Finternagh | Reilly | James |
Finternagh | Reilly | John |
Finternagh | Reilly | Peter |
Gallon | Beresford | John |
Gallon | Byres | Robert |
Gallon | Gillick | Patrick |
Gallon | Gillick | Thomas |
Gallon | Keating | James |
Gallon | Mc Cabe | Francis |
Gallon | Mc Kenna | Laurence |
Gallon | Pratt | Francis |
Gallon | Reilly | Mary |
Gallon | Smyth | Matthew |
Gallon | Smyth | Patrick |
Galloncurra | Clarke | Rev. James |
Galloncurra | Coghrane | William |
Galloncurra | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Galloncurra | Leinster | George |
Galloncurra | Leinster | Robert |
Galloncurra | Mc Ilwain | John |
Gola | Booker | Edward |
Gola | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Gola | Lover | John |
Gola | Macauly | Andrew |
Gola | Mc Donnell | James |
Gola | Mc Donnell | Michael |
Gola | O'Brien | Andrew |
Gola | O'Brien | Catherine |
Gola | O'Brien | Luke |
Gola | O'Brien | Philip |
Gola | O'Brien | Thomas |
Gola | Porter | Joseph |
Gola | Reilly | John |
Gola | Smyth | Anne |
Gola | Smyth | James |
Gola | Smyth | Patrick |
Greaghadoo | Dolan | John |
Greaghadoo | Edmondson | Joseph |
Greaghadoo | Edmondson | William |
Greaghadoo | Jennings | Andrew |
Greaghadoo | Mc Ilwain | John |
Greaghadoo | Reilly | Anne |
Greaghadoo | Reilly | Bridget |
Greaghadoo | Reilly | Edward |
Greaghadoo | Smyth | James |
Greaghadoo | Smyth | Lucy |
Greaghadoo | Smyth | Moore |
Greaghadoo | Smyth | Patrick |
Greaghadossan | Booker | Edward |
Greaghadossan | Connell | Alice |
Greaghadossan | Cranston | Henry |
Greaghadossan | Duffy | Catherine |
Greaghadossan | Flynn | Arthur |
Greaghadossan | Flynn | Edward |
Greaghadossan | Gordon | John |
Greaghadossan | Hamilton | Francis |
Greaghadossan | Hunter | Samuel |
Greaghadossan | Huston | John J. |
Greaghadossan | Lougheed | Gibson |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | Andrew |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | James |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | Robert |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | Robert, Jr. |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | Robt. |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | Samuel |
Greaghadossan | Mc Ilwain | Samuel, Jr. |
Greaghadossan | O'Hara | Samuel, Sr. |
Greaghadossan | Porter | Joseph |
Greaghadossan | Ray | Henry |
Greaghadossan | Reilly | Catherine |
Greaghadossan | Reilly | James |
Greaghadossan | Reilly | John |
Greaghadossan | Rusk | Robert |
Greaghadossan | Shannon | James |
Greaghadossan | Shegog | George |
Greaghadossan | Smyth | Mary |
Greaghclaugh | Burns | Joseph |
Greaghclaugh | Burns | Matthew |
Greaghclaugh | Byrne | Mary |
Greaghclaugh | Davidson | Alexander |
Greaghclaugh | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Greaghclaugh | Kelly | Judith |
Greaghclaugh | Lynch | Owen |
Greaghclaugh | Montgomery | Henry |
Greaghclaugh | Parr | John |
Greaghclaugh | Parr | Young |
Greaghclaugh | Waller | Thomas |
Greaghduff | Brady | John |
Greaghduff | Connell | John |
Greaghduff | Dyell | Thomas |
Greaghduff | Mc Cabe | Edward |
Greaghduff | Mc Cabe | James |
Greaghduff | Reilly | Luke |
Greaghduff | Taylor | William |
Greaghnacunnia | Barnes | Patrick |
Greaghnacunnia | Carolan | John |
Greaghnacunnia | Clarke | Andrew |
Greaghnacunnia | Clarke | James |
Greaghnacunnia | Clarke | Jas. |
Greaghnacunnia | Clarke | Mary |
Greaghnacunnia | Clarke | Philip |
Greaghnacunnia | Gilshena | Michael |
Greaghnacunnia | Gilshenan | Michael |
Greaghnacunnia | Mc Dermott | Matthew |
Greaghnacunnia | Smyth | Andrew |
Greaghnacunnia | Smyth | Matthew |
Greaghnacunnia | White | Patrick |
Greaghnafarna | Burns | Francis |
Greaghnafarna | Clarke | Bridget |
Greaghnafarna | Clarke | Michael |
Greaghnafarna | Clarke | Michael, Sr. |
Greaghnafarna | Clarke | Philip |
Greaghnafarna | Cusack | Rosanna |
Greaghnafarna | Farrelly | Nicholas |
Greaghnafarna | Farrelly | Peter |
Greaghnafarna | Fegan | Andrew |
Greaghnafarna | Fegan | Edward |
Greaghnafarna | Lynch | Thomas |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Felix |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | James |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | James, Sr. |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Mary |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Michael |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Patrick, Jr. |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Patrick, Sr. |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Peter |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Terence |
Greaghnafarna | Mc Cabe | Ulty |
Greaghnafarna | O'Reilly | Rev. Terence |
Greaghnafarna | Reilly | Patrick |
Greaghnafarna | Reilly | Thomas, Jr. |
Greaghnafarna | Reilly | Thomas, Sr. |
Greaghnafarna | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Invyarroge | Bride | Owen |
Invyarroge | Corman | Anne |
Invyarroge | Kellett | Charles, Jr. |
Invyarroge | Kellett | Charles, Sr. |
Invyarroge | Kellett | Edward |
Invyarroge | Kellett | John |
Invyarroge | Kellett | Joseph |
Invyarroge | Kellett | Robert |
Invyarroge | Parr | Edward |
Invyarroge | Sheridan | Michael |
Invyarroge | Smyth | Peter |
Invyarroge | Soden | David |
Invyarroge | Soden | Edward |
Invyarroge | Soden | Thos. |
Invyarroge | Young | Rev. C. S. |
Killyduff | Brady | Michael |
Killyduff | Cootes | Charles |
Killyduff | Curlew | Martha |
Killyduff | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Killyduff | Gilmore | John |
Killyduff | Gilshenan | Michael |
Killyduff | Jameson | William |
Killyduff | Jennings | Francis |
Killyduff | Lynch | Cornelius |
Killyduff | Lynch | Patrick |
Killyduff | Mc Manus | Matthew |
Kilmore | Carolan | Margaret |
Kilmore | Carolan | Philip |
Kilmore | Carolan | Terence |
Kilmore | Clarekin | Owen |
Kilmore | Dennon | Patrick |
Kilmore | Dennon | Philip |
Kilmore | Doughty | Joseph |
Kilmore | Doughty | Margaret |
Kilmore | Farrelly | Patrick |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | Bernard |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | Edward |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | James |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | Jas. |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | Jno. |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | John |
Kilmore | Fitzsimon | Patrick |
Kilmore | Flood | Judith |
Kilmore | Gillick | James |
Kilmore | Gillick | James, Jr. |
Kilmore | Gillick | Lucy |
Kilmore | Gillick | Patrick |
Kilmore | Gillick | William |
Kilmore | Kelly | Bartholomew |
Kilmore | Kelly | Patrick |
Kilmore | Kiernan | Felix |
Kilmore | Kiernan | James |
Kilmore | Kiernan | Judith |
Kilmore | Mc Cabe | Bridget |
Kilmore | Mc Cabe | John |
Kilmore | Mc Cabe | Margaret |
Kilmore | Mc Cabe | Owen |
Kilmore | Monaghan | Simon |
Kilmore | Reilly | Anne |
Kilmore | Shields | Francis |
Kilmore | Smyth | Patrick |
Lateaster | Byres | John |
Lateaster | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Lateaster | Dunne | Mary |
Lateaster | Kiernan | Anne |
Lateaster | Reynolds | William |
Lateaster | Smyth | James |
Lateaster | Williamson | Robert |
Lismagiril | Brady | Andrew |
Lismagiril | Byrne | William |
Lismagiril | Clarke | Andrew |
Lismagiril | Clarke | John |
Lismagiril | Clarke | Michael |
Lismagiril | Clarke | Patrick |
Lismagiril | Clarke | Thomas |
Lismagiril | Dolan | James |
Lismagiril | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Lismagiril | Flynn | Edward |
Lismagiril | Flynn | Patrick |
Lismagiril | Hayes | John |
Lismagiril | Nugent | James |
Lismagiril | O'Hara | John |
Lismagiril | Office | ??? |
Lismagiril | Reilly | Patrick |
Lismagiril | Reilly | Patrick, Jr. |
Lismagiril | Reilly | Robert |
Lismagiril | Rusk | Isabella |
Lismagiril | Rusk | Robert |
Lismagiril | Smyth | Charles |
Lismagiril | Smyth | Patrick |
Lismagiril | Traynor | Owen |
Lismagiril | Tully | Bridget |
Lismagiril | Watson | Anne |
Lismagiril | Williamson | John |
Lisnabantry | Bell | James |
Lisnabantry | Bell | Rep. George |
Lisnabantry | Brady | Matthew |
Lisnabantry | Brady | Michael |
Lisnabantry | Christy | Mary |
Lisnabantry | Clancey | Bridget |
Lisnabantry | Clarke | Bridget |
Lisnabantry | Colgan | Peter |
Lisnabantry | Connell | James |
Lisnabantry | Connell | Patrick |
Lisnabantry | Farrelly | Patrick |
Lisnabantry | Fitzsimon | Michael |
Lisnabantry | Kane | Stephen |
Lisnabantry | Kane | Sylvester |
Lisnabantry | Lyddy | Judith |
Lisnabantry | Lyddy | Patrick |
Lisnabantry | Lynch | Thomas |
Lisnabantry | Mc Fadden | Catherine |
Lisnabantry | Mc Loughlin | Thomas |
Lisnabantry | Mc Quaid | Thomas |
Lisnabantry | Moore | Robert |
Lisnabantry | Morgan | Patrick |
Lisnabantry | Orr | Hugh |
Lisnabantry | Reilly | Ellen |
Lisnabantry | Smyth | Patrick |
Lisnabantry | Wood | Rebecca A. |
Lissacapple | Brady | Patrick |
Lissacapple | Brady | Philip |
Lissacapple | Browne | John |
Lissacapple | Byres | John |
Lissacapple | Delap | Mrs. D. |
Lissacapple | Faulkiner | Matthew |
Lissacapple | Faulkiner | William |
Lissacapple | Jameson | William |
Lissacapple | Newel | Margaret |
Lissacapple | Smyth | Owen |
Lissanymore | Byers | William |
Lissanymore | Corrigan | Mary |
Lissanymore | Cox | James |
Lissanymore | Cox | John |
Lissanymore | Cox | Margaret |
Lissanymore | Dawson | Isabella |
Lissanymore | Faulkner | David |
Lissanymore | Faulkner | John |
Lissanymore | Faulkner | Matthew |
Lissanymore | Faulkner | Thomas |
Lissanymore | Fleming | Patrick |
Lissanymore | Gaffney | Matthew |
Lissanymore | Howe | Philip |
Lissanymore | Howe | Thomas |
Lissanymore | Jennings | Robert |
Lissanymore | Jennings | William |
Lissanymore | Johnson | Eliza |
Lissanymore | Johnston | Anne |
Lissanymore | Johnston | Arthur |
Lissanymore | Johnston | George |
Lissanymore | Johnston | James, Sr. |
Lissanymore | Mc Cabe | Michael |
Lissanymore | Mc Cabe | Mick |
Lissanymore | Mc Gillick | Thomas |
Lissanymore | Mc Ilwaine | Joseph |
Lissanymore | Mc Ilwaine | Samuel |
Lissanymore | Mc Ilwaine | Thomas |
Lissanymore | Mc Mahon | James |
Lissanymore | Mc Neill | Hugh |
Lissanymore | Mc Quaide | Anne |
Lissanymore | Owens | Peter |
Lissanymore | Reilly | Bridget |
Lissanymore | Reilly | James |
Lissanymore | Reilly | John |
Lissanymore | Reilly | Laurence |
Lissanymore | Reilly | Mick |
Lissanymore | Reilly | Terence |
Lissanymore | Rorke | Patrick |
Lissanymore | Sloan | Robert |
Lissanymore | Smith | Felix |
Lissanymore | Smith | Francis |
Lissanymore | Smith | John |
Lissanymore | Smith | Peter |
Lissanymore | Trotter | John |
Lissanymore | Young | James |
Lurgananure | Brady | Edward T. |
Lurgananure | Carolan | Catherine |
Lurgananure | Clarke | Anne |
Lurgananure | Cooney | John |
Lurgananure | Cooney | John, Jr. |
Lurgananure | Farrelly | James |
Lurgananure | Martin | Patrick |
Lurgananure | Mc Mahon | Patrick |
Lurgananure | Owens | Hugh |
Lurgananure | Owens | Peter |
Lurgananure | Owens | Thomas |
Lurgananure | Reilly | James |
Lurgananure | Reilly | Matthew |
Lurgananure | Reilly | Patrick |
Lurgananure | Smyth | Mary |
Lurgananure | Smyth | Nathan |
Lurgananure | Smyth | Patrick |
Lurgananure | Smyth | Thomas |
Lurgananure | Talbot Brady | Edwd. |
Lurganaveele | Armstrong | John |
Lurganaveele | Burns | James |
Lurganaveele | Clarke | Michael |
Lurganaveele | Clarke | Patrick |
Lurganaveele | Cooney | Thomas |
Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Bernard |
Lurganaveele | Farrelly | James |
Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Patrick |
Lurganaveele | Farrelly | Patrick, Jr. |
Lurganaveele | Gibney | Patrick |
Lurganaveele | Reilly | Owen |
Lurganaveele | Rogers | Bryan |
Lurganaveele | Walker | John |
Moylett | Brady | James |
Moylett | Brady | Patrick |
Moylett | Clarke | James |
Moylett | Clarke | Mary |
Moylett | King | Patrick |
Moylett | Lynch | Bryan |
Moylett | Lynch | Michael |
Moylett | Lynch | Owen |
Moylett | Lynch | Patrick, Jr. |
Moylett | Lynch | Patrick, Sr. |
Moylett | Lynch | Peter, Jr. |
Moylett | Lynch | Peter, Sr. |
Moylett | Mc Cabe | Owen |
Moylett | Mc Donald | Peter |
Moylett | Reilly | Denis |
Moylett | Reilly | James |
Moylett | Saunderson | Col. Alex. |
Moylett | Smith | Anne |
Moylett | Smith | George |
Moylett | Smith | Laurence |
Moylett | Smith | Laurence, Jr. |
Moylett | Smith | Laurence, Sr. |
Moylett | Smith | Owen |
Moylett | Smith | Rosanna |
Pottleduff | Newel | Wilson |
Pottleduff | Roe | Charles |
Stramaquerty | Byres | James |
Stramaquerty | Cahill | Thomas |
Stramaquerty | Fitzsimon | Andrew |
Stramaquerty | Kiernan | Bryan |
Stramaquerty | Kiernan | James |
Stramaquerty | Kiernan | Patrick |
Stramaquerty | Ledwich | Christopher |
Stramaquerty | Lynch | Peter |
Stramaquerty | Mc Ilwain | Samuel |
Stramaquerty | Mc Ilwain | Thomas |
Stramaquerty | Trotter | John |
Stramaquerty | Warren | James |
Termon | Beatty | James |
Termon | Brady | Thomas |
Termon | Clarke | Mary |
Termon | Clarke | Michael |
Termon | Connell | John |
Termon | Corney | John |
Termon | Corny | Nicholas |
Termon | Costelloe | Frank |
Termon | Cusack | Andrew |
Termon | Delany | Bridget |
Termon | Farrelly | Edward |
Termon | Faulkner | David |
Termon | Gormly | Edward |
Termon | Gormly | Patrick, Jr. |
Termon | Gormly | Patrick, Sr. |
Termon | Gormly | Thomas |
Termon | Keating | Patrick |
Termon | Kellett | Rev. Orange |
Termon | Lynch | Mary |
Termon | Lynch | Peter |
Termon | Mc Cabe | Mary |
Termon | Mc Gillick | Valentine |
Termon | Mc Kibbin | Adam |
Termon | Mc Kibbin | Isaiah |
Termon | Mc Kibbon | Adam |
Termon | Mc Mahon | John |
Termon | Mc Mahon | Owen |
Termon | Mc Mahon | Patrick |
Termon | Mc Mahon | Patrick, Sr. |
Termon | O'Brien | Luke |
Termon | Orange Kellett | Rev. ??? |
Termon | Owens | Michael |
Termon | Reilly | Hugh |
Termon | Reilly | Patrick |
Termon | Reilly | Thomas |
Termon | Reilly'S | Hugh |
Termon | Smith | Cornelius |
Termon | Smith | James |
Termon | Smith | John |
Termon | Smith | Michael |
Termon | Tierney | John |
Termon | Tracey | Thomas |
Termon | Traynor | Anne |
Termon | Traynor | John |
Termon | Traynor | Mary |
Termon | Traynor | Patrick |
Termon | Traynor | Thomas |
Tievenaman | Armstrong | Martin |
Tievenaman | Armstrong | Martin, Jr. |
Tievenaman | Brady | Matthew |
Tievenaman | Byres | John |
Tievenaman | Byres | William |
Tievenaman | Callaghan | James |
Tievenaman | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Tievenaman | Fay | John |
Tievenaman | Fitzpatrick | Patrick |
Tievenaman | Lynch | John |
Tievenaman | Mc Mahon | John |
Tievenaman | Monaghan | Patrick |
Tievenaman | Owens | Hugh |
Tievenaman | Reaburn | John |
Tievenaman | Reaburn | William |
Tievenaman | Sexton | Bernard |
Tievenaman | Smyth | Patrick |
Tievenaman | Stafford | Alex., Jr. |
Tievenaman | Stafford | Alex., Sr. |
Tievenaman | Stafford | Alexander |
Tievenaman | Stafford | Jane |
Tievenaman | White | Jane |
Tievenaman | White | Richard |
Tievenaman | Wogan | John |
Togher | Clanchy | Owen |
Togher | Clarekin | Patrick |
Togher | Clarke | Charles |
Togher | Clarke | Michael |
Togher | Clarke | Philip |
Togher | Cochrane | Adam |
Togher | Connell | John |
Togher | Corry | John |
Togher | Dempsey | Michael |
Togher | Maxwell | Robert |
Togher | Mc Cabe | John |
Togher | Mc Ilwain | Samuel |
Togher | Mills | Joseph |
Togher | Nugent | Charles |
Togher | Smyth | Owen |
Togher | Thompson | George W. |
Togher | Traynor | John |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Killinkere
Assan Beagh Glebe Billis Burnew Cargagh Carnagarve Carnalynch Carrickeeshil Carrickgorman Carricknamaddoo Carricknaveagh Cleffin Coolnacola Corradooa Corraneden Corratinner Derryhum Drumagolan Drumederglass Drumfomina Drummallaght Drutamy Fartadreen Finternagh Gallon Galloncurra Gola Greaghadoo Greaghadossan Greaghclaugh Greaghduff (Killinkere Civil Parish) Greaghnacunnia Greaghnafarna Invyarroge Killyduff Kilmore Lateaster Lismagiril Lisnabantry (Killinkere Civil Parish) Lissacapple Lissannymore Lurgananure Lurganaveele Moylett Pottleduff Stramaquerty Termon Tievenaman Togher