Lewis 1837
KILDRUMFERTON, or CROSSERLOUGH, a parish, partly in the baronies of UPPER LOUGHTEE and CLONMAHON, but chiefly in that of CASTLERAHAN, county of CAVAN, and province of ULSTER, 9 miles (N. W.) from Oldcastle, on the road from Killesandra to Ballinagh; containing 9687 inhabitants. It comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 16,436¾ statute acres (including 207½ under water), of which 11,729¾ are in Castlerahan, 4445½ in Clonmahon, and the remainder in Upper Loughtee, and of which 15,535 are applotted under the tithe act; about two-thirds are arable, one-third pasture, and the remainder woodland and bog. Fairs for live stock are held here on June 29th and Aug. 26th. The principal seats are Kilnacrot, the residence of Pierce Morton, Esq., and Kilmainham, of A. Bell, Esq. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Kilmore, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the rectory is impropriate in the representatives of Richard Earl of Westmeath, and the tithes amount to £672, of which £272 is payable to the impropriators and £400 to the vicar. In 1831, four townlands were separated from this parish to form part of the perpetual curacy of Ballyjamesduff, to the incumbent of which the vicar of Kildrumferton pays an annual stipend of £20. The church is a very neat structure, rebuilt in 1812, for which the late Board of First Fruits granted a loan of £550, and recently repaired by aid of a grant of £114 from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The glebe- house was built by aid of a gift of £100 from the late Board of First Fruits, in 1810: the glebe comprises 420 acres. The R. C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church, but is commonly called Crosserlough; there is a large and well-built chapel at Drumkeely, and the chapel at Crosserlough has lately been rebuilt. About 400 children are educated in four public schools, one of which is supported by Lord Farnham, and about 560 in seven private schools.
Commonwealth Survey of 1652

Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Aghaconny | Aghochonny | Wm Cooper & Wm Steevens? |
Aghagegna | Aghonegaiggnow | Henry Hecklfields |
Aghakee | Aghochee | Henry Hecklfields |
Aghawee | Aghoweeh | Lt Richard Lewis |
Carrickabane | ||
Carrickacroy | Carrickruoya | Church Land |
Cashel | Cashell | Geo Atkinson & Others |
Clare | Clare | John Dallyn |
Clareboy | ||
Clonmult | Cloonmuilt | Wm Steevens |
Coolkill | Coolshelty | Captain Aglett |
Corbeagh | Corbehagh | Henry Hecklfields |
Corduff | ||
Corglass | Corglasse | Edward Griffyn |
Corglass or Rassan | ||
Corlateerin | Corlattayereen | Captain Aglett |
Corlislea | Corlissalyah | George Atkinson in Dueterm/Gleabland |
Creenow | Creenow | Oliver Steevens & others |
Crosserlough | Crosserlogh | Church Land |
Cullow | ||
Curraghabreedin | Curraghbreedeen | Mr Durbank? |
Derrin Lower | Direen | John Crozier |
Derrin Upper | Direeny | Captain Coach |
Derry | ||
Derrylahan | Derelahen | Captain Coach |
Derrylea | Dirrelyah | John Dallyn |
Drumakinneo | Drominoe | Captain Aglett |
Drumanalaragh | Dromenalaragh | Gleabland |
Drumbee | Drombee | Mr Durbane? |
Drumcassidy | Dromchassidy | John Fretwood |
Drumegil | Dromegill | Captain Aglett |
Drumhallagh | Dromahallagh | Captain Coach |
Druminisclin | Dromenisclyn | Captain Aglett |
Drumkilly | Dromkilly | John Armstrong |
Drumloman | ||
Drumnalaragh | ||
Drumrath | Dromraed | John Welman |
Drumroragh | Dromruoragh | Captain Aglett |
Drumscruddan | Dromscrudden | Gleabland |
Duffcastle | ||
Finaway | Fynweih | Henry Pamer |
Garrynogher | Garrinoreher | Doctor Thos Smyth & Others |
Graddum | Gradden | Henry Hecklfields |
Keelderry | Keeldirry | Captain Coach |
Keenagh | Kynagh | Henry Pamer |
Kiffagh | ||
Kill | ||
Kill Demesne | ||
Killynure | Killenure | Captain Coach |
Killytogher | Killetogher | Captain Coach |
Kilmainham | Kilmaynam | GA & Wm Cooper |
Kilnacrott | Kilnecrott | Captain Aglett |
Kilnaleck | Kilnelecke | Lord of Cavan |
Latnadronagh | Lattanedruoanagh | Captain Aglett |
Lecharry | Lyahcharry | Captain Aglett |
Lisdonnish | Lissadonwish | Captain Coach |
Mullacastle | Mullaghcashlan | Captain Aglett |
Mullaghkeel | ||
Pollareagh | Pullerea | Captain Coach |
Portan | Partan | Henry Hecklfields |
Raharverty | Raharverty | Mr. Hugh Culme |
Rassan | Rassan | Captain Coach |
Rockfield | ||
Sallaghill | Salchill | Henry Hecklfields |
Tedeehan Lower | Tydioghan | John Tippin |
Tedeehan Middle | Tydioghan | John Tippin |
Tedeehan Upper | Tydioghan | John Tippin |
Togher | Togher | Captain Coach |
Tonylion | ||
Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Aghaconny | Aghaconny | Smith | Philip | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Callan | Chas | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Callan | Michl | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Callan | Peter | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Callan | Phil | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Callan | Wm | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Callan | 1828 | |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Gafney | James | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Gafney | Phil | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Gafney | Thos | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Galligan | Heny | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Kelly | Patt | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Nesbitt | 1828 | |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Nesbitt | 1828 | |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Rielly | Peter | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Mathew | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Patt | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Peter | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Peter | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Phil | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Thos | 1828 |
Aghawee | Aghawee | Smith | Thos | 1828 |
Aghakee | Aughahee | Brady | Patt | 1828 |
Aghakee | Aughahee | Fitzsimons | Patt | 1828 |
Aghakee | Aughahee | Rielly | Luke | 1828 |
Aghakee | Aughahee | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Acheson | Jno | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Charters | 1828 | |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Donoho | Hu | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Fitzpatrick | Michl | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Hatton | 1828 | |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Kenny | Chs | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Mahon | Patt Lahy | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Mccabe | Heny | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Mccabe | Jno | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Mccabe | Tell | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughahoney | Smith | Heny | 1828 |
Aghaconny | Aughajopny | Smith | Phil | 1828 |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Farnham | 1828 | |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Frances | 1828 | |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Mccabe | Jas | 1828 |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Stevens | Jno | 1828 |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Stevens | Richd | 1828 |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Stevens | Wm | 1828 |
Aghagegna | Aughnagegna | Stevens | 1828 | |
Cullow | Callow | Baylan | Bernd | 1828 |
Cullow | Callow | Baylan | Wm | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Dealy | Wm | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Donoho | Michl | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Gafney | Peter | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Galligan | Jno | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Galligan | Lauce | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Galligan | Michl | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Galligan | Patt | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Galligan | Tere | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Lonaghan | Mat | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Mccabe | Patt | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Mcdaniel | Michl | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Mcmanus | Jas | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Monaghan | Bryan | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Murray | Edwd | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Murray | Patt | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Pickens | Ralph | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Reilly | Danl | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Reilly | Hugh | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Schoolmaster | Conlon | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Skelton | F | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Smith | Phil | 1828 |
Carrickacroy | Canickacrew | Wallace | Saml | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Fox | Richd | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Fox | 1828 | |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Linch | Hugh | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Murray | Hugh | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Rielly | Bryan | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Rielly | 1828 | |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Sheridan | Jno | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Sheridan | Jno | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Smith | Edw | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickatredin | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickbaun | Booth | W | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickbaun | Macoscary | Michl | 1828 |
Carrickabane | Carrickbaun | Rielly | Mat Cronan | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Charters | Jno | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Clarke | R B | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Connorty | Jno | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Farrell | Bernd | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Feagan | Patt | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Fitzpatrick | Chs | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Fitzpatrick | Owen | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Fleming | 1828 | |
Cashel | Cashel | Lee | Owen | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Maguire | Hugh | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Monaghan | 1828 | |
Cashel | Cashel | Rielly | Edwd | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Rielly | Owen | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Rielly | Owen | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Sheridan | Owen | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Smith | Patt | 1828 |
Cashel | Cashel | Smith | 1828 | |
Cashel | Cashel | Tonor | Thos | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Babington | Mich | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Babington | Michael | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Bell | Richd | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Burlington | Michl | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Milton | Niel | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Milton | Richard | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Milton | Thomas | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Sward | R V | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Walsh | George | 1828 |
* unmatched | Cavan | Walsh | George | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Connell | Peter | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Ennis | Andw | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Galligan | Farrel | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Linch | Lauce | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Linch | Patt | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Smith | Bryan | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Smith | Patt | 1828 |
Clareboy | Clarboy | Smith | Thos | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Callaghan | Jas | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Callaghan | Mathw | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Callaghan | Mathw | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Donnelly | Peter | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Farnham | 1828 | |
Clare | Clare | Love | John | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Love | William | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Love | Wm | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Morrow | Jno | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Plunkett | Christ | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Plunkett | Jas | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Plunkett | Thos | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Potterfied | Jno | 1828 |
Clare | Clare | Potterfield | Wm | 1828 |
Clonmult | Clonmulth | Babington | 1828 | |
Clonmult | Clonmulth | Conlon | Michl | 1828 |
Clonmult | Clonmulth | Finegan | Farrel | 1828 |
Clonmult | Clonmulth | Finegan | Farrel | 1828 |
Clonmult | Clonmulth | Galligan | Patt | 1828 |
Clonmult | Clonmulth | Hussey | Michl | 1828 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Lord | James | 1828 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Mccormick | Fran | 1828 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Mcdonald | 1828 | |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Spinks | Nug | 1828 |
Corglass | Corglass | Jones | 1828 | |
Corglass | Corglass | Mcdonald | Phil | 1828 |
Corglass | Corglass | Rielly | Lauce | 1828 |
Corglass | Corglass | Rielly | Thomas | 1828 |
Corglass | Corglass | Rielly | 1828 | |
Corglass | Corglass | Wittan | William | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Beatty | Chas | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Caffray | Patt | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Caffray | Peter | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Callany | Phil | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Donoho | Patt | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Flood | Phil | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Gafney | Thomas | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Gafny | Bryan | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Linch | Patt | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Murphy | Owen | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Smith | Peter | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Strong | Jno | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Wilton | Geo | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Wilton | James | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Wilton | Josh | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Wilton | Saml | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Wilton | Thos | 1828 |
Corglass | Corraglass | Wilton | Wm | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Booth | R B | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Finegan | Pet | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Gafny | Bart | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Gafny | Henry | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Gafny | Jas | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Gafny | Jno | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Gafny | Patt | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Galligan | Edwd | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Galligan | Jas | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Galligan | Mat | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Galligan | Wm | 1828 |
Corlislea | Corsallagh | Smith | Andw | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Coscary | Hugh | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Coscary | Pet | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Leddy | Jas | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Leddy | Terce | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Magibny | Bryan | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Magibny | Michl | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Magibny | Thos | 1828 |
Creenow | Creanew | Orielly | Jas | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Baylan | 1828 | |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Bell | Ralph | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Brady | Phil | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Caffray | Owen | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Callavy | Patt | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Campbell | Michl | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Clarke | 1828 | |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Colville | Phil | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Colville | Phil | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Coyle | Patt | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Cusack | Bryan | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Cusack | Thos | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Cusack | Thos | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Dealy | Bart | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Dealy | Heny | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Evans | John | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Everan | Rich N | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Everard | Richard Nugent | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Fitzsimons | Jno | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Gafney | Michl | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Henry | Elizabeth | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Linch | Bart | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Linch | Owen | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Little | 1828 | |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Maguire | Frank | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Mccabe | Alexander | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Mccabe | Thos | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Ogorman | Jno | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | O'Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | Bart | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | James | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | Phil | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | 1828 | |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Rielly | 1828 | |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Roddon | Jno | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Skelton | Thos | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Andw | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Chs | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Jas | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Jas | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Michl | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Philip | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Smith | Thos | 1828 |
Crosserlough | Crosserlough | Walsh | Geo | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Farnham | 1828 | |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Gulligan | 1828 | |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Hallon | Reynolds | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Mccabe | Jno | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Rielly | Bryan | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Rielly | Terce | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Smith | Terce | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Strong | Geo | 1828 |
Derrin Lower | Derrin | Thomas | L H | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Callaghan | Phil | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Farnham | 1828 | |
Derry | Derry | Farnham | 1828 | |
Derry | Derry | Gafny | Terce | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Heaslik | Laure | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Heaslik | Thos | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Heaslik | Wm | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Kelly | 1828 | |
Derry | Derry | Little | 1828 | |
Derry | Derry | Magauran | Jno | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Spinks | Chris | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Spinks | Chris | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Spinks | Thomas | 1828 |
Derry | Derry | Spinks | Thos | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Bell | Edwd | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Bell | Mathw | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Boylan | Jno | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Byers | Jas | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Byers | Robt | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Hart | 1828 | |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Magill | Robt | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Magill | Wm | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Mcevoy | Phil | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Mulligan | Patt | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Smith | Farrel | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Smith | Richd | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Thomas | L H | 1828 |
Derrylahan | Derrylahan | Woods | Jno | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Dealy | Luke | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Gafney | Con | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Gafney | Owen | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Gafney | Peter | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Linch | Lauce | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Linch | Patt | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Linch | Phil | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Linch | 1828 | |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Mcdonald | Bryan | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Rielly | Terce | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Rielly | Terce | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Rielly | 1828 | |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Smith | Andw | 1828 |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Whitney | 1828 | |
Derrylea | Derrylea | Whitney | 1828 | |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Bird | Patt | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Comesky | Jno | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Comesky | Patt | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Galligan | Alex | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Galligan | Bart | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Galligan | Bat | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Galligan | Owen | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Galligan | Peter | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Linch | Bart | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Linch | 1828 | |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Linch | 1828 | |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Rielly | Owen | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Rielly | Owen | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Smith | Patt | 1828 |
Drumakinneo | Drumakinneo | Smith | Thos | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Cahill | Patt | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Comesky | Terce | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Cronan | Jas | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Fannan | Edwd | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Fannan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Farnham | 1828 | |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Gallegan | Patt | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Hanna | Jas | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Piles | Geo | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | Piles | Henry | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbee | White | Wm | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Bell | Richd | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Bell | W | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Carr | Terce | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Clarke | 1828 | |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Connarty | Hugh | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Connarty | Owen | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Connorty | Jas | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Connorty | Jno | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Connorty | Michl | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Connorty | Thos | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Cornerford | Patt | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Croneen | Jno | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Flood | Patt | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Galligan | Andw | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Galligan | Barl | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Linch | Patt | 1828 |
Drumbee | Drumbrade | Rielly | Peter | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcagh | Henry | Elizabeth | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Baylan | Owen | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Donnelly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Drummond | Peter | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Magibny | Peter | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Mathews | Hy | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Mcgibney | Thos | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Reilly | Jno | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Reilly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Reilly | Peter | 1828 |
Drumcassidy | Drumcassidy | Reilly | Peter | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Briordy | James | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Briordy | Jno | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Briordy | Patt | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Briordy | Terce | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Briordy | Thos | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Briordy | 1828 | |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Donoho | Michl | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Donoho | Patt | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Donoho | Phl | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Donoho | 1828 | |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Mccabe | Patt | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Mcewen | Jno | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Morton | 1828 | |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Rielly | Jas | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Druminisclin | Druminiskin | Rielly | Ml | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkeel | Clarke | Ralph Bell | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Conlon | Thomas | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Cronan | Patt | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Cronan | Patt | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Cronan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Gallagan | Geo | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Gallagan | Jno | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Galligan | Bryan | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Gulligan | Michl | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Mccabe | Jno | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Drumkilly | Drumkilly | Thomas | L H | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Cahil | Luke | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Cahil | 1828 | |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Farrelly | 1828 | |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Galligan | Edwd | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Galligan | James | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Galligan | Patt | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Galligan | Thomas | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Galligan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Mccabe | Edw | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Mccabe | Jas | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Rielly | Hugh | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Sheridan | James | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Sheridan | James | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumlara | Stafford | Jno | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Baylan | Frank | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Baylan | Mathw | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Baylan | Owen | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Brady | 1828 | |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Corr | Patt | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Galligan | Michl | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Honraghan | Patt | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | Andw | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | Bryan | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | Bryan Smith | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | James | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | Michl | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | Peter | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Leddy | 1828 | |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Magibny | Bryan | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Mcfadden | Saml | 1828 |
Drumloman | Drumlornin | Tatlow | 1828 | |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Baylan | Bernd | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Baylan | Jno | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Coyle | 1828 | |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Cronan | Jas | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Galligan | Edwd | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Galligan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Gibney | Jno | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Masterson | Jno | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Mcdermott | Jas | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Mcnamee | Chs | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Rielly | Hugh | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Rielly | Mathw | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumnalaragh | Drumnelara | Smith | James | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumolagh | Boylan | Patt | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumolagh | Corcodile | Mark | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumolagh | Mcevoy | Phil | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumolagh | Newill | Thos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumolagh | Smith | Edward | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Clarke | Jas | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Colville | Jos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Dinning | Wm | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Fitzsimons | Edwd | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Flood | Jas | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Flood | Thos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Foy | Owen | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Glancy | Mat | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Glancy | Patt | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Glancy | 1828 | |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Goslin | Thomas | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Goslin | Thos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Harton | James | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Harton | Thos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Houragan | Jos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Jones | Jas | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Jones | Jno | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Kerr | James | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Kerr | Mathw | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Kerr | Phil | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Linch | Michl | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Linch | Terce | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Linch | 1828 | |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Magill | Jno | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Mcdermott | Thos | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Morton | 1828 | |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Morton | 1828 | |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Murray | Michl | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Bart | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Connor | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Connor | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Owen | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Rielly | Phil | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Smith | Henry | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Smith | Patt | 1828 |
Drumroragh | Drumroragh | Smith | Phil | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Black | Patt | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Cooke | Edwd | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Cooke | Hugh | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Galligan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Mckinnan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Pickens | Jno | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Rielly | Chars | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Rielly | Farrel | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Rielly | Owen | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Sheridan | Geo | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | Skillan | 1828 | |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | White | Thos | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscruddan | White | Wm | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscudan | Dealy | O | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscudan | Linch | Jno | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscudan | Maguire | Jno | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscudan | Mckiernan | Wm | 1828 |
Drumscruddan | Drumscudan | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Duffcastle | Duffcastle Bog | Farnham | Lord | 1828 |
Duffcastle | Duffcastle Kilnaleck | Magauran | Robt | 1828 |
Duffcastle | Duffcastle Kilnaleck | Stevens | Frank | 1828 |
Duffcastle | Duffcastle Kilnaleck | Stevens | Wm | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Cooke | Patt | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Dealy | James | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Dealy | 1828 | |
Finaway | Finnaway | Gafney | Bryan | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Gafney | Lauce | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Gafney | Phelim | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Gafney | Thos | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Gorman | Mathw | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Linch | Bryan | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Mcdaniel | Bryan | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Mcenroe | 1828 | |
Finaway | Finnaway | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Smith | James | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Smith | Peter | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Spinks | Chris | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Watson | Geo | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | Watson | Jno | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway | White | Thos | 1828 |
Finaway | Finnaway Bog | Farnham | 1828 | |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Brady | Jno | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Fitzsimons | Michl | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Linch | 1828 | |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Nunn | 1828 | |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | Hugh | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | James | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | Jas | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Garrynogher | Garranroher | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Atchison | Thos | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Foster | Robt | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Gordan | James | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Heany | Weber | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Johnson | John | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Mallon | Robt | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Mccormick | Francis | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Mccormick | Frank | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Mccormick | Phil | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Mccormick | Wm | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Mures | James | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Spinks | Chas | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Spinks | Thos | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Stafford | William | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Stafford | Wm | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Stevens | Jno | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Stevens | Richd | 1828 |
Graddum | Graddum | Watson | John | 1828 |
Keelderry | Keelderry | Smith | Owen | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenagh | Evans | John | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Dealy | Patt | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Evans | John | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Gafney | Edward | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Gafney | Mark | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Gafney | Michl | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Gafney | Terce | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Loden | 1828 | |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Mcdermott | Patrick | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Tully | Andw | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Tully | Cathn | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Tully | Edwd | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Tully | Patt | 1828 |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Tully | 1828 | |
Keenagh | Keenaugh Oldcastle | Tully | 1828 | |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Farnham | 1828 | |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Fleming | Heny | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Fragan | Robt | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Hanna | Geo | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Hanna | Jas | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Hanna | Jas | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Heaslip | Ben | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Pickens | Geo | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Pickens | Heny | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Pickens | James | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Pickens | Robt | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Piles | Geo | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Piles | Richd | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Piles | 1828 | |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | White | Thomas | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | White | Wm | 1828 |
Kiffagh | Kiffagh | White | Wm | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Carr | Jno | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Coyle | Andw | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Coyle | James | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Coyle | 1828 | |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Deasce | Geo | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Deasce | 1828 | |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Fitzpatrick | Phil | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Gallegan | Danl | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Gallegan | Patt | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Lanouge | Wm | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Sheridan | Jas | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Sheridan | Phil | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Smith | Chs | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Smith | Hugh | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kildarragh | Smith | Owen | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kilderry | Cooke | Peter | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kilderry | Mccahill | Jno | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kilderry | Rielly | Bryan | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kilderry | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kilderry | Smith | Counl | 1828 |
Keelderry | Kilderry | Smith | 1828 | |
Killynure | Killanure | Anderson | James | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Clukin | Richd | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Clukin | Thos | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Cooke | Edwd | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Cooke | Patt | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Cooke | Phil | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Cooke | Terce | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Cooke | Thos | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Cooke | Thos | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Dinninny | Terce | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Galligan | James | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Galligan | James | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Galligan | Thos | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Magill | David | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Magill | Heny | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Magill | James | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Magill | Jno | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Mccahill | Phil | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Mcdaniel | Jno | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Peele | 1828 | |
Killynure | Killanure | Rielly | James | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Smith | Peter | 1828 |
Killynure | Killanure | Spear | 1828 | |
Killynure | Killanure | Spear | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Baylan | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Bredin | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Bredin | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Comerford | Peter | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comerford | Thos | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | Bryan | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | Jno | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | Lauce | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | Mathw | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | Nichls | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Comesky | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Connell | James | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Corr | Danl | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Corr | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Corr | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Corr | Phil | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Donoho | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Finny | Jno | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Gafny | Bernd | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Galligan | Andw | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Galligan | Michl | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Galligan | Peter | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Gulligan | Hy | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | King | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Lanauze | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Lanauze | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Monaghan | Michl | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Reynolds | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Reynolds | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Reynolds | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Rielly | Petr | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Rielly | Phil | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Rielly | 1828 | |
Kill | Kills | Sheridan | James | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Smith | John | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Tormay | Patt | 1828 |
Kill | Kills | Tormay | Walter | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Baylan | Heny | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Callary | James | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Callary | Jno | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Callary | Thos | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Callary | 1828 | |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Dininny | Jas | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Dininny | Phil | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Kenedy | 1828 | |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Kenedy | 1828 | |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Linch | Hugh | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Little | Jas | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Little | Jno | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Little | Patt | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mallon | Simon | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mccahill | Jas | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mcevoy | Thos | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mcevoy | 1828 | |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mcewen | Bryan | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mulligan | Andw | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mulligan | Owen | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Mulligan | 1828 | |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Rielly | Terce | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Rielly | 1828 | |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Smith | Edwd | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Smith | Phil | 1828 |
Killytogher | Killytogher | Smith | Phil | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Bell | 1828 | |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Brady | Jno | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Divine | Patt | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Divine | 1828 | |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Gafney | Jno | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Gafney | Jno | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Gilchrist | R | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Gilchrist | Ralph | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Gilroy | Jas | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Leddy | Patt | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Manning | Wm | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Mccabe | Alexander | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Mccabe | Alexdr | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Reehil | Patt | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Reogan | Tuu | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Rielly | Bernd | 1828 |
Kilmainham | Kilmainham | Rielly | Chs | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Brady | Chs | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Brady | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Brady | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Brady | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Brady | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Cooney | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Dealy | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Fitzsimons | Simon | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Gafney | Thomas | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Galligan | Peter | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Gillick | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Horagan | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Horagan | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Edwd | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Edwd | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Jas | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Phil | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Linch | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Magauran | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Magines | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Maleady | Con | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Mcenroe | Con | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Morton | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Morton | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Murray | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Murray | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Murray | Michl | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Smith | Bart | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Smith | Ed | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Smith | Heny | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Smith | Simon | 1828 |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Smith | 1828 | |
Kilnacrott | Kilnacrott | Thompson | Math | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Baylan | Mathw | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Baylan | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Brady | Michl | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Brady | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Brady | Phil | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Burrowes | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Collin | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Coltis | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Coltis | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Comesky | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Connarty | Michl | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Connarty | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Connor | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Connorty | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Connorty | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Coyle | Hugh | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Cusack | Thomas | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Donoho | Bryan | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Farmay | Walter | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Farrell | Rose | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Fay | Bryan | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Fay | Chs | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Fay | Owen | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Fay | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Fitzsimons | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Flinn | Lauce | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Gafny | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Galligan | C | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Galligan | Chs | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Galligan | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Gibney | Bryan | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Gibney | James | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Gibney | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Gibney | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Houghrahan | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Kiernan | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Lananze | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Linch | James | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Linch | Mathw | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Linch | Michl | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Mcbeenen | Owen | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Mcdonald | Jno | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Mcevoy | Peter | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Morris | James | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Morton | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Owens | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Rielly | Miles | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Rielly | Peter | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Mat | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Michl | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Peter | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Thos | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Sheridan | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Smith | Bryan | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Smith | James | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Smith | Michl | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Smith | 1828 | |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Thompson | James | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | Tormay | Patt | 1828 |
Kilnaleck | Kilnaleck | White | Chas | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Bennett | And | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | Cath | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | Hugh | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | Jno | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | Jno | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | Terce | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | Thos | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Comesky | 1828 | |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Heany | Wm | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Lonaghan | James | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Maguire | Wm | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Mccabe | Owen | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Mcsharry | Mat | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Mcsharry | Patt | 1828 |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Morton | 1828 | |
Corlateerin | Kilnaleck Corlateerin | Smith | James | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Birney | Edwd | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Boylan | James | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Comesky | Patt | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Heaney | Elizh | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Heany | Wm | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Hyland | Jno | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Hyland | Michl | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Lonaghan | Thos | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Maguire | James | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Mccabe | Michl | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Mcewen | M | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Mcsharry | Bryan | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Mcsharry | James | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Mcsharry | Thos | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Nulty | Jno | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Smith | Connor | 1828 |
Drumegil | Kilnaleck Drumegil | Smith | 1828 | |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Bird | 1828 | |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Boylan | Lauce | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Boylan | Owen | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Colville | Anthy | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Colville | Jno | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Dowd | 1828 | |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Heany | Patt | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Linch | Walter | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Maguire | Andw | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Maguire | Mathw | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Maguire | Phil | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Mccabe | Jas | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Mccabe | Jas | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Mccabe | Mathw | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Mccabe | Owen | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Morton | 1828 | |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Morton | 1828 | |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Olvany | Owen | 1828 |
Latnadronagh | Latnadronagh Kilnaleck | Rielly | Michl | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Brady | Mat O | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Brady | Patt | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Brady | 1828 | |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Colwin | Hugh | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Cooke | Jno | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Cooke | Peter | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Cooney | Jno | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Cooney | Mat | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Coyle | Hy | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Coyle | Patt | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Coyle | Peter | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Coyle | Petr | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Gafney | James | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Gafney | Michl | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Hart | Mich | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Heany | Nichls | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Heany | 1828 | |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Mcdonald | Mat | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Mcevoy | Michl | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Mcevoy | 1828 | |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Mcewen | James | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Mcmahon | Owen | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Mcmahon | 1828 | |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Morton | 1828 | |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | White | Alexdr | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | White | Alexdr | 1828 |
Lecharry | Lecharry Kilnaleck | Wynne | Phil | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Charleton | Peter | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Fuoragh | Phil | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Little | Jno | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Martin | James | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Martin | 1828 | |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Murray | Patt | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Murray | 1828 | |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Rielly | Patt | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Roarke | Felix | 1828 |
Lisdonnish | Lisdonnish | Whitny | H B | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Bell | Richard | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Clarke | Ralph Bell | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Gilchrist | Ralph | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Goslin | Thos | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Lane | William | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Nugent | Richard | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Reilly | Peter | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Skelton | Thomas | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Smith | Owen | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Spinks | Thos C | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Stafford | John | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Stafford | William | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Walsh | George | 1828 |
* unmatched | Moynhall | Witton | William | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Boylan | Mathew | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Boylan | Terce | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Boylan | Wm | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Collan | Michl | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Cusack | James | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Flinn | Lauce | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Flood | Jno | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Flood | Michl | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Flood | Patt | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Flood | Thos | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Galligan | Bart | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Galligan | Michl | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Morton | 1828 | |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Murphy | Michl | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Rielly | Bryan | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Rielly | Hugh | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Rielly | Phil | 1828 |
Mullacastle | Mullacastle | Sherridan | Terce | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pollareagh | Stafford | Thos | 1828 |
Portan | Portan | Gulligan | 1828 | |
Portan | Portan | Hanna | Wilm | 1828 |
Portan | Portan | Heary | Phil | 1828 |
Portan | Portan | Kirk | Saml | 1828 |
Portan | Portan | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Boylan | F | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Boylan | F | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Boylan | Patt | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Boylan | Patt | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Corkeny | Jno | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Cosgrove | Hugh | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Galligan | Thos | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Stafford | Jas | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Stafford | Jno | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Stafford | Jno | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Stafford | Jno Or Ben | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Stafford | Wm | 1828 |
Pollareagh | Pullerea Kill | Tully | Jno | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Acheson | Jas | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Bray | 1828 | |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Geragh | Mathw | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Linch | Patt | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Magaurem | Edwd | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Mcdaniel | Patt | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Monaghan | Patt | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Smith | Hugh | 1828 |
Rockfield | Rockfield Kilnaleck | Smith | Michl | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Brady | Bryan | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Callaghan | Edwd | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Duignan | Thos | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Duignan | 1828 | |
Rassan | Rossan | King | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Linch | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Linch | Michl | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Linch | On | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Little | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Little | Phil | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Little | Phil | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcentire | Bryan | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcentire | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcentire | 1828 | |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Jas | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Mathw | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Michl | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Mcevoy | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Monaghan | Patt | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Monahan | Jas | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Monahan | Pet | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Chas | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Hugh | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Jno | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | Thos | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Rielly | 1828 | |
Rassan | Rossan | Smith | C | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Smith | Farrel | 1828 |
Rassan | Rossan | Wilson | H B | 1828 |
Sallaghill | Sally Hill | Martin | James | 1828 |
Sallaghill | Sally Hill | Rielly | Chas | 1828 |
Sallaghill | Sally Hill | Rielly | John | 1828 |
Sallaghill | Sally Hill | Stevens | Wm | 1828 |
Tedeehan Lower | Tedeehan | Coyle | And | 1828 |
Tedeehan Lower | Tedeehan | Coyle | Peter | 1828 |
Tedeehan Lower | Tedeehan | Morton | 1828 | |
Tedeehan Lower | Tedeehan | Smith | Jno | 1828 |
Tedeehan Middle | Tidiham | Dobson | Wm | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Connelly | Thos | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Donoho | Danl | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Foster | Frans | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Gilroy | Edw | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Gilroy | Jno | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Hamilton | Wm | 1828 |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Pallas | 1828 | |
Tedeehan Upper | Tidihan | Wilton | Geo | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Brady | Jas | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Brady | Melvn | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Buchanan | Jno | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Comesky | Patt | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Comesky | Patt | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Cooke | Peter | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Donogho | Bryan | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Dungan | Thos | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Grey | Michl | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Larney | Thomas | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Lee | 1828 | |
Togher | Togher | Magill | John | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Maguire | Mathw | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Mahon | Lauce | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Mahon | Owen | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Malcomson | Charls | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Malcomson | Thos | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Malcomson | Thos | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Mccabe | James | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Mckinnon | Bryan | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Murphy | Wm | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Rielly | Luke | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Rielly | Peter | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Spinks | Chris | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Spinks | Chrisn | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Spinks | Leigh | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Spinks | Mathw | 1828 |
Togher | Togher | Webster | Robt | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | Bryan | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | Bryan | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | Chars | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | James | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | Luke | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | Wm | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Boylan | Wm | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Burrows | 1828 | |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Flinn | Lauce | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Galligan | 1828 | |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Mcpartland | Jno | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Morton | 1828 | |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Smith | Bryan | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Smith | Patt | 1828 |
Tonylion | Tonylion Kinaleck | Stafford | Wm | 1828 |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
Crosserlough Parish
It is bounded on the North by the parish of Denn, in the East by Denn and Castlerahan parishes, on the South by Castlerahan, Kilbride and Ballymaclough and on the West by Ballintemple and Kilconnel parishes. It is in the diocese of Kilmore and province of Armagh. It is in the Baronies of Clonmahon, Castlerahan and Upper Loughtee. Contains 1643 a. 3r. 17p of which 2011 acres are bog and rough ground and 209 water. The land is generally poor and rocky and has not generally speaking been long brought under cultivation. The principal proprietors are Lord Farnham and Pierce Morton, Esqr. of Kilnacrott who is resident. Incumbent is Revd. Thomas Skelton. The market town of Kilnaleck is in the parish.
Contains 100 statute acres about 7 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin, Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives and 31 years. Rent is from £1. 6. per Irish acre. Soil is stiff cold clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are principally built of stone.
Contains 165 statute acres about 46 of which are bog and rough ground and 12 of water. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is £1 per Irish acre. Soil is light gravel mixed with green stone and rocks. It produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are all built of stone. Part of Graddam Lough is situated on the North West side of the townland and it contains perch trout and eel.
Contains 214 statute acres about 19 of which are bog and rough ground. ihe property belongs to Widow Sharters. There are no leases. Rent is 15s per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 5 to 10 acres. Soil is light and rocky and produces oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is lime and bog and dung. Lime costs 1s 8d. per barrel to lay it on the ground; about 20 barrels per acre is used. Co. Cess is 1s 6d. per acre. Religion: there are 2 families of Protestants in the townland and the remainder are Roman Catholics . The roads from Cavan to Oldcastle and from Ballynagh to Stradone run through this townland.
Contains 448 statute acres about 132 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Major Nesbit, of Crossdoney and the Agent is A.C. Tatlow, Esqr., of Crossdoney. Leases are of one life or 21 years. Rent is from £1.10. per Irish acre. Bogg is free. Size of farms is from 4 to 24 acres. Soil is generally of a cold loam and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The manure used is lime and dung. Co. Coss is 10d. per acre per 1/2 year. The road from Kilnaleck to Ballynagh runs through the townland. On the West side of the townland is a school house built and established in 1834 by Major Nesbit with a salary of £12 per annum and 1/2 acre of land free but it is now attached to the National Board with an additional salary of £10 to the master but no school mistress. The number of scholars attending is: Protestants: Males 10 Females 15 Roman Catholics: Males 49 Females 38
Contains 236 statute acres about 23 of which are bog and rough ground. It is church land. It is held by the Revd. T. Skelton, Rector of the Parish. Part of the townland is set by him for a yearly rent, of from £1.1 to £1.5 per Irish acre. Soil is light mountain gravel and on the North part of the townland it is green rock with a yellow clay and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Near the centre of the Lownland stands the parish church, glebe house and parish school all of which are out of repair.
Contains 226 statute acres about 47 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of James Stuart Flemming Esqr. and the agent is Mr. Wrenn of Dublin. Part of the townland is held under lease of 3 lives of 31 years and the remainder has no leases. Rent is from 13s. to £1.10 per acre. Soil is light and rocky and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is bog and dung. The tenants have to pay for the bog. The road from Ballynagh to Cavan runs through this townland about 1 mile from the former and 4 miles from the latter mentioned place.
Contains 312 statute acres about 26 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives. Rent is from 9s 6d to £1.11.6. per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 11 to 54 acres. Soil is generally of a pretty good loam and produces middling good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 5d per acre per 1/2 year. About one third of the inhabitants are Protestant and the remainder Roman Catholics.
Contains 94 statute acres about 6 of which are bog. It is the property of Dr. Babbington of Cavan. The whole townland is held by lease of 2 lives at £1. per Irish acre by Mr. Devine of Lara parish and set by him to undertenants at the rent of £1.10 to £1.16 per acre. Bog is free. Soil is heavy stiffish clay and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes, and flax. Manure is lime, bog and dung. The lime is drawn 7 miles and costs 1s.6d. per barrel to lay it on the ground. Co. Cess is 2s.10d. per acre. Religion: all Roman Catholics.
Contains 101 statute acres about 2 of which are rough ground. It is the property of Mr. Saunders. Leases are of 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is from 13s to £1.5. per Irish acre. Soil in the South part is stiff clay with rich blue clay and marl. In the North part it is green stone rock and limestone boulders. It produces good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The marl is generally used for manure and when a good coat of it is put on the ground they have uncommon good crops. A corn mill and kiln are situated on the North West side of the townland.
Contains 125 statute acres about 2 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Part of the townland is let under lease of 21 years and the remainder on no lease. Rent is from £1. to £1.6. per acre. Soil is light clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is bog, lime and dung. Lime costs is 6d per barrel to lay on the ground. The houses are principally built of stone.
Contains 154 statute acres about 16 of which are bog. It is the property of P. Morton of Kilnacrott (?). The Agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is from 18s to £l per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 3 to 12 acres. Soil is heavy clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is dung and a little lime. Co. Cess is 1s per acre. The houses are built of mud.
Contains 427 statute acres about 72 of which are bog and 4 of water. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow, Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases and rent is from £l to £1.4. per Irish acre. Soil is light gravelly mountain land and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes add flax. The houses are all built with stone. On the North West side is situated part of the village of Kilnaleck and on the North end of the townland is Lough(?) which contains perch and pike.
Contains 291 statute acres about 7 of which are bog and 45 of water. It is the property of Samuel Wilton resident in the townland. Leases are of 2 lives or 21 years. Rent averages £1.15. per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 3 to 22 acres. Soil is generally of a pretty good loam and produces middling crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Manure is lime and dung. Co. Cess is 1s8d per acre per 1/2 year. There are about as many Protestants as Roman Catholics in the townland. An old fort stands near the lough which is in the Southern end of the towniand. This lough abounds with pike, perch, trout and roach (?) and eel and different sorts of wild fowl.
Contains 155 atatute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of the Revd. Bell Booth of Kells. Leases are of 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is from 13s. to £1.1. per Irish acre. Soil is stiff clay mixed with green stone rocks and produces but middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are principally built of stone. There are 3 forts in the townland the Northern one of which is called Corlislea.
Contains 168 atatute acres, 51 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Revd. Robt. Bell Booth, Kells, Co. Meath. The Agent is Geo. Bell Booth of Drumcarbin. Leases are for 3 lives or 32 years. Rent is £1.5 per acre. Size of farms is from 3 to 10 acrea. Soil is very bad and rocky and produces bad crops of oats and potatoes. Manure is lime and bog and dung; 100 barrels of lime is used per acre at 1.6d. per barrel. The road from Ballynagh to Ballyjamesduff runs through the townland. The houses are all built of mud.
Contains 106 statute acres about 2 of which are bog. It is the property of Mr. Reilly of Belthurston, Queen's County. Leases are for 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is from 18s to £1.4. per Irish acre. Soil is stiff cold clay and produces but middling crops of oats, potatoos and flax. The houses are built with mud very dirty.
Contains 594 statute acres about 83 of which are bog and 1 of water. It is Church land belonging to the Bishopric of Kilmore. There are no leases. Rent is from 18s to £1.10 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 1 to 12 acres. soil is of a poor, light, sandy nature with some small portions of cold wet clay and produces but poor crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 9d. per acre per 1/2 year. A small lough on the North West side of the townland is called after the parish. Religion: all Roman Catholics. In the North end of the townland is an old grave yard, and in the South end there are two old forts. A new school house stands on the North end of the townland but it is not yet established.
Contains 112 statute acres about 27 of which are bog and rough ground and 1 of water. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is from 18s to £1.5. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 3 1/2 to 43 acres. Soil is very poor and stony and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 7d. per acre per year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. There are 2 old forts in the townland and on the south end is a small lough called after the parish. The road from Ballyjamesduff to Kilnaleck runs through the townland and on the South side of the road is a Roman Catholic Chapel which will accommodate 1,200 persons.
Contains 140 statute acres about 10 of which are bog. It is the property of Richard Fox Esqr. and the Agent is M. George Hunds, Attorney, near Mullingar. There are no leases. Rent is from 10s. to £1.10. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 2 to 12 1/2 acres. Soil is generally of a light, sandy nature and produces pretty good crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Co. Cess is 1d per acre per 1/2 year. Religion: all Roman Catholics.
Derrin Upper
Contains 67 statute acres all cultivated. It is the property of L. H. Thomas, Esqr. of Dublin. Leases are for 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is £1.9.6. per Irish acre. The inhabitants pay £6. per acre for the bog. Size of farms is from 5 to 12 acres. Soil is of a good loam and produces good crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Manure is dung and lime. Co. Cess is 1s.8d. per acre per 1 year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. The houses are principally built with mud. The road from Kilnaleck to Ballynagh runs through the South West side of the townland.
Derrin Lower
Contains 115 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives. Rent is from £1.5. to £1.7 per Irish acre. The inhabitants pay £6 per acre for bog. Size of farms is from 15 1/2 to 19 1/2 acres. Soil is of a stiffish loam and produces good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 1s. 2d per acre. Religion: one third Protestants, remainder Roman Catholics. Road from Kilnaleck to Ballynagh runs through the centre of the townland.
Contains 288 statute acres about 86 of which are bog . It is the property of Lord Farnham. The Agent is Wm. Goslin, Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Parish leases are of 3 lives. Rent is from £1.7 to £1.10 per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 10 to 22 acres. Soil is heavy clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes, and flax. Co. Cess. is 2s per acre. The road from Kilnaleck to Cavan runs through the South West side of the townland. The houses are principally built of mud.
Contains 41 statute acres 20 of which are bog and 5 water. It is the joint property of Mrs. Smith, of Mr. Anthony Thomas, Mrs. Ann Peale of Dublin and Mrs. Spear of Carrickfergus. Part of the townland is held under lease of 2 lives or 21 years; the remainder has no lease. Rent is from £1.5. to £1.11.6d. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 3 to 26 acres. Soil in the North of townland is of a cold, wet nature but the remainder is pretty good. It produces tolerably good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 9d. per acre per 1/2 year. Religion: 6 families Protestants, remainder Roman Catholics. The road from Ballyjamesduff to Navan runs through this townland on the East side of which is a lough generally called Cornegrove Lough. It contains perch, pike and trout.
Contains 288 statute acres about 27 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham. It is held under lease renewable for ever at £14 (?) per year by Wm. Wasly, Esqr. and (?) the Revd. Thomas Featherstone. The Agent is John Tatlow, Esqr. of Crossdoney. It is held by undertenants for leases of 2 lives or 23 years. Rent is from 19s to £1.4 per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 7 to 25 1/2 acres. Soil is pretty good loam and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and bad flax. Co. Cess is 1s. per acre per 1/2 year. Religion: Roman Catholics. On the East side of the townland is an old fort and the ruins of a mill convenient to the road from Ballyjamosduff to Balltheelan which runs through the townland.
Contains 205 statute acres 4 of which are bog. It is the property of P. Morton, Esqr. of Kilnacrott and the agent is John Tatlow, Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is from 18s to £1 per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 3 to 13 acres. Soil is heavy clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Coss is 2s. per acre. Manure is dung and a little lime. The houses are principally built with mud.
Contains 164 statute acres about 24 of which are bog. It is the property of P. Morton, Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdony. There are no leases. Rent is from £1 to £1.6. per Irish acre. Soil is stiff clay mixed with gravel and a few green stone rocks and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are principally built with mud. Near the centre of the townland is a very large fort.
Contains 63 acres statute about 13 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin, Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives. Rent is 16s. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 5 to 13 acres. Soil is of a cold wet nature and produces but poor crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 8 1/2 d per year. Religion: there are about as many Protestants as there are Catholics. The houses are principally built with stone. The road from Ballyjamesduff to Cavan runs hrough the East side of the townland.
Contains 160 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of Mr. Saunders. Leases are for 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is from 18 s. to £1.2. per Irish acre. Soil is stiff clay and produces oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are principally built of mud and are very dirty.
Contains 301 statute acres about 33 of which are bog. It is the property of Mr. Tatlow. Part is held under lease for 1 life, or 21 years and the remainder has no lease. Rent is from £1.4. to £1.10. per acre. Soil is stiff clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. A large fort planted stands on the North end of the townland. The houses are principally built with mud but a few good stone houses have been built within these few years.
Contains 163 statute acres about 49 of which are bog. It is the property of Mr. Reilly. Leases are for 21 years. Rental is £1.18. per Irish acre. Soil is cold, stiff clay with large green stone, boulders and rocks and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. A corn mill is situated on the North side of the townland, the property of Mr. Reilly who resides convenient to the mill.
Contains 375 statute acres about 111 of which are bog. It is Church land and the present incumbent is the Revd. Thomas Skelton. There are no leases. Rent is from £1 to £1.5. per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 2 1/2 to 20 acres. Soil generally is of a dark, moory nature and produces but poor crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Co. cess is 8d. per acre. The houses are all built of stone. There is one Protestant family in the townland, the remainder are Roman Catholics.
Contains 610 statute acres about 38 of which are bog. It is the property of P. Morton, Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow, Esqr. of Crossdony. There are no leases. Rent is from £1.4. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 1 to 14 acres. Soil is of a red clay and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. Cess is 9 1/2 d per acre per year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. Near the centre of the townland is a gentleman's seat called Drumroragh House (no person at present residing in it) and about 50 acres attached to the house most of which is under grazing and planting. The main road from Ballyheelan to Ballyjamesduff runs through this townland. On the North side of the road is a day school built and established in 1821 by Charles Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott and solely supported at present by P. Morton Esqr. of the same place. Master's salary is £20 per annum with 1 acre of land and a free house. Mistress's salary is £16 per annum with 1 acre of land and free house. Average number of scholars in attendance: Protestant -? Males: 1 Females: -? R. Catholics -? Males: 75 Females: 45
Contains 275 statute acres about 53 of which are bog. It is the pepperty of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are for 3 lives. Rent is from 18s to £1.1. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 8 to 33 acres. Soil: Part of the South side is pretty good loam but the remainder is wet and spongy and produces poor crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is lime and dung. Co. Coss is 10 1/2 d per acre. Part of the townland is set to undertenants at £1.15 per acre. Religion: the greater part is Roman Catholic, the remainder Protestants. On the North East side of the townland is an old fort. The road from Kilnaleck to Cavan runs through the townland.
Contains 207 statute acres about 8 of which are bog and 10 water. It is the property of Richard Bell Esqr. of Drumheel, near Ballynagh. Part of the townland is held under lease of 1 life or 21 years; remainder has no lease. Rent is £2 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 5 to 12 acres. Soil is of a cold, wettish loam and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes arid flax. Manure used is lime and dung. Co. Cess is 10d per acre per 1/2 year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. Near the centre of the townland is an old fort. The road from Kilnaleck to Ballynagh runs through the townland. On the North West corner of the townland is a portion of a large lake which contains perch pike, trout and eel.
Contains 231 statute acres about 4 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Mr. Lload (?) Henry Thomas of Dublin. Leases are for 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is from £1.7 to £1.14 per acre. Soil on the South East side is a mixture of green stone rocks, marl and limestone. The remainder is stiff yellow clay and produces good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. A corn and tuck mill on the South side of the townland convenient to which is a Roman Catholic Chapel. A school is held in the Chapel which is supported by scholars who pay 1s to 2s 6d per quarter. The number of scholars in attendance is: Males: 40; Females: 25. It was established in 1824.
Contains 201 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. Leases are of 1 life or 21 years. Rent is from £1.5. to £1.10 per acre. No bog. Size of farms is from 2 1/2 to 14 acres. Soil is of a cold, stiff loam and produces pretty good crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Manure is lime and dung. Religion: all Roman Catholics. On the East side of the townland joining the boundary is an old fort.
Contains 247 statute acres about 64 of which are bog and rough ground and 7 of water. It is Church land belonging to the Deanery of Kilmore. The whole townland is held by Mr. Bell of Drumheel and set by him to undertenants. Rent is from £1.5 to £1.10 per Irish acre and bog is free. Size of farms is from 5 to 14 acres. Soil is light and rocky and produces oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is bog, lime and dung. The lime is drawn 7 miles and can be laid on the ground for 1s.6d. per barrel. Co. cess is 1s.8d. per acre. The houses are principally of mud. There is on the East side of the townland a lough, through which the parish boundary runs.
Contains 182 statute acres about 43 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The Agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Most of the land is on lease of 3 lives at 9s. per acre; the remainder has no lease. Rent is from £1.3. per acre; size of farms is from 3 to 30 acres. Soil is of a poorish nature and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. cess is 1s.8d. per acre per half year. Religion: there are about as many Protestants as there are Catholics in the townland. The main road from Ballyduff to Kilnaleck runs through this townland.
Contains 348 statute acres about 34 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The Agent is Wm. Gosling Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 1 life or 31 years. Rent is from £1 to £1.5. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Soil on the West side is of a sandy nature and on the East side is of a cold, moory nature and produces oats, potatoes and flax. Size of farms is from 5 to 25 acres. Co. cess is 8d. per acre per half year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. An old fort stands on the West side of the townland. The road from Ballyhullan to Ballyjamesduff runs through the North West corner of the townland.
Contains 143 statute acres about 8 of which are bog. It is the property of Captain Nunor (?), Co. Wexford. The Agent is Mr. Michael Reilly of Garrynogher. Leases are of 3 lives or 31 years. Rent is from £1.5. to £2 per Irish acre. Bog is at the same rent. Size of farms is from 5 to 14 1/2 acres. Soil is good and produces good crops of oats and potatoes. Co. cess is 10d. per acre per half year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. The houses are all built with stone.
Contains 363 statute acres about 5 of which are bog and rough ground and 12 of water. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The Agent is Wm. Goslin of Ballymachugh. Rent is from £1.3. to £1.16 per Irish acre. Soil in the South part of the townland is light gravel and in the North cold, sour clay with large beds of green stone rocks and it produces pretty good crops of oats, flax and potatoes. At the South West corner of the townland is a large lough called Graddum Lough in wich are caught perch, trout and eel. On the North end of the townland is a corn mill and kiln. The greater part of the rocky ground in the South end of the townland is planted with fir trees.
Contains 247 statute acres about 14 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The Agent is Wm. Goslin of Ballymachugh. The whole townland is held under lease of 3 lives by Mr. Robert McDoole of Carlow and Mr. Matthew Porter of Munterconnaught. Rent is 9s6d. per Irish acre and it is set by him to undertenants for leases of 3 lives. Rent is from £1.3. to £1.7. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Soil is partly of light sand and the remainder of a stiffish loam. Co. cess is 7d Per acre per half year. Size of farms is from 2 1/2 to 33 acres. There is one Protestant family in the townland; the remainder are all Roman Catholics. The road from Ballyheelan to Ballyjamesduff runs through this townland. On the North side of the road stands an old fort.
Contains 401 statute acres 48 of which are bog. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the Agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives. Rent averages £1.4 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 9 to 31 acres. Soil generally of a pretty good loam and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. cess is 6 1/2 d per acre per half year. The greater part of the inhabitants are Protestants and the remainder Roman Catholics. The road from Ballyduff to Kilnaleck runs through the townland and on the North side of the road near the centre of the townland is a school called Kiffagh School. It was built by Lord Farnham in 1827 and is supported by him. Salary is £40 per annum and 2 acres of land is attached to the school.
Contains 487 statute acres about 70 of which are bog and 10 of water. It is held under lease renewable for ever by John Lanauze (?) Esqr. of Kill House, George Lanauze Esqr. of Dublin and Mrs. Breadan of Dublin. The Agent for the latter person is Charles Adams of Killyvin (recte Tullyvin?) near Cootehill. No leases are given. Rent is from 18s to £1.13s per Irish acre and bog is free. Size of farms is from 1 to 10 acres. Soil is generally of a cold loam with some small portions of a sandy nature and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure used is lime and dung. Co. cess is 1s 6d peracre per half year Religion: all Roman Catholics. There are two old forts in the townland. There are two loughs in the townland one at the most Northern and the other at the most Southern extremity of the townland both of which contain perch, pike, trout and eel.
Kill Demesne
Contains 158 statute acres about 33 of which are water. It is Church land. It is held under lease renewable for ever by John G. Lanauze and George Lanauze Esqr. Soil is a good loam and produces oats, potatoes and flax. The whole Demesne is farmed by John G. Lanauze Esqr. who resides on the property. There is a tolerable good dwelling house which is thatched. It is called Kill House. A portion of two loughs belong to this townland which abound with pike, perch, trout and eel, and are frequented by different Sorts of wild fowl. Co. cess is 1s. per acre per half year.
Contains 274 statute acres about 44 of which are bog and 34 of water. It is the property of Gerald Dease Esqr. of Tizbetstown(?) Co. Westmeath. The Agent is Mr. Phil O'Reilly of Coolamber. Leases are of 1 life or 21 years. Rent is from £1.3. per Irish acre and bog is free. Size of farms is from 2 to 12 acres. Soil is a cold wet loam and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is dung and lime. Co. cess is 1s.8d per acre, per half year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. On the North East side of the townland is an old fort. There are 2 loughs on the East and South boundaries of the townland both of which abound with pike, perch and eel and different sort of wild foul.
Contains 297 statute acres of which about 34 are bog. It is the joint property of Andrew Bell Esqr. resident in the townland, and Wm. Humphries Esqr. of Ballyhayes Castle. Part of the townland is held under leases of 3 lives or 31 years; the remainder has no leases. Rent is £1. 10 per Irish acre. Bog is free on Mr. Bell's portion. Size of farms is from 5 to 15 acres. Soil is light loam and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is dung. Co. Coss is 2s.6d. per acre. Religion: all Roman Catholics. A very good dwelling house, the residence of A. Bell Esqr. is situated in the North end of the townland. The road from Kilmore to Kilnaleck runs through the townland.
Contains 298 statute acres about 67 of which are bog and rough ground and 5 of water. It is Church land belonging to the Bishop of Kilmore and held by Mr. John Clanauze(?) and set by him to undertenants. Rent is from £1.8 to £2 per Irish acre. No leases are held. Soil is light mountain land and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. On the North West side of the townland is a corn mill and kiln and on the East side of the townland is the village of Kilnaleck, for a description of which see Bk. A. 211. On the South West corner of the townland is a lough.
Contains 466 acres about 9 of which are bog. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Crossdony. There are no leases. Rents are from £1 to £1.10 per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 2 1/2 to 14 acres. Co. cess is 9d per acre per half year. Soil is part wet and heavy clay; the remainder is of a red sandy nature and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. There are two Protestant families in the townland and the remainder are Roman Catholics. A very neat dwelling, the residence of P. Morton Esqr. is situated on the South East side of the townland; it was built in the year 1835. The road from Mount Nugent to Ballyjamesduff runs through the townland A small river bounds the East of the townland, in which are caught fine trout, perch pike and eel.
Contains 369 statute acres about 38 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the joint property of Mr.George Spear of Carrickfergus, Mrs.Ann Spear, Mrs.Sarah Spear and Mrs.Eleanor Peal. It is hold under leases of 2 lives or 21 years. Rent is from 9s.6d. to £1.10p per acre. Size of farms is from 5 1/2 to 16 acres. Soil is of light sandy nature and partly wet and produces middling crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Co. cess is 10d. per acre per half year. There are 6 Protestant families in the townland and the remainder are Roman Catholics. The road from Ballyjamesduff to Cavan runs through the West side of the townland and on the East side of the road near the centre of the townland is an old fort.
Contains 337 statute acres about 30 of which are bog. It is the property of Widow Smith of Dublin. The Agent is Mr. Hinds of Granard. It is held under lease of 5 lives or 31 years. Rent is from £1.5. per acre. Size of farms is from 5 to 17 acres. Soil is light clay and produces pretty good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. cess is 1s.2d. per acre. Religion: all Roman Catholics. There are two forts in the townland. The houses are principally built with mud.
Contains 331 statute acres about 96 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is from 7s6d to £1.1. Soil is very poor and stoney and produces poor crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. cess is 8d. per acre per half year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. In the North of the tounland there is an old fort. The houses are built with stone.
Contains 356 statute acres about 99 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is 18s. per acre. Bog is free. Soil is very rocky and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes. On the North West side of the townland the proprietor is building a very large school house.
Contains 135 acres all under cultivation. It is the property of Counsellor Slater of Whitehill, Co.Longford. It is held under lease for 1 life or 21 years. Rent is from £1. to £1.5 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is 4 to 23 acres. Soil is of a cold wet loam and produces tolerable crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co. cess is 1s. per acre per half year. Religion: all Roman Catholics. There is one fort in the townland near the centre. The main road from Ballyjamesduff to Kilnaleck runs along the South West side of the townland.
Contains 346 statute acres about 40 of which are bog and 7 water. It is the' property Of Pierce Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is from £1.1 to £1.10 per Irish acre. Soil is light mountain gravel and very rocky and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. There are no antiquities. On the South side of the townland is a lough which contains perch and pike. The leading road from Kilnaleck to Ballyjamesduff runs through the townland.
Contains 48 statute acres 16 of which are rough ground. This is the property of Lord Farnham and the agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. There are no leases and rent is £1.5 per Irish acre. Bog is free. The whole townland is held by Philip Smith. The soil is clay and rocky and produces middling crops of potatoes, oats, and flax. Manure is dung, bog and lime; the last mentioned is brought 8 miles and costs 1s.6d. per barrell to lay on the ground. On the North side of the townland convenient to the parish boundary stands a corn mill the property of Mr. Smith in which about 360 barrells of corn are ground annually.
Contains 128 statute acres about 13 of which are water. It is the property of Lord Farnham and the agent is Wm. Goslin of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives of 31 years. Rent is from £1.1 to £1.6. per Irish acre. Soil is stiff cold clay and flax, oats and potatoes are produced. To the East side of the townland is a lough called Graddum Lough which contains perch, eels and trout. The houses are principally built with stones.
Contains 247 statute acres about 8 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The agent is Wm. Goslin sqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives and 31 years. Rent is from 13s to £1 per Irish acre. Soil in the South parts of the townland is stiff and in the North is rocky with marl and produces pretty good crops of oats and flax. The houses in the South are all mud and in the North all stone and in good repair. There are rocks in the North of the townland called Pudding rocks and some marl holes. The marl is used for manure.
Contains 77 statute acres about 2 of which are bog. It is Church land belonging to the Diocese of Kilmore. There are no leases. Rent is £1 per Irish acre. Soil is yellow and blue clay and limestone on the South West side of the townland and produces but middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are principally built with mud.
Contains 392 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of Counsellor Wilson of White Hill near Granard. The agent is Mr. Henry Wilson of Screen, Co. Meath. Leases are of 1 life to 21 years. Rent is from £1.7. per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 2 to 24 Irish acres. Soil is of a pretty good loam and produces good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Co.cess is 6d per half year per acre. Religion: all Roman Catholics. Near the centre of the townland are old forts. The main road from Ballyjamesduff to Kilnaleck runs through this townland and adjoining the road on the East side of the townland is a corn and tuck mill.
Contains 96 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. There are no leases. Rent is £1 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Soil is poor and stoney and produces but poor crops of oats and potatoes. Co. cess is 5 1/2 d per acre per half year. Size of farms is from 1 to 15 acres. The inhabitants are all Roman Catholics. The houses are all built with stone on the East side of the townland. Along the parish mearing is a large precipice.
Contains 150 statute acres about 34 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Lord John Beresford, Primate of Ireland. There are no leases. Rent is from 15s. to £1.1. per Irish acre. Soil is light with green stone rocks and produces but middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. In the South end of the townland is a long ridge of rocks.
Contains 182 statute acres about 3 of which are under water. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Rent is from £1.3 to £1.6 per Irish acre. Soil is stiff cold clay. The South part of the townland has the appearance of a limestone bottom and produces good crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Part of Graddum Lough is in the North East corner of the townland. It contains perch, trout, and eels. On the South extremity is a fort. The houses are principally built with stone.
Tedeehan Upper
Contains 150 statute acres about 47 of which are bog. It is the property of (?) Nugent, Esqr. The whole of the townland is held under lease by A. C. Pallis Esqr. of Dublin, and set by him to under tenants for leases of 1 life or 21 years. Rent is from 16s to £1.10 per acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 5 to 14 acres. Soil is of a cold loam and produces light crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is lime and dung. Co. cess is 1s.6d. per Irish acre per half year. On the East side of the townland joining the boundaries is the old fort. Religion: there are about as many Prouestants as Roman Cetholics in the townland.
Tedeehan Middle
Contains 71 statute acres about 16 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The Agent is John Tatlow Esq. of Crossdoney. Leases are of 1 life or 21 years. Rent is £1.4 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 8 1/2 to 20 1/2 acres. Soil is of a wet loam and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The houses are all built with mud. Manure is lime and dung. The inhabitants are all Roman Catholics.
Tedeehan Lower
Contains 46 statute acres about 1 of which is rough ground. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The agent is Wm. Goslin of Ballymachugh. There are no leases. Rent is £1.7.6 per acre. Soil is of wettish loam and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. Manure is lime and dung. There is only one dwelling house built with mud. Co. Cess is is. 2d. per acre per 1/2 year. Religion: Protestants. The-inhabitants have to purchase their bog.
Contains 454 statute acres about 76 of which are bog and rough ground. It is the property of Lord Farnham. The agent is Wm. Goslin Esqr. of Ballymachugh. Leases are of 3 lives. Rent is from 10s. 6d. to £1.5 per Irish acre. Bog is free. Size of farms is from 12 to 24 acres. Soil in the North end of the townland is poor and rocky; the remainder is of a sandy nature and produces but poor crops of oats, flax and potatoes. Co. Cess is 9d per acre per 1/2 year. The greater part of the inhabitants are Protestants; the remainder are Roman Catholics. The road from Ballyjamesduff to Cavan runs through the North East side of the townland.
Contains 128 statute acres all under cultivation. It is the property of P. Morton Esqr. of Kilnacrott. The agent is John Tatlow Esqr. of Crossdoney. Leases are held for the life of His Present Majesty. Rent is from 13s. to £1.1 per Irish acre. Soil is light and gravelly with rocks and produces middling crops of oats, potatoes and flax. The main road from Kilnaleck to Killeshandra runs through the South end of the townland and a stage coach from Dublin to Killeshandra runs through this road daily.
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Aghaconny | Acheson | Thomas |
Aghaconny | Acheson | Walter |
Aghaconny | Beatty | Arthur |
Aghaconny | Brady | Edward, Jr. |
Aghaconny | Comerford | Bryan |
Aghaconny | Fitzpatrick | Catherine |
Aghaconny | Liddy | Rose |
Aghaconny | Maguire | Terence |
Aghaconny | Mahon | Felix |
Aghaconny | Reynolds | Thomas |
Aghaconny | Smith | Henry |
Aghaconny | Smith | Thomas |
Aghagegna | Black | Philip |
Aghagegna | Cronin | James |
Aghagegna | Farrell | John |
Aghagegna | Johnston | Anne |
Aghagegna | Knight | William |
Aghagegna | Little | Laurence |
Aghagegna | Lynch | Anne |
Aghagegna | Mc Govern | Robert |
Aghagegna | Mc Loughlin | James |
Aghagegna | Oboy | John |
Aghagegna | Stephens | George |
Aghagegna | Stephens | John |
Aghagegna | Stephens | Rep. Henry |
Aghagegna | Stephens | William |
Aghagegna | Talbot De Malah | Lord ??? |
Aghagegna | Traynor | John |
Aghakee | Brady | Bernard |
Aghakee | Brady | Hugh |
Aghakee | Buchanan | Thomas |
Aghakee | Mc Govern | Patrick |
Aghakee | Smith | Richard |
Aghawee | Beatty | John |
Aghawee | Callery | Charles |
Aghawee | Callery | James |
Aghawee | Callery | Jas. |
Aghawee | Callery | Michael |
Aghawee | Callery | Patk. |
Aghawee | Callery | Patrick |
Aghawee | Callery | Peter |
Aghawee | Callery | Peter, Jr. |
Aghawee | Callery | Philip |
Aghawee | Callery | Rose |
Aghawee | Cassidy | Mary |
Aghawee | Connellan | Matthew |
Aghawee | Fitzsimons | Anne |
Aghawee | Gaffney | James |
Aghawee | Gaffney | John |
Aghawee | Gaffney | Philip |
Aghawee | Galligan | Bryan |
Aghawee | Galligan | Henry |
Aghawee | Holton | Edward |
Aghawee | Kelly | Daniel |
Aghawee | Kelly | Patrick |
Aghawee | Lynch | Edward |
Aghawee | Nesbitt | Alexander |
Aghawee | Smith | Owen |
Aghawee | Smith | Patk. |
Aghawee | Smith | Patrick |
Aghawee | Smith | Peter |
Aghawee | Smith | Philip |
Aghawee | Smith | Philip, Jr. |
Aghawee | Staunton | Alexander |
Carrickabane | Cooke | Thomas |
Carrickabane | Cronin | Andrew |
Carrickabane | Cronin | James |
Carrickabane | Cronin | John |
Carrickabane | Crosby | Bryan |
Carrickabane | Galligan | Bartholw. |
Carrickabane | Galligan | Patrick |
Carrickabane | Reilly | Bridget |
Carrickabane | Reilly | Philip |
Carrickacroy | Askin | Rev. ??? |
Carrickacroy | Buchanan | Robert |
Carrickacroy | Caffrey | James |
Carrickacroy | Cooney | Matthew |
Carrickacroy | Donohoe | Philip |
Carrickacroy | Gaffney | James |
Carrickacroy | Galligan | Peter |
Carrickacroy | Galligan | Terence |
Carrickacroy | Galligan | William |
Carrickacroy | Mc Donnell | Michael |
Carrickacroy | Reilly | Thomas |
Carrickacroy | Ruddy | Mary |
Carrickacroy | Smith | Charles |
Carrickacroy | Smith | John |
Carrickacroy | Smith | Richard |
Carrickacroy | Tormey | John |
Cashel | Addy | William |
Cashel | Baxter | John |
Cashel | Farley | John |
Cashel | Humphrys | William |
Cashel | Mc Keon | John |
Cashel | Mc Kiernan | John |
Cashel | Mc Mahon | Peter |
Cashel | Monaghan | John |
Cashel | Montford | Henry |
Cashel | Morrison | Richard |
Cashel | Reilly | Charles |
Cashel | Reilly | Philip |
Cashel | Scott | Francis |
Cashel | Sheridan | James |
Cashel | Sheridan | John |
Cashel | Smith | John |
Cashel | Smith | William |
Clare | Brown | Nathaniel |
Clare | Cooke | Terence |
Clare | Cooke | Thomas |
Clare | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Clare | Hogg | Rev. William |
Clare | Johnston | Richard |
Clare | Love | Mary |
Clare | Lynch | Bernard |
Clare | Lyons | Margaret |
Clare | Morrogh | John |
Clare | Porterfield | Moses |
Clare | Raeburn | John |
Clare | Reilly | Bernard |
Clare | Stafford | George |
Clareboy | Cronin | James |
Clareboy | Innis | Patrick |
Clareboy | Lynch | John |
Clareboy | Lynch | Matthew |
Clareboy | Lynch | Patrick |
Clareboy | Smith | Bernard |
Clareboy | Smith | Bryan |
Clonmult | Connellan | Matthew |
Clonmult | Finegan | Farrell |
Clonmult | Finegan | Farrell, Jr. |
Clonmult | Gilroy | James |
Clonmult | Hussey | Patrick |
Clonmult | King | Philip |
Clonmult | Mc Cann | Patrick |
Coolkill | Boylan | Matthew |
Coolkill | Boylan | Patrick |
Coolkill | Brady | Andrew |
Coolkill | Brady | John |
Coolkill | Caffrey | Patrick |
Coolkill | Callan | Peter |
Coolkill | Callan | Peter, Jr. |
Coolkill | Callan | Rose |
Coolkill | Callery | Patrick |
Coolkill | Connerty | Philip |
Coolkill | Coyle | Hugh |
Coolkill | Daly | Thomas |
Coolkill | Fay | Anne |
Coolkill | Fay | Charles |
Coolkill | Fay | James |
Coolkill | Fay | Patrick |
Coolkill | Fay | Patrick, Jr. |
Coolkill | Galligan | Andrew |
Coolkill | Galligan | Bernard |
Coolkill | Galligan | Charles |
Coolkill | Galligan | Henry |
Coolkill | Galligan | James |
Coolkill | Galligan | Peter |
Coolkill | Galligan | Thomas |
Coolkill | Lynch | Elizabeth |
Coolkill | Lynch | John |
Coolkill | Lynch | Mary |
Coolkill | Lynch | Matthew |
Coolkill | Lynch | Patrick |
Coolkill | Mc Dermot | Thomas |
Coolkill | Meredyth | Simon |
Coolkill | Piles | Thomas |
Coolkill | Reilly | Francis |
Coolkill | Reilly | John, Jr. |
Coolkill | Reilly | Patrick |
Coolkill | Reilly | Philip |
Coolkill | Reilly | Thomas |
Coolkill | Sheridan | John |
Coolkill | Sheridan | Peter |
Coolkill | Smith | Bernard |
Coolkill | Smith | Bryan |
Coolkill | Smith | Charles |
Coolkill | Smith | John |
Coolkill | Smith | Michael |
Coolkill | Smith | Patrick |
Coolkill | Victory | Cornelius |
Corbeagh | Drawnear | John |
Corbeagh | Kilroy | James |
Corbeagh | Lord | John |
Corbeagh | Mc Cormack | James |
Corbeagh | Smith | Matthew |
Corduff | Briody | Thomas |
Corduff | Galligan | Andrew |
Corduff | Galligan | Barthw. |
Corduff | Galligan | Edward |
Corduff | Galligan | John |
Corduff | Galligan | Mary |
Corduff | Galligan | Patrick |
Corduff | Givney | John |
Corduff | Reilly | Matthew |
Corduff | Smith | Andrew |
Corduff | Smith | Daniel |
Corglass | Acheson | Frances |
Corglass | Boylan | Matthew |
Corglass | Burns | Catherine |
Corglass | Caffrey | John |
Corglass | Connerty | Michael |
Corglass | Coyle | Patrick |
Corglass | Cronin | Patrick |
Corglass | Donohoe | Peter |
Corglass | Fitzpatrick | Patrick |
Corglass | Fitzpatrick | Philip |
Corglass | Flynn | Margaret |
Corglass | Foster | William |
Corglass | Gaffney | Bryan |
Corglass | Galligan | Henry |
Corglass | Givney | Michael |
Corglass | Little | Frances |
Corglass | Mc Govern | Bryan |
Corglass | Reilly | Owen |
Corglass | Reilly | Peter |
Corglass | Smith | Edward |
Corglass | Smith | Hugh |
Corglass | Smith | Owen |
Corglass | Strong | Mary Anne |
Corglass | Wilton | Charles |
Corglass | Wilton | Cosby |
Corglass | Wilton | James |
Corglass | Wilton | Jane |
Corglass | Wilton | John |
Corglass | Wilton | Joseph |
Corglass | Wilton | Samuel |
Corglass or Rassan | Jennings | Francis |
Corglass or Rassan | Mc Donnell | Patrick |
Corglass or Rassan | Reilly | Richard |
Corglass or Rassan | Smith | Philip |
Corlateerin | Comerford | Matthew |
Corlateerin | Heany | William |
Corlateerin | Heany | William, Jr. |
Corlateerin | Laraghan | James |
Corlateerin | Laraghan | Thomas |
Corlateerin | Maguire | William |
Corlateerin | Mc Cabe | Edward |
Corlateerin | Mc Cabe | Michael |
Corlateerin | Mc Cabe | Patrick |
Corlateerin | Mc Cherry | Matthew |
Corlateerin | Mc Cormick | Patrick |
Corlateerin | Reilly | Patrick |
Corlislea | Briody | Thomas |
Corlislea | Finnegan | Peter |
Corlislea | Gaffney | James |
Corlislea | Gaffney | Mary |
Corlislea | Gaffney | Rose |
Corlislea | Gaffney | Timothy |
Corlislea | Galligan | John |
Corlislea | Galligan | Owen |
Corlislea | Murphy | Peter |
Corlislea | O'Donnell | Thomas |
Corlislea | Reilly | Matthew |
Creenow | Cosgrave | James |
Creenow | Galligan | Bridget |
Creenow | Leddy | John |
Creenow | Leddy | Judith |
Creenow | Mc Cabe | Thomas |
Creenow | Mc Givney | Andrew |
Creenow | Mc Givney | Bryan |
Creenow | Mc Givney | Michael |
Creenow | Mc Givney | Nicholas |
Creenow | Mc Givney | Thomas |
Creenow | Reilly | Peter |
Crosserlough | Acheson | Thomas |
Crosserlough | Beresford | John D. |
Crosserlough | Bird | Charles |
Crosserlough | Bird | Patrick |
Crosserlough | Brady | Charles |
Crosserlough | Brien | John |
Crosserlough | Caffrey | Charles |
Crosserlough | Caffrey | Philip |
Crosserlough | Caldwell | Anne |
Crosserlough | Caldwell | Philip |
Crosserlough | Campbell | Matthew |
Crosserlough | Cooney | John |
Crosserlough | Coyle | Bridget |
Crosserlough | Cusack | Edward |
Crosserlough | Cusack | Philip |
Crosserlough | Cusack | Thomas |
Crosserlough | Daly | Michael |
Crosserlough | Donohoe | James |
Crosserlough | Donohoe | Thomas |
Crosserlough | Dowd | Peter |
Crosserlough | Gaffney | Michael |
Crosserlough | Gaffney | Philip |
Crosserlough | Galligan | Michael |
Crosserlough | Gorman | John |
Crosserlough | Gorman | Matthew |
Crosserlough | Keaney | Owen |
Crosserlough | Lynch | Bartholomew |
Crosserlough | Lynch | Michael |
Crosserlough | Lynch | Owen |
Crosserlough | Mc Gauley | John |
Crosserlough | Mc Gauley | Mark |
Crosserlough | Pickens | Samuel |
Crosserlough | Reilly | Cornelius |
Crosserlough | Reilly | Hugh |
Crosserlough | Reilly | James |
Crosserlough | Reilly | Patrick |
Crosserlough | Reilly | Terence |
Crosserlough | Ruddan | Michael |
Crosserlough | Ruddan | Peter |
Crosserlough | Smith | Anne |
Crosserlough | Smith | Catherine |
Crosserlough | Smith | Mary |
Crosserlough | Smith | Thomas |
Cullow | Boylan | Bernard |
Cullow | Boylan | John |
Cullow | Galligan | Peter |
Cullow | Kirwan | John |
Cullow | Lynch | John |
Cullow | Matthews | Mary |
Cullow | Mc Cabe | Matthew |
Cullow | Mc Cabe | Matthew, Jr. |
Cullow | Mc Cabe | Patrick |
Cullow | Mc Donnell | Owen |
Cullow | Meredyth | Owen |
Cullow | Smith | James |
Cullow | Thompson | George W. |
Curraghabreedin | Flood | Edward |
Curraghabreedin | Fox | Richard |
Curraghabreedin | Lynch | Patrick |
Curraghabreedin | Lynch | Patrick, Jr. |
Curraghabreedin | Mc Cabe | Michael |
Curraghabreedin | Reilly | Bryan |
Curraghabreedin | Reilly | Charles |
Curraghabreedin | Reilly | Michael |
Curraghabreedin | Smith | Thomas |
Derrin Lower | Heaslop | Benjamin |
Derrin Lower | Ladlow | John |
Derrin Lower | Lownds | Thomas |
Derrin Lower | Strong | George |
Derrin Upper | Brady | Andrew |
Derrin Upper | Caldwell | Patrick |
Derrin Upper | Mc Cauley | Arthur |
Derrin Upper | Reilly | Patrick |
Derrin Upper | Reilly | Terence |
Derry | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Derry | Finegan | John |
Derry | Gaffney | Peter |
Derry | Heaslip | George |
Derry | Heaslip | Thomas |
Derry | Heaslip | William |
Derry | Lowry | Thomas |
Derry | Martin | Mary |
Derry | Owens | Joseph |
Derry | Parker | Joseph |
Derry | Spinks | Christopher |
Derry | Spinks | William |
Derrylahan | Bell | Catherine |
Derrylahan | Brady | Andrew |
Derrylahan | Byers | Joseph |
Derrylahan | Byers | Mary |
Derrylahan | Byers | William |
Derrylahan | Callaghan | Bryan |
Derrylahan | Callaghan | Philip |
Derrylahan | Cooke | Terence |
Derrylahan | Cooke | Thomas |
Derrylahan | Dinen | Farrell |
Derrylahan | Dinen | Owen |
Derrylahan | Diner | Terence |
Derrylahan | Fitzpatrick | Jane |
Derrylahan | Galligan | Henry |
Derrylahan | Galligan | Peter |
Derrylahan | Harte | Cornelius |
Derrylahan | Lee | Michael |
Derrylahan | Maguire | Catherine |
Derrylahan | Mc Cahill | Judith |
Derrylahan | Mc Evoy | James |
Derrylahan | Mc Evoy | Matthew |
Derrylahan | Mc Evoy | Philip |
Derrylahan | Mc Givney | John |
Derrylahan | Mc Glinn | Thomas |
Derrylahan | Mc Intyre | Peter |
Derrylahan | Porter | David |
Derrylahan | Reilly | Patrick |
Derrylahan | Reilly | Terence |
Derrylahan | Reily | Philip |
Derrylahan | Smith | Andrew |
Derrylahan | Smith | John |
Derrylahan | Smith | Patrick |
Derrylahan | Spear | Rep. George |
Derrylahan | Spears | Leonard |
Derrylea | Callaghan | Patrick |
Derrylea | Clinton | John |
Derrylea | Daly | Catherine |
Derrylea | Daly | Luke |
Derrylea | Daly | Michael |
Derrylea | Fetherstone | Elizabeth |
Derrylea | Gaffney | Catherine |
Derrylea | Gaffney | Mary |
Derrylea | Gaffney | Mary, Jr. |
Derrylea | Jennings | Francis |
Derrylea | Lynch | Henry |
Derrylea | Lynch | Mary |
Derrylea | Lynch | Thomas |
Derrylea | Maguire | Patrick |
Derrylea | Mc Daniel | John |
Derrylea | Monaghan | Matthew |
Derrylea | Reilly | Bernard |
Derrylea | Reilly | John |
Derrylea | Reilly | Terence |
Derrylea | Smith | Andrew |
Derrylea | Smith | Patrick |
Drumakinneo | Comerford | Michael |
Drumakinneo | Coyle | Matthew |
Drumakinneo | Galligan | Anne |
Drumakinneo | Galligan | Bartholomew |
Drumakinneo | Galligan | Edward |
Drumakinneo | Galligan | Mary |
Drumakinneo | Reilly | John |
Drumakinneo | Smith | John |
Drumakinneo | Smith | Owen |
Drumakinneo | Smith | Terence |
Drumakinneo | Smith | Thomas |
Drumakinneo | Timmins | James |
Drumanalaragh | Farrelly | Luke |
Drumanalaragh | Gaffney | Francis |
Drumanalaragh | Galligan | Bryan |
Drumanalaragh | Galligan | Matthew |
Drumanalaragh | Galligan | Michael |
Drumanalaragh | Galligan | Patrick |
Drumanalaragh | Mc Cahill | Luke |
Drumanalaragh | Mc Cahill | Mary |
Drumanalaragh | Reilly | John |
Drumanalaragh | Reilly | Patrick |
Drumanalaragh | Sheridan | James |
Drumanalaragh | Stafford | John |
Drumbee | Bannon | John |
Drumbee | Berry | Martin |
Drumbee | Black | John |
Drumbee | Comerford | Bryan |
Drumbee | Comerford | Patrick |
Drumbee | Comerford | Thomas |
Drumbee | Faulkner | Samuel |
Drumbee | Foster | William |
Drumbee | Galligan | Patrick |
Drumbee | Harwood | William |
Drumbee | Maxwell | Hon. S. R. |
Drumbee | Mc Clean | James |
Drumbee | Mc Givney | Ellen |
Drumbee | Montgomery | James |
Drumbee | Peel | Henry |
Drumbee | Pickins | John |
Drumcassidy | Corr | John |
Drumcassidy | Coyle | Cathedrine |
Drumcassidy | Donnelly | Patrick |
Drumcassidy | Fagan | Peter |
Drumcassidy | Mc Cormack | Philip |
Drumcassidy | Mc Givney | Andrew |
Drumcassidy | Mc Givney | Mary |
Drumcassidy | Mc Givney | Thomas |
Drumcassidy | Reilly | Francis |
Drumcassidy | Reilly | Joseph |
Drumcassidy | Reilly | Mary, Jr. |
Drumcassidy | Reilly | Rose |
Drumcassidy | Sheridan | Thomas |
Drumcassidy | Smith | Mary |
Drumegil | Boylan | Bridget |
Drumegil | Boylan | Owen |
Drumegil | Cooney | Patrick |
Drumegil | Heany | James |
Drumegil | Heany | Sarah |
Drumegil | Heany | William |
Drumegil | Hyland | Mary |
Drumegil | Mc Berney | Peter |
Drumegil | Mc Cabe | Michael |
Drumegil | Mc Cherry | Thomas |
Drumegil | Mc Keon | Patrick |
Drumegil | Nulty | Patrick |
Drumegil | Saraghan | Thomas |
Drumegil | Smith | Matthew |
Drumegil | Smith | Matthew, Jr. |
Drumegil | Smyth | Matthew |
Drumhallagh | Boylan | Peter |
Drumhallagh | Corkedale | David |
Drumhallagh | Corkedale | Robert |
Drumhallagh | Corkedale | Sarah |
Drumhallagh | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Drumhallagh | Newel | Margaret |
Drumhallagh | Smith | Patrick |
Druminisclin | Briody | James |
Druminisclin | Briody | Michael |
Druminisclin | Briody | Patrick |
Druminisclin | Briody | Rose Anne |
Druminisclin | Briody | Thomas |
Druminisclin | Briody | Thos. |
Druminisclin | Donohoe | Anne |
Druminisclin | Donohoe | James |
Druminisclin | Donohoe | Michael |
Druminisclin | Donohoe | Patrick |
Druminisclin | Mc Keon | John |
Druminisclin | Reilly | Margaret |
Druminisclin | Reilly | Terence |
Drumkilly | Caldwell | Patrick |
Drumkilly | Comerford | James |
Drumkilly | Cronin | Michael |
Drumkilly | Drum | Peter |
Drumkilly | Gaffney | Philip |
Drumkilly | Galligan | Bridget |
Drumkilly | Galligan | James |
Drumkilly | Galligan | Mary |
Drumkilly | Galligan | William |
Drumkilly | Kelly | James |
Drumkilly | Mc Cauley | Arthur |
Drumkilly | Reilly | Charles |
Drumkilly | Reilly | Edward |
Drumkilly | Reilly | Myles |
Drumkilly | Reilly | Thomas |
Drumkilly | Stafford | Thomas |
Drumkilly | Watson | Sarah |
Drumloman | Boylan | Francis |
Drumloman | Boylan | Owen |
Drumloman | Boylan | Patrick |
Drumloman | Corr | Michael |
Drumloman | Galligan | James |
Drumloman | Leddy | Bryan |
Drumloman | Leddy | James |
Drumloman | Leddy | John |
Drumloman | Leddy | Peter |
Drumloman | Leddy | Rose |
Drumloman | Mc Cormack | John |
Drumloman | Mc Givney | James |
Drumloman | Mc Loughlin | Margaret |
Drumloman | Mc Mahon | Rose |
Drumloman | Smith | Bryan |
Drumloman | Smith | Bryan, Jr. |
Drumloman | Smith | Michael |
Drumnalaragh | Boylan | Michael |
Drumnalaragh | Boylan | Patrick |
Drumnalaragh | Coyle | Hugh |
Drumnalaragh | Coyle | John |
Drumnalaragh | Coyle | Patrick |
Drumnalaragh | Coyle | Terence |
Drumnalaragh | Cronin | Rose |
Drumnalaragh | Gaffney | John |
Drumnalaragh | Galligan | Edward |
Drumnalaragh | Galligan | Ellen |
Drumnalaragh | Givney | Mary |
Drumnalaragh | Masterson | Michael |
Drumnalaragh | Mc Dermott | Bridget |
Drumnalaragh | Reilly | Anne |
Drumnalaragh | Reilly | Edward |
Drumnalaragh | Reilly | Terence |
Drumrath | Comerford | James |
Drumrath | Comerford | Mary |
Drumrath | Connerty | Mary |
Drumrath | Connerty | Owen |
Drumrath | Coyle | James |
Drumrath | Flood | Patrick |
Drumrath | Galligan | Michael |
Drumrath | Leddy | Michael |
Drumrath | Reilly | Mary |
Drumrath | Toole | Bernard |
Drumroragh | Bannan | Mary |
Drumroragh | Bell | Andrew |
Drumroragh | Buchanan | Robert |
Drumroragh | Caldwell | Michael |
Drumroragh | Caldwell | Rose |
Drumroragh | Callery | Charles |
Drumroragh | Coyle | Andrew |
Drumroragh | Coyle | Hugh |
Drumroragh | Denning | William |
Drumroragh | Fay | Charles |
Drumroragh | Fitzsimons | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Flood | Anne |
Drumroragh | Flood | James |
Drumroragh | Flood | Owen |
Drumroragh | Flynn | James |
Drumroragh | Gaffney | Bartholomew |
Drumroragh | Gaffney | Margaret |
Drumroragh | Gaffney | Nicholas |
Drumroragh | Galligan | Henry |
Drumroragh | Galligan | Thomas |
Drumroragh | Gillick | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Harte | Cornelius |
Drumroragh | Harte | Thomas |
Drumroragh | Jones | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Kerr | Edward |
Drumroragh | Kerr | Judith |
Drumroragh | Kerr | Mary |
Drumroragh | Kerr | Matthew |
Drumroragh | Lynch | Bridget |
Drumroragh | Lynch | John |
Drumroragh | Lynch | Margaret |
Drumroragh | Lynch | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Lynch | Thomas |
Drumroragh | Mc Cahill | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Mc Dermott | Thomas |
Drumroragh | Mc Girl | Catherine |
Drumroragh | Monaghan | John |
Drumroragh | Monaghan | Thomas |
Drumroragh | Reilly | Bridget |
Drumroragh | Reilly | Margaret |
Drumroragh | Reilly | Owen |
Drumroragh | Reilly | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Sherman | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Smith | Henry |
Drumroragh | Smith | Hugh |
Drumroragh | Smith | John |
Drumroragh | Smith | Patrick |
Drumroragh | Smith | Peter |
Drumroragh | Smith | Thomas |
Drumroragh | Tatlow | John T. |
Drumscruddan | Askin | Rev. ??? |
Drumscruddan | Black | Mary |
Drumscruddan | Boyle | Bridget |
Drumscruddan | Cooke | Bridget |
Drumscruddan | Cooke | Hugh |
Drumscruddan | Cooke | Mary |
Drumscruddan | Galligan | Anne |
Drumscruddan | Johnston | Richard |
Drumscruddan | Kimmins | Patrick |
Drumscruddan | Lynch | John |
Drumscruddan | Maguire | James |
Drumscruddan | Mc Dermott | Peter |
Drumscruddan | Mc Dermott | Thomas |
Drumscruddan | Mc Kirnan | William |
Drumscruddan | Quinn | Peter |
Drumscruddan | Reilly | Bartholomew |
Drumscruddan | Reilly | Charles |
Drumscruddan | Reilly | James |
Drumscruddan | Reilly | Patrick |
Drumscruddan | Tierney | John |
Duffcastle | Argyle | William |
Duffcastle | Darling | William |
Duffcastle | Dundass | Jane |
Duffcastle | English | Joseph |
Duffcastle | Knowles | William |
Duffcastle | Lynch | Edward |
Duffcastle | Mc Clean | Alexander |
Duffcastle | Mc Clelland | William |
Duffcastle | Mc Govern | Robert |
Duffcastle | Pickens | Henry |
Duffcastle | Smith | Peter |
Duffcastle | Stephens | Frederick |
Finaway | Andrews | John |
Finaway | Black | Thomas |
Finaway | Connerty | Mary |
Finaway | Cooke | Patrick |
Finaway | Daly | Hugh |
Finaway | Daly | Luke |
Finaway | Daly | Patrick |
Finaway | Gaffney | Judith |
Finaway | Gaffney | Thomas |
Finaway | Gorman | Matthew |
Finaway | Horrigan | Michael |
Finaway | Lynch | Thomas |
Finaway | Mc Enroe | Mary |
Finaway | Mc Evoy | Michael |
Finaway | Mc Govern | Robert |
Finaway | Murphy | Thomas |
Finaway | Reilly | Anne |
Finaway | Reilly | Elizabeth |
Finaway | Reilly | James |
Finaway | Reilly | Patrick |
Finaway | Smith | Patrick |
Finaway | Tully | Patrick |
Finaway | Watson | James |
Garrynogher | Fitzsimon | Edward |
Garrynogher | Fitzsimon | Michael |
Garrynogher | Loughan | John |
Garrynogher | O'Reilly | Daniel |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Catherine |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Charles |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Ellen |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Hugh |
Garrynogher | Reilly | John |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Michael |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Michael, Jr. |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Patrick |
Garrynogher | Reilly | Thomas |
Gortachurk | Lee | Owen |
Gortachurk | Mc Veety | Henry |
Gortachurk | Sheridan | James |
Gortachurk | Sheridan | James |
Gortachurk | Smith | Hugh |
Graddum | Buchanan | Thomas |
Graddum | Clarke | Robert |
Graddum | Collins | Rev. Hen. |
Graddum | Delap | Mary |
Graddum | Glancy | James |
Graddum | Gordon | Joseph |
Graddum | Malcomson | John |
Graddum | Martin | Patrick |
Graddum | Maxwell | Hon. S. R. |
Graddum | Mc Cormack | Eugene |
Graddum | Mc Cormack | Francis |
Graddum | Mc Cormack | James |
Graddum | Mc Govern | Robert |
Graddum | Owens | Ellen |
Graddum | Reilly | James |
Graddum | Reilly | Terence |
Graddum | Spinks | Christopher |
Graddum | Spinks | William |
Graddum | Stephens | George |
Graddum | Stephens | John |
Graddum | Stephens | William |
Keelderry | Coyle | Andrew |
Keelderry | Coyle | Hugh |
Keelderry | Coyle | John |
Keelderry | Coyle | Thomas |
Keelderry | Dease | Gerald |
Keelderry | Fitzpatrick | Patrick |
Keelderry | Fitzpatrick | Philip |
Keelderry | Galligan | Daniel |
Keelderry | Sheridan | Ellen |
Keelderry | Sheridan | James |
Keelderry | Sheridan | Mary |
Keelderry | Smith | Charles |
Keelderry | Smith | Hugh |
Keelderry | Smith | Owen |
Keelderry | Smith | Patrick |
Keelderry | Smith | Thomas |
Keelderry | Toole | John |
Keenagh | Callaghan | Ellen |
Keenagh | Colgan | Anne |
Keenagh | Connerty | Hugh |
Keenagh | Evans | Mary |
Keenagh | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Keenagh | Flynn | John |
Keenagh | Gaffney | Anne |
Keenagh | Gaffney | Henry |
Keenagh | Gaffney | Henry, Jr. |
Keenagh | Gaffney | Rose |
Keenagh | Harte | Catherine |
Keenagh | Lynch | Mary |
Keenagh | Mc Cauly | Daniel |
Keenagh | Mc Girl | Patrick |
Keenagh | Mc Kernan | Thomas |
Keenagh | Nixon | John |
Keenagh | Reilly | James |
Keenagh | Smith | John |
Keenagh | Tully | Bridget |
Keenagh | Tully | Francis |
Keenagh | Tully | Mary |
Keenagh | Tully | Patk. |
Keenagh | Tully | Patrick |
Kiffagh | Byers | David |
Kiffagh | Caffrey | Anne |
Kiffagh | Connor | Thomas |
Kiffagh | Fagan | George |
Kiffagh | Fagan | Robert |
Kiffagh | Galligan | Peter |
Kiffagh | Gaynor | Charles |
Kiffagh | Hanna | James |
Kiffagh | Hanna | William |
Kiffagh | Hartly | Thomas |
Kiffagh | Lee | Peter |
Kiffagh | Little | Anne |
Kiffagh | Maxwell | Hon. S. R. |
Kiffagh | Mc Cabe | Anne |
Kiffagh | Mc Cabe | Bartholomew |
Kiffagh | Mc Cabe | Charles |
Kiffagh | Mc Cahill | James |
Kiffagh | Pickins | George |
Kiffagh | Sheridan | James |
Kiffagh | Smith | Patrick |
Kiffagh | Tenneny | Patrick |
Kiffagh | Watson | John |
Kiffagh | White | Thomas |
Kill | Black | Philip |
Kill | Boylan | Bryan |
Kill | Bradin | Edgar R. |
Kill | Comerford | Denis |
Kill | Comerford | John |
Kill | Comerford | Matthew |
Kill | Comerford | Nicholas |
Kill | Comerford | Patrick |
Kill | Comerford | Patrick, Jr. |
Kill | Connerty | James |
Kill | Corr | Daniel |
Kill | Corr | Patrick |
Kill | Corr | Peter |
Kill | Cosgrave | James |
Kill | Coyle | Patrick |
Kill | Donohoe | Charles |
Kill | Dowd | Patrick |
Kill | Flynn | John |
Kill | Flynn | Philip |
Kill | Gaffney | Bryan |
Kill | Galligan | Catherine |
Kill | Galligan | Henry |
Kill | Galligan | James |
Kill | Galligan | Michael |
Kill | Keogh | Garrett |
Kill | Keogh | Peter |
Kill | King | James |
Kill | King | Patrick |
Kill | Lanauze | George J. |
Kill | Maguire | Philip |
Kill | Mc Connell | Ellen |
Kill | Mc Connell | John |
Kill | Mc Gaughran | Bridget |
Kill | Monaghan | Michael |
Kill | Murray | James |
Kill | Orpen | John H. |
Kill | Reilly | Edward |
Kill | Reilly | Mary |
Kill | Reilly | Peter |
Kill | Reynolds | Bryan |
Kill | Reynolds | Garrett |
Kill | Reynolds | Patrick |
Kill | Reynolds | Peter |
Kill | Reynolds | Thomas |
Kill | Smith | Hugh |
Kill | Smith | Patrick |
Kill | Tormey | Anne |
Kill | Tormey | Patrick |
Kill | Tormey | Patrick, Jr. |
Kill | Tormey | Rose |
Kill Demesne | Keogh | Garrett |
Kill Demesne | Lanauze | George J. |
Killynure | Callaghan | Michael |
Killynure | Clerken | Nicholas |
Killynure | Clerken | Thomas |
Killynure | Cooke | Bartholomew |
Killynure | Cooke | Batholomew |
Killynure | Cooke | Edward |
Killynure | Cooke | Edward, Jr. |
Killynure | Cooke | Mary |
Killynure | Cooke | Michael |
Killynure | Cooke | Patrick |
Killynure | Cooke | Philip |
Killynure | Cooke | Thomas |
Killynure | Galligan | James |
Killynure | Mc Donnell | John |
Killynure | Mc Gill | James |
Killynure | Reilly | Charles |
Killynure | Reilly | John |
Killynure | Reilly | Matthew |
Killynure | Reilly | Patrick |
Killynure | Reilly | Patrick, Jr. |
Killynure | Reilly | Philip |
Killynure | Smith | Mary |
Killynure | Smith | Patrick |
Killynure | Smith | Peter |
Killytogher | Boylan | Patrick |
Killytogher | Boylan | Philip |
Killytogher | Callery | James |
Killytogher | Callery | John |
Killytogher | Callery | Michael |
Killytogher | Callery | Thomas |
Killytogher | Cooke | Peter |
Killytogher | Farrell | Mary |
Killytogher | Little | Rose |
Killytogher | Lynch | Rev. Edward |
Killytogher | Martin | Margaret |
Killytogher | Mc Cahill | James |
Killytogher | Mc Evoy | Catherine |
Killytogher | Mc Evoy | Thomas |
Killytogher | Mc Intyre | Peter |
Killytogher | Mc Keon | Bernard |
Killytogher | Mc Keon | Matthew |
Killytogher | Mulligan | Hugh |
Killytogher | Mulligan | John |
Killytogher | Mulligan | Owen |
Killytogher | Reilly | Andrew |
Killytogher | Reilly | Charles |
Killytogher | Reilly | James |
Killytogher | Reilly | Patrick |
Killytogher | Smith | Hugh |
Killytogher | Smith | James |
Killytogher | Smith | Margaret |
Killytogher | Smith | Mary |
Killytogher | Smith | Peter |
Killytogher | Smith | Philip |
Killytogher | Teneny | James |
Killytogher | Teneny | Philip |
Kilmainham | Brady | James |
Kilmainham | Conlon | John |
Kilmainham | Corcoran | Bernard |
Kilmainham | Duignan | Daniel |
Kilmainham | Foster | William |
Kilmainham | Humphrys | William |
Kilmainham | Keogan | Anne |
Kilmainham | Keogan | John |
Kilmainham | Keogan | Philip |
Kilmainham | Mc Cabe | Owen |
Kilmainham | Mc Cann | Peter |
Kilmainham | Montford | Henry |
Kilmainham | Rehill | James |
Kilmainham | Reilly | Francis |
Kilmainham | Reilly | Michael |
Kilmainham | Reilly | Rose |
Kilmainham | Smyth | William |
Kilnacrott | Brady | Philip |
Kilnacrott | Caffrey | Patrick |
Kilnacrott | Corrigan | Patrick |
Kilnacrott | Daly | James |
Kilnacrott | Fitzsimons | Simon |
Kilnacrott | Flood | Owen |
Kilnacrott | Gaffney | Mary |
Kilnacrott | Gaffney | Thomas |
Kilnacrott | Gillick | Patrick |
Kilnacrott | L'Estrange | George H. |
Kilnacrott | Lynch | Bridget |
Kilnacrott | Lynch | Edward |
Kilnacrott | Lynch | Ellen |
Kilnacrott | Lynch | John |
Kilnacrott | Lynch | Michael |
Kilnacrott | Lynch | Patrick |
Kilnacrott | Malady | Cornelius |
Kilnacrott | Mc Daniel | Laurence |
Kilnacrott | Mc Govern | Michael |
Kilnacrott | Mc Guinness | John |
Kilnacrott | Murray | John |
Kilnacrott | Smith | Bridget |
Kilnacrott | Smith | Bridget, Jr. |
Kilnacrott | Smith | Patrick |
Kilnacrott | Smith | Philip |
Kilnaleck | Blakeney | Ambrose |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Edward |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Ellen |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Luke |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Margaret |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Matthew |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Matthew, Jr. |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Matthew, Jr. |
Kilnaleck | Boylan | Owen |
Kilnaleck | Brady | Michael |
Kilnaleck | Brady | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Briody | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Brooks | George |
Kilnaleck | Carney | Rose |
Kilnaleck | Cartwright | James |
Kilnaleck | Carty | Michael |
Kilnaleck | Chapman | Thomas |
Kilnaleck | Comerford | Bartholw. |
Kilnaleck | Connatty | Bernard |
Kilnaleck | Connerty | John |
Kilnaleck | Connerty | John |
Kilnaleck | Connerty | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Connerty | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Cooke | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Cooney | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Corcoran | Laurence |
Kilnaleck | Coyle | Hugh |
Kilnaleck | Coyle | Hugh |
Kilnaleck | Coyle | John |
Kilnaleck | Drum | Bryan |
Kilnaleck | Farrell | John |
Kilnaleck | Fitzpatrick | Thomas |
Kilnaleck | Flanagan | James |
Kilnaleck | Flood | Bridget |
Kilnaleck | Flood | Rose |
Kilnaleck | Frizill | John |
Kilnaleck | Gaffney | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Andrew |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Andrew |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Michael |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Owen |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Owen |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Galligan | Philip |
Kilnaleck | Givney | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Golrick | Catherine |
Kilnaleck | Hyland | George |
Kilnaleck | Kelly | James |
Kilnaleck | Kelly | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Keogan | Nicholas |
Kilnaleck | Lanauze | George J. |
Kilnaleck | Lynch | John |
Kilnaleck | Lynch | Michael |
Kilnaleck | Lynch | Owen |
Kilnaleck | Maguire | Richard |
Kilnaleck | Maguire | Richard |
Kilnaleck | Martin | James |
Kilnaleck | Masterson | James |
Kilnaleck | Mc Cabe | Bridget |
Kilnaleck | Mc Clean | Bernard |
Kilnaleck | Mc Givney | Bartholw. |
Kilnaleck | Mc Givney | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Mc Givney | Philip |
Kilnaleck | Mc Givney | Philip |
Kilnaleck | Mc Givney | Stephen |
Kilnaleck | Mc Givney | Thomas |
Kilnaleck | Mc Govern | Honoria |
Kilnaleck | Morris | James |
Kilnaleck | Murtagh | Anne |
Kilnaleck | Orpen | John H. |
Kilnaleck | Owens | Anne |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | Anne |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | John |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | John |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | Philip |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | Philip |
Kilnaleck | Reilly | Rose |
Kilnaleck | Reynolds | Edward |
Kilnaleck | Reynolds | James |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Anne |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Ellen |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | James |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | James |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | John |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | John |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Michael |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Patrick |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Peter |
Kilnaleck | Sheridan | Rose |
Kilnaleck | Smith | James |
Kilnaleck | Smith | James |
Kilnaleck | Thompson | James |
Kilnaleck | Toole | Francis |
Kilnaleck | Tormey | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Bird | Thomas |
Latnadronagh | Boylan | James |
Latnadronagh | Brady | Bryan |
Latnadronagh | Caldwell | Anthony |
Latnadronagh | Caldwell | John |
Latnadronagh | Caldwell | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Caldwell | Thomas |
Latnadronagh | Coyle | Peter |
Latnadronagh | Cronin | Philip |
Latnadronagh | Dolan | Thomas |
Latnadronagh | Dowd | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Gaffney | Andrew |
Latnadronagh | Galligan | Matthew |
Latnadronagh | Heerey | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Heerey | Philip |
Latnadronagh | Lee | Catherine |
Latnadronagh | Lynch | Henry |
Latnadronagh | Lynch | Thomas |
Latnadronagh | Maguire | Daniel |
Latnadronagh | Maguire | Eliza |
Latnadronagh | Maguire | John |
Latnadronagh | Maguire | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Mc Cabe | John |
Latnadronagh | Mc Cabe | Matthew |
Latnadronagh | Mc Cabe | Matthew, Jr. |
Latnadronagh | Mc Cabe | Owen |
Latnadronagh | Mc Cabe | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Mc Evoy | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Mulvany | Owen |
Latnadronagh | Reilly | Patrick |
Latnadronagh | Reilly | Thomas |
Latnadronagh | Smith | Anne |
Latnadronagh | Smith | Mary |
Latnadronagh | Smith | William |
Lecharry | Barrett | Hugh |
Lecharry | Bennett | Hugh |
Lecharry | Bennett | Margaret |
Lecharry | Brady | Bridget |
Lecharry | Brady | Patrick |
Lecharry | Brady | Patrick, Jr. |
Lecharry | Caldwell | Edward |
Lecharry | Connerty | Catherine |
Lecharry | Cooke | Edward |
Lecharry | Cooke | John |
Lecharry | Cooke | Patrick |
Lecharry | Cooke | Peter |
Lecharry | Cooney | John |
Lecharry | Cooney | Matthew |
Lecharry | Coyle | Anne |
Lecharry | Coyle | James |
Lecharry | Coyle | Patrick |
Lecharry | Dowd | Patrick |
Lecharry | Fay | James |
Lecharry | Fenning | Anne |
Lecharry | Flood | Edward |
Lecharry | Harte | Daphney |
Lecharry | Heerey | Nicholas |
Lecharry | Heerey | Thomas |
Lecharry | Maxwell | Mary Anne |
Lecharry | Mc Cabe | Edward |
Lecharry | Mc Cabe | Hugh |
Lecharry | Mc Evoy | Michael |
Lecharry | Mc Evoy | Peter |
Lecharry | Mc Keon | James |
Lecharry | Mc Keon | Thomas |
Lecharry | Mc Mahon | Catherine |
Lecharry | Mc Mahon | Patrick |
Lecharry | Plunket | James |
Lecharry | Plunkett | Michael |
Lecharry | Reilly | Mary |
Lecharry | Sheridan | Matthew |
Lecharry | Smith | James |
Lecharry | White | Alexander |
Lisdonnish | Bartley | Philip |
Lisdonnish | Charleton | Peter |
Lisdonnish | Higgins | Thomas |
Lisdonnish | Little | Bridget |
Lisdonnish | Martin | Bernard |
Lisdonnish | Murray | Edward |
Lisdonnish | Reilly | Bernard |
Lisdonnish | Reilly | Patrick |
Lisdonnish | Rorke | Felix |
Lisdonnish | Rorke | Hugh |
Lisdonnish | Rorke | Thomas |
Mullacastle | Boylan | Philip |
Mullacastle | Boylan | Terence |
Mullacastle | Caldwell | Thomas |
Mullacastle | Callan | Michael |
Mullacastle | Callan | Patrick |
Mullacastle | Cusack | James |
Mullacastle | Fay | James |
Mullacastle | Flood | Bridget |
Mullacastle | Flood | Bridget, Jr. |
Mullacastle | Flood | Owen |
Mullacastle | Flood | Patrick |
Mullacastle | Flood | Patrick, Jr. |
Mullacastle | Flood | Patrick, Sr. |
Mullacastle | Flood | Thomas |
Mullacastle | Flynn | Laurence |
Mullacastle | Gallagher | Patrick |
Mullacastle | Galligan | Andrew |
Mullacastle | Galligan | Bryan |
Mullacastle | Galligan | James |
Mullacastle | Galligan | Peter |
Mullacastle | Lynch | Matthew |
Mullacastle | Mc Keon | Bryan |
Mullacastle | Murphy | James |
Mullacastle | Murtagh | Owen |
Mullacastle | Reilly | Anne |
Mullacastle | Reilly | Hugh |
Mullacastle | Reilly | John |
Mullacastle | Reilly | Margaret |
Mullacastle | Reilly | Thomas |
Mullacastle | Sheridan | Nicholas |
Mullacastle | Sheridan | Terence |
Mullacastle | Smith | John |
Mullacastle | Smith | Patrick |
Mullaghkeel | Gillen | Simon |
Mullaghkeel | Smith | Philip |
Pollareagh | Boylan | Francis |
Pollareagh | Boylan | Mary |
Pollareagh | Cosgrove | Patrick |
Pollareagh | Cosgrove | Philip |
Pollareagh | Cosgrove | Thomas |
Pollareagh | Faughnan | Peter |
Pollareagh | Galligan | Daniel |
Pollareagh | Galligan | Thomas |
Pollareagh | Keogh | Daniel |
Pollareagh | Keogh | Edward |
Pollareagh | Murphy | Patrick |
Pollareagh | Reilly | Thomas |
Pollareagh | Smith | Ellen |
Pollareagh | Stafford | Benjamin |
Pollareagh | Stafford | George |
Pollareagh | Stafford | James |
Pollareagh | Stafford | John |
Pollareagh | Stafford | Thomas |
Portan | Galligan | Laurence |
Portan | Heerey | Catherine |
Portan | Heerey | Philip |
Portan | Stafford | George |
Portan | Stephens | William |
Raharverty | Collum | John |
Raharverty | Fleming | John |
Raharverty | Kelly | James |
Raharverty | Mc Cauly | Arthur |
Rassan | Brady | Anne |
Rassan | Brady | Matthew |
Rassan | Callaghan | Patrick |
Rassan | Comerford | John |
Rassan | Dignam | Andrew |
Rassan | King | Matthew |
Rassan | Little | Michael |
Rassan | Little | Rose |
Rassan | Lynch | Bridget |
Rassan | Lynch | Patrick |
Rassan | Lynch | Philip |
Rassan | Lynch | Thomas |
Rassan | Maguire | Ellen |
Rassan | Mc Enerny | Michael |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Edward |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Mary |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Matthew |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | Michael |
Rassan | Mc Evoy | William |
Rassan | Mc Gaughran | Peter |
Rassan | Mc Gaughran | Peter, Jr. |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | Bryan |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | John |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | Patrick |
Rassan | Mc Intyre | Peter |
Rassan | Moore | William |
Rassan | Morrogh | Robert |
Rassan | Reilly | Charles |
Rassan | Reilly | Hugh |
Rassan | Reilly | John |
Rassan | Reilly | Thomas |
Rassan | Timmons | Michael |
Rockfield | Acheson | Thomas |
Rockfield | Bray | Christopher |
Rockfield | Briody | John |
Rockfield | Campbell | Anne |
Rockfield | Coyle | James |
Rockfield | Galligan | Peter |
Rockfield | Geragh | Andrew |
Rockfield | Lynch | John |
Rockfield | Mc Gaughran | Patrick |
Rockfield | Monaghan | Patrick |
Rockfield | Smith | Bartholomew |
Rockfield | Smith | Michael |
Sallaghill | Donohoe | Michael |
Sallaghill | Gaffney | Francis |
Sallaghill | Reilly | John |
Sallaghill | Reilly | John, Jr. |
Sallaghill | Stafford | George |
Sallaghill | Stafford | John |
Sallaghill | Traynor | John |
Tedeehan Lower | Heaslop | Benjamin |
Tedeehan Middle | Coyle | Anne |
Tedeehan Middle | Coyle | Bridget |
Tedeehan Middle | Coyle | Henry |
Tedeehan Middle | Morton | Pierce |
Tedeehan Middle | Smith | John |
Tedeehan Upper | Clerken | Patrick |
Tedeehan Upper | Connerty | James |
Tedeehan Upper | Connerty | Patrick |
Tedeehan Upper | Donohoe | Bridget |
Tedeehan Upper | Donohoe | Mary |
Tedeehan Upper | Foster | William |
Tedeehan Upper | Galligan | John |
Tedeehan Upper | Gilroy | Bridget |
Tedeehan Upper | Murphy | Thomas |
Tedeehan Upper | Pallas | Andrew C. |
Togher | Buchanan | William |
Togher | Farnham | Lord ??? |
Togher | Heaslip | Henry |
Togher | Hughes | Patrick |
Togher | Lowry | John |
Togher | Maguire | Anne |
Togher | Maguire | James |
Togher | Malcolmson | John |
Togher | Malcomson | James |
Togher | Malcomson | Thomas |
Togher | Mc Cabe | James |
Togher | Mc Gill | John |
Togher | Mc Gill | Robert |
Togher | Mc Gill | William |
Togher | Mc Kiernan | Bryan |
Togher | Murray | Mary |
Togher | Murray | Patrick |
Togher | Reilly | James |
Togher | Smith | John |
Togher | Spinks | Charlton |
Togher | Spinks | Nugent |
Togher | West | Richard |
Togher | White | Anthony |
Togher | White | William |
Tonylion | Boylan | Bernard |
Tonylion | Boylan | Bryan |
Tonylion | Boylan | Luke |
Tonylion | Boylan | Matthew |
Tonylion | Boylan | Matthew, Jr. |
Tonylion | Boylan | Patrick |
Tonylion | Brady | Margaret |
Tonylion | Coyle | Hugh |
Tonylion | Fannin | Patrick |
Tonylion | Fay | James |
Tonylion | Flynn | Laurence |
Tonylion | Galligan | Andrew |
Tonylion | Galligan | Bryan |
Tonylion | Galligan | Owen |
Tonylion | Goldrick | James |
Tonylion | Mc Partland | Patrick |
Tonylion | Reilly | Philip |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Crosserlough
Aghaconny Aghagegna Aghakee Aghawee Carrickabane Carrickacroy Cashel Clare Clareboy Clonmult Coolkill Corbeagh Corduff Corglass Corlateerin Corlislea Creenow Crosserlough Cullow Curraghabreedin Derrin Lower Derrin Upper Derry Derrylahan Derrylea Drumanalaragh Drumbee Drumcassidy Drumegil Drumhallagh Druminisclin Drumkilly Drumloman Drumnakinneo Drumnalaragh Drumrath Drumroragh Drumscruddan Duffcastle Finaway Garrynogher Gortachurk (Crosserlough Civil Parish) Graddum Keelderry Keenagh Kiffagh Kill Kill Demesne Killynure Killytogher Kilmainham Kilnacrott Kilnaleck Kilnaleck Latnadronagh Lecharry Lisdonnish Mullacastle Mullaghkeel Pollareagh Portan Raharverty Rassan Rassan or Corglass Rockfield Sallaghill Tedeehan Lower Tedeehan Middle Tedeehan Upper Togher Tonylion