Commonwealth Survey of 1652
![Templeport-East CWS Map](
![Templeport-West CWS Map](
Name in 1652 | not listed |
Proprietor | not listed |
Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Hugh | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Hugh | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Laurence | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Lawrence | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Michael | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Michl | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Patt | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Bannan | Patt | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Belly | Wm | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Betty | Wm | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Betty | Wm | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Brady | Bernard | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Brady | Bernard | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Cosgrove | Arthur | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Cosgrove | Arthur | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Dolan | Philip | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Dolan | Philip | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Elmes | James | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Ennis | James | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Goula | William | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Gould | William | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Logan | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Logan | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Logan | Michael | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Logan | Michl | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Logan | Patt | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Logan | Patt | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Magauran | Charles | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Magauran | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Magauran | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Maguire | Catherine | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Maguire | Catherine | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Mcadam | June | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Mccadam | Terence | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Mcmanus | Hugh | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Mcmanus | Hugh | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Mcmanus | 1826 | |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rainbird | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rainburd | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Reilly | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Reilly | 1826 | |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rudden | Chas | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rudden | Edward | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rudden | Edwd | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rudden | Pat | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Rudden | Patt Chas | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Smyth | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Smyth | John | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Ward | Alexander | 1826 |
Kilsob | Kilsub | Ward | Alexm | 1826 |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
No records found
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Kilsob | Bannan | Michael |
Kilsob | Bannan | Patrick |
Kilsob | Bannan | John |
Kilsob | Beatty | Rep. James |
Kilsob | Benison | John W. |
Kilsob | Brady | Patrick |
Kilsob | Burnes | Thomas |
Kilsob | Carthy | Patrick |
Kilsob | Dolan | Francis |
Kilsob | Farrelly | Bernard |
Kilsob | Fyfe | Launcelot |
Kilsob | Goold | William |
Kilsob | King | John |
Kilsob | Maguire | Bernard |
Kilsob | Maguire | Hugh |
Kilsob | Maguire | John |
Kilsob | Mc Adams | Terence |
Kilsob | Mc Govern | John |
Kilsob | Mc Kiernan | Philip |
Kilsob | Mc Teague | Peter |
Kilsob | Plunkett | James |
Kilsob | Plunkett | John |
Kilsob | Plunkett | Thomas |
Kilsob | Ward | Patrick |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Census of 1901
Click on the icon to display the original image
Census of 1911
Click on the icon to display the original image
Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Templeport
Aghnacollia Altachullion Lower Altachullion Upper Altateskin Altcrock Altinure Altnadarragh Altnasheen Altshallan Arderry Ardvagh Ballymagauran Ballymagirril Ballynamaddoo Bawnboy Bellaleenan Bellavally Lower Bellavally Upper Bofealan Boley Brackley Burren Bursan Camagh Carnmaclean Carrick East Carrick West Cartronnagilta Cavanaquill Clarbally Cloncurkney Cloneary Clontycarnaghan Coologe Coppanaghbane Coppanaghmore Cor Corboy Glebe Corlough Cornacleigh Cornagunleog Corneen Corneenflynn Corracholia Beg Corracholia More Corrachomera Corraclassy Corracleigh Corran Corranierna Corrasmongan Corratawy Corratillan Creea Cronery Crossmakelagher Culliagh Curraghabweehan Curraghglass Curraghvah Derrinatuan Derry Beg Derry More Derrycassan Derryconnessy Derrylahan Derrymony Derrynacreeve Derrynananta Lower Derrynananta Upper Derrynaslieve Derryragh Derryvahan Derryvella Drumane Drumbeagh Drumhurrin Drumlaydan Drumlougher Eaglehill Erraran Garvalt Lower Garvary Gortaclogher Gorteen Gortmore Gortnacargy Gortnaleck Gortnavreeghan Gortullaghan Gowlagh North Gowlagh South Gowlan Gowlat Greagh Greaghnadoony Gub or Garvalt Upper Gubnagree Keenagh Kildoagh Killycluggin Killycrin Killymoriarty Killynaff Killyneary Killyran Killywaum Killywillin Kilnavert Kilsallagh Kilsob Knockgorm Knockmore Lakefield Lannanerriagh Lattone Lecharrownahone Legatraghta Legglass Legnaderk Legnagrow Leitra Lissanover Moherloob Moherreagh Moneenabrone Moneensauran Moneynure Muinaghan Muineal Mullaghlea Mullaghlea Glen Mullaghmore Mully Lower Mully Upper Munlough North Munlough South Newtown Owencam Owengallees Port Porturlan Prospect Ray Rosehill Scrabby Sruhagh Stranadarragh Tawnagh Teeboy Tirnawannagh Toberlyan Toberlyan Duffin Tonlegee Tonyhallagh Tonyrevan Torrewa Tullandreen Tullybrack Tullyloughfin Tullyminister Tullynacleigh Tullynaconspod Tullynacross Tullynamoltra Tullytiernan Tullytrasna Tullyveela Tullywaum Urhannagh