Lewis 1837
SHERCOCK, or KILLAN, a parish, in the barony of CLONKEE, county of CAVAN, and province of ULSTER, 5 miles (N. W.) from Carrickmacross, on the road from Kingscourt to Cootehill; containing 4845 inhabitants. It comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 8221 statute acres: the land, in general good, is chiefly under tillage, producing crops of oats, potatoes and flax. On the townland of Glasleck, about two miles south of the village and contiguous to the Bailieborough road, appears a thick stratum of coal of a very sulphureous quality, also iron ore, but neither is worked: here are several quarries of good building stone. The village, which comprises 82 houses, has a penny post to Carrickmacross, and is a constabulary police station; a manorial court is occasionally held here, for the recovery of debts under 40s., and petty sessions on alternate Thursdays. There is a market for flax, poultry, and pigs every Wednesday; and a corn market every Saturday: and fairs, where horses, cows, sheep, asses, and goats are exposed for sale, take place on the second Wednesday of every month. The weaving of coarse linen was formerly carried on here to a great extent, but of late years it has considerably diminished. Lough Sillan, or Swillan, is a fine sheet of water, some miles in circumference, and surrounded by picturesque hills formerly clothed with wood: on the north its shores are planted, and on the south the ground is elevated and covered with corn fields, the view of the whole being bounded by high hills. The gentlemen’s seats are Shenan, the residence of E. Wilson, Esq.; Northlands, of Dean Adams; and the Glebe-house, of the Rev. F. Fitzpatrick.
The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Kilmore, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the tithes amount to £193. 16. 11. The glebe-house was erected by aid of a gift of £100 and a loan of £900 from the late Board of First Fruits, in 1819; the glebe comprises 292¾ acres, valued at £406 per annum. The church adds much to the appearance of the village; it was built about 50 years since, and a tower has been recently added to it. In the R. C. divisions the parish is united to 48 townlands of Bailieborough parish, being the ancient parish of Killan, by which name it is still called in the R. C. church: the chapel is at Kilcrossbawn. The parish school is nearly supported by the Incumbent, who lately built the school-house, in which about 60 children are taught; another is supported by Mr. Singleton, at Kilcrossbawn; and there are also four private schools, in which are about 330 children, and two Sunday schools. This is the birthplace of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, whose family resided here.
Commonwealth Survey of 1652

Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Annaghierin | Anaghyerin | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickachrieny | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Corbeagh | Corbehagh | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Corclare | Corchlare | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Cornalara | ||
Cornaleen | Cornelyena | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Corraghy | Corraghow | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Crocklusty | ||
Croley | ||
Crossmakeelan | ||
Darkley | Darkly | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Derry | Dire | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Drumad | Dromudda | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Drumlom | Droimluma | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Glasleck | Gleshleck | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Kilcrossbeg | Killnecroshebegg | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Kilcrossduff | Killnecroshedew | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Latterriff | Lattardoo | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Lecks | Lecke | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Lisataggart | ||
Lisdrumfad | ||
Lisdrumskea | ||
Lisnadarragh | Lisnedaragh | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Nolagh | Nowlagh | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Rabane | Rawane | |
Ralaghan | Rahlahan | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Shercock | Sharkogg | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Shinan | Sheenan | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Tullybrick | Tullybricke | Mr William Fitzherbert |
Townland | Townland Name 1836 | CWS Proprietor Name |
Tithe Applotment Books of 1824-1834
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Cassidy | Peter | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Clarke | Andrew | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Clarke | Owen | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Clarke | Peter | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Clarke | 1825 | |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Dealy | Thomas | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Duffy | Bernard | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Hughston | John | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Jones | James | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Jones | William | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Lynch | Charles | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Mcentee | Michael | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Mcgee | Bernard | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Mcgee | Daniel | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Mcphilips | Francis | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Mcphilips | Isabella | 1825 |
Annaghierin | Anaheerin | Mcphilips | Thomas | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Clarke | Terrence | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Clarke | Thomas | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | Bryan | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | Charles | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | Francis | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | James | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | Patrick | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | Philip | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Dermott | Thomas | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Duffy | Menassus | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Farrel | Francis | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Farrel | Redmond | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Farrell | Edward | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Gillin | James | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Gillin | Thomas | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Ginty | Henry | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Gray | David | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Hust | John | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Irwin | James | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Kennedy | James | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Kennedy | John | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Kennedy | Thomas | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Kernan | Michael | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Kernan | Owen | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Leary | Michael | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Lynch | Philip | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Lynch | 1825 | |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Martin | William | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Mathews | Catherine | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | May | John | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Mcelroy | Henry | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Mcgra | Patrick | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Ruxton | Fitzherbert | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Soraghan | John | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Soraghan | 1825 | |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Wallice | James | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Wallice | Wm | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Wright | James | 1825 |
Carrickcreeny | Carrickacreena | Wright | 1825 | |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Carker | James | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Carrolan | Charles | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Connor | Peter | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Crossin | Philip | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Dealy | Nicholas | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Duffy | James | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Duffy | Robert | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Lynch | Thomas | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Mccabe | John | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Mccamus | Samuel | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Reilly | Charles | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Reilly | James | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Reilly | Owen | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Reilly | Patrick | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Reilly | 1825 | |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Smith | John | 1825 |
Corbeagh | Corbeagh | Tallin | Thomas | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Irwin | Robert | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Leary | Michl | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Leary | Thomas | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Mayloy | Henry | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Ruxton | Fitz | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Ruxton | William | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Traverse | Wm | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Wallace | William | 1825 |
Corclare | Corklan | Wynes | William | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Cavana | Andrew | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Clark | John | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Clarke | Hugh | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Clarke | Owen | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Cluskey | Terrence | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Coffy | John | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Coffy | 1825 | |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Connoly | Val | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Fenegan | Peter | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Keelan | Lawrence | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Mooney | Nicholas | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Mooney | Thomas | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Murtha | Philip | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Terney | Bryan | 1825 |
Cornalara | Cornalara | Terney | Thomas | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Caroll | Edward | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Coyle | Patrick | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Duff | James | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Duffy | Edward | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Duffy | Neil | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Duffy | Patrick | 1825 |
Cornaleen | Cornaleen | Keenan | Thomas | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Blemer | Margrett | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Carolan | Philix | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Coyle | Peter | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Dermot | Patrick | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Donery | Edward | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Fitzsimmons | Patrick | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Gearly | John | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Kerin | Patrick | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Leavy | Bridget | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Martin | Hugh | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Martin | James | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Martin | Patrick | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mccaul | Luke | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mccaul | Owen | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mccombs | Charles | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mccombs | George | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mccombs | Thomas | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mcennally | James | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Mcennally | Patt | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Reilly | Bridget | 1825 |
Croley | Croley | Ruxton | Fitzherbert | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Brady | Hugh | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Carolan | Bryan | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Carolan | Philip | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Clarke | Anthoney | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Clarke | James | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Clarke | Michael | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Clarke | Patrick | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Clarke | Terrence | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Gorman | Edward | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Lynch | Daniel | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Lynch | Edward | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Lynch | Philip | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Lynch | Thomas | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Mcconnon | Francis | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Reilly | John | 1825 |
Crossmakeelan | Crossmakeden | Smith | Thomas | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Brown | John | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Gray | Richard | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Harper | George | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Harper | Robert | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Mcculla | David | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Middleton | William | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Mullin | Terrence | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curraheen | Nelson | Joseph | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Hagan | Edward | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Hall | Isaac | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Hall | James | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Kiddy | Daniel | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Martin | Edward | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Mccabe | Owen | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Mcgloughlin | Isaac | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Mcgloughlin | Wm | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Wiggins | John | 1825 |
* unmatched | Curravilla | Young | William | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Beggin | 1825 | |
Darkley | Darkley | Brady | James | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Carney | John | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Dealy | John | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Dermot | Philip | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Dermott | Patt | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Edgers | James | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Edgers | Robert | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Farrelly | John | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Fox | Patrick | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Hale | Patrick | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Hughston | John | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Koogan | Felix | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Koogan | Owen | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Little | Thomas | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mccaul | Hugh | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mcculla | James | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mcculla | Thomas | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mcguire | James | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mcguire | Owen | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mcguire | Thomas | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Miles | James | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Miles | Nicholas | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Miles | William | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mullen | Michael | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Mullen | 1825 | |
Darkley | Darkley | Reilly | Charles | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Reilly | Patrick | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Rooney | James | 1825 |
Darkley | Darkley | Ruxton | Fitzhbt | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Clark | Bernard | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Clark | Philip | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Duffy | Owen | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Fitzsimmons | John | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Fitzsimmons | Patrick | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Gray | Robert | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Mcenroo | Owen | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Mcenroo | Peter | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Mcenroo | Terrence | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Mcenteer | John | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Murtha | Patrick | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Murtha | Peter | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Murtha | Philip | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Murtha | Thomas | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Murtha | 1825 | |
Derry | Deerry | Niblock | John | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Reilly | Hugh | 1825 |
Derry | Deerry | Reilly | Patrick | 1825 |
Drumlom | Drumlum | Huston | John | 1825 |
Drumlom | Drumlum | Huston | William | 1825 |
Drumlom | Drumlum | Jones | Ben | 1825 |
Drumlom | Drumlum | Jones | William | 1825 |
Drumlom | Drumlum | Rusk | John | 1825 |
Drumlom | Drumlum | Rusk | Robert | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Clisdall | Robert | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Clisdall | 1825 | |
Drumad | Drumod | Davison | Thomas | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Davison | William | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Eahens | John | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Eakins | Robert | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Eakins | Samuel | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Eakins | Thomas | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Hannison | James | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Heeky | John | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Heeky | Peter | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Leavy | John | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Mckenny | James | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | Traynor | Patrick | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | White | Hugh | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | White | Robert | 1825 |
Drumad | Drumod | White | Thomas | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Argu | Thomas | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Brady | Andrew | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Brady | John | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Brady | Owen | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Brady | 1825 | |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Clark | Patrick | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Clarke | Francis | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Clarke | James | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Clarke | John | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Clarke | Michael | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Clarke | Miles | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Connor | Jas | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Connor | Michael | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Connor | Thomas | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Coyle | James | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Farrelly | Daniel | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Farrelly | Patrick | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Fitzsimon | John | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Hand | Andrew | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Kelly | George | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Kelly | Owen | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Lennin | Edward | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Lyons | Lawrence | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Lyons | Peter | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Martin | James | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Martin | Michael | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mcbreen | Hugh | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mccaul | Mary | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mccaul | 1825 | |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mcculla | Joseph | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mcenteer | Owen | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mcenteer | Thomas | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mcgee | Anthony | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Mckee | Peter | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Rully | Patrick | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Shuls | James | 1825 |
Glasleck | Glesleck | Smith | Thomas | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Argee | George | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Argee | Thomas | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Argee | Thos | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Belsh | John | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Bilsh | Nathaniel | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Bilsh | Thomas | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Brady | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Brown | Abrahan | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Brown | Robert | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Demster | John | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Donnelly | Francis | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Eakins | Samuel | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Fraynor | John | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Johnston | George | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Mckitrick | Peter | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Nelson | James | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Nelson | William | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Reilly | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Rully | Bryan | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Rully | Charles | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Rully | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | Rully | 1825 | |
Kilcrossbeg | Killcross | West | 1825 | |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Boyl | Michael | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Boyl | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Brady | Michael | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Callaghan | Anne | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Callaghan | Owen | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Callaghan | Pat | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Callaghan | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Callaghan | Thomas | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Clark | Michael | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Clarke | James | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Clarke | John | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Clarke | Owen | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Connolly | Nicholas | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Duffy | John | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Dunagan | James | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Dunagan | Owen | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Dunagan | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Farguher | Peter | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Farrelly | Mathew | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Fitzpatrick | Denis | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Goodman | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Killy | Philip | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Lynch | Owen | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Mcenteer | Lawrence | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Mcenteer | Luke | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Mcentire | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Mcentire | Philip | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Mcentire | Thomas | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Reilly | Bernard | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Sweany | James | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Ward | James | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Ward | Michael | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Ward | Patrick | 1825 |
Kilcrossduff | Killcrossduff | Ward | Terrenc | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Barannin | Mathew | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Blomer | Hugh | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Blomer | Wm | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Boyl | Thomas | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Cambell | James | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Clarke | John | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Daniel | Thomas | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Drum | Hugh | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Gallagher | 1825 | |
Latterriff | Latriff | Martin | Patrick | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mcabe | Hugh | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mcenteer | Bryan | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mcenteer | Owen | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mcenteer | Patrick | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mckenna | James | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mckenner | James | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mcymp | William | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Miles | Patrick | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Mills | William | 1825 |
Latterriff | Latriff | Toole | James | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Carney | 1825 | |
Lecks | Lex | Clarke | Edward | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Clarke | John | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Clarke | Patrick | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Clarke | Philip | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Clarke | Thos | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Clarke | William | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Coyle | Owen | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Coyle | Patrick | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Duffy | Thomas | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Duffy | William | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Fitzsimmons | John | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Garvey | Owen | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Gervey | Patrick | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Hogan | 1825 | |
Lecks | Lex | Lynch | Daniel | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Martin | Charles | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Martin | Patrick | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | May | Samuel | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Mcenteer | Bryan | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Mcenteer | Patrick | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Mcenteer | Philip | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Mcenteer | 1825 | |
Lecks | Lex | Mcky | 1825 | |
Lecks | Lex | Morgan | Owen | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Rusk | Hamilton | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Rutherford | Robert | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Sheridan | James | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Sheridan | Patrick | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Taylor | James | 1825 |
Lecks | Lex | Taylor | 1825 | |
Lecks | Lex | Wallice | John | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Cluskey | Anthony | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Cluskey | James | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Cluskey | Pat | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Cluskey | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Connor | Michael | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Gearty | Thomas | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Gearty | 1825 | |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Hall | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Marren | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Mccamas | Samuel | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Mccanna | Konely | 1825 |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Mckeon | 1825 | |
Lisdrumfad | Lisdrumfeed | Ruxton | Fitzherbt | 1825 |
Lisnadarragh | Lisnadarra | Blomer | James | 1825 |
Lisnadarragh | Lisnadarra | Blomer | Robt | 1825 |
Lisnadarragh | Lisnadarra | Ferin | Henry | 1825 |
Lisnadarragh | Lisnadarra | Johnston | John | 1825 |
Lisnadarragh | Lisnadarra | Kelly | William | 1825 |
Lisnadarragh | Lisnadarra | Reburn | Henry | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Clarke | James | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Connoly | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Larkin | Bryan | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Larkin | Mathew | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Larkin | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Mccaul | Owen | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Mccombs | Charles | 1825 |
Lisataggart | Lisnatiyert | Sheridan | John | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Argue | Thomas | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Brady | Patrick | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Brady | 1825 | |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clark | Thomas | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clarke | Francis | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clarke | Lawrence | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clarke | Michael | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clarke | Owen | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clarke | Philip | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Clarke | 1825 | |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Commiskey | Luke | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Cooney | Anne | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Cooney | Farrell | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Cooney | Micl | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Cooney | Owen | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Cooney | 1825 | |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Donly | James | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Donly | Patrick | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Dun | Owen | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Farly | Bryan | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Farly | Connor | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Farly | James | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Kindelan | Thomas | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lennin | Michael | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lynch | Daniel | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lynch | Hugh | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lynch | James | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lynch | John | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lynch | Peter | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Lynch | 1825 | |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Madden | Bernard | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Marren | James | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Maxwell | Walter | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Mcdonald | John | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Mcentire | James | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Mcentire | Michael | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Mcentire | Peter | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Naulty | 1825 | |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Oneil | Terrence | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Reilly | Bryan | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Reilly | John | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Reilly | Owen | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Rodgers | Lawrence | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Sheerer | 1825 | |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Smith | James | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Smith | Michael | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Sullivan | Philip | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Traynor | Laurence | 1825 |
Nolagh | Nolagh | Traynor | Philip | 1825 |
Rabane | Rabaun | Donly | Francis | 1825 |
Rabane | Rabaun | Mcgee | Anthony | 1825 |
Rabane | Rabaun | Reilly | Edward | 1825 |
Rabane | Rabaun | Reilly | James | 1825 |
Rabane | Rabaun | Reilly | Luke | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Callaghan | Anne | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Callaghan | Owen | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Callaghan | Pat | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Callaghan | Patrick | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Francis | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | James | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | John | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Laurence | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Mathiew | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Owen | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Patrick | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Peter | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Philip | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | Terrence | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Clarke | 1825 | |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Coyle | Owen | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Coyle | Thomas | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Farrelly | Edward | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Farrelly | Lawrence | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Fitzsimons | John | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Gallagher | Thomas | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Halpenny | John | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Halpenny | Thos | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | King | Arthur | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mccannon | 1825 | |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mccaul | 1825 | |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mccombs | James | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mcconnon | 1825 | |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mcenteer | Owen | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mcentire | Michl | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mcentire | Peter | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Mcphilips | Owen | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Netly | 1825 | |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Quin | 1825 | |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Rodgers | Lawrence | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Short | Patrick | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Smith | James | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Anne | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Bryan | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | James | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Lawrence | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Luke | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Mar | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Owen | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Pat | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Patrick | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Traynor | Philip | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Ward | Michael | 1825 |
Ralaghan | Relaghan | Williams | James | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Adams | Henry | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Adams | John | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Bloomer | Edwd | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Cambell | James | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Clarke | Patrick | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Drum | Bryan | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Drum | Hugh | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Dunigan | Owen | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Foy | Peter | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Hagan | Clare | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Hagan | Edward | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Hagan | James | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | May | Patrick | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Mccabe | Hugh | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Mccardle | Bryan | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Mcguire | John | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Mckenny | James | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Mooney | Thomas | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Mullen | Owen | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Roberts | Wm | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Terrence | Miles | 1825 |
Shinan | Shinan | Vaughan | 1825 | |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Argce | William | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Clarke | James | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Clarke | Robt | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Hughston | Henry | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Hughston | William | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Kelly | John | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Kelly | Patrick | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Ratherford | Robt | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Sloan | John | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Smith | John | 1825 |
Tullybrick | Tullabrick | Wails | Samuel | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Maloy | Henry | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Martin | James | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Martin | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mcaul | Hugh | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mcenteer | James | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mcgee | Patrick | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mcgenny | James | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mckenna | Peter | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mcluskey | James | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mclusky | Anthony | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Mcombs | Charles | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Oneill | Hugh | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Proudfoot | Marry | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Reelly | 1825 | |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Reilly | Abby | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Roberts | Ws | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Ruxton | Wm | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Sheridan | Wilson | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Wright | John | 1825 |
Lisdrumskea | Drumskea | Wyms | William | 1825 |
Townland | Townland as Transcribed | Surname | Forename | Year |
Name Books of 1836
Parish Of Shercock
The town of Shercock is in Killan parish. The parish contains 8222.6512 acres, including of water 463a. 3r. 19p. and 5 small islands containing 1a. 1r. 24p. A well in Killann townland is called Tobar Ana. There were stations at it.
It contains 217a. 1r. 25p. including of water 20a. 0r. 12p. and about 6 1/2 acres of bog. It belongs to John Singleton Esq. and is let at from 15s. to 20s. per acre. Farms are from 5 to 10 acres and in general produce oats, potatoes and flax. Inhabitants are chiefly Roman Catholics. There is a lough in the South side of the townland 275 feet above low water. A road passes through this townland from East to West leading from the Cavan road. It is returned as containing 5 carvaghs paying £1.19s.10d. per carvagh Co. Cess.
It contains 551a. 2r. 37p. including water, 104a. 3r. 4p. and 1 island -? 0.0.12p., 28 1/2 acres of bog and 11 1/2 acres of plantation. It belongs to W. Ruxton and is let for about £1.7.6 per acre. Farms are from 4 to 10 acres. It produces oats, potatoes and flax. The Glebe house stands in the West side of the townland and is occupied at present by the Rev. Fredrick Fitzpatrick. A trigl. station stands in the West side of townland at 461 feet above the low water. The road leading from Shercock to Cootehill passes through its West side. There are two ancient forts in the South side. Gull I. belongs to this townland. It contains 8 carvaghs paying £16.18.5 Co. Cess.
It contains 156a. 3r. 6p., 12 1/2 acres of which is bog and the remainder arable. It belongs to W. Ruxton and is let by lease of one life from £1 to £1.10 per acre. Farms are from 3 to 10 acres and produce oats, potatoes and flax. It contains three carvaghs paying £3.18.9 Co. Cess. There are two ancient forts about the centre of the townland and a bye-road in the East side.
It contains 62a. 1r. 35p. including water, 13a. 0r. 20p., and one island -? 0.0.13p. and 1 1/2 acres of planting. There is a portion of Lough Sillan which belongs to this townland also Bush I. The road leading from Shercock to Cootehill passes through it. From North to South the greatest height is 402 feet above low water.
It contains 101a. 3r. 13p., about 4 1/2 acres of which is bog; the remainder is arable. It belongs to M. Ruxton and is let in farms of from 1 to 10 acres at £1.5 per acre. It contains 2 1/2 carvaghs paying £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is a trigl. station about the centre of the townland 577 feet above the low water.
It contains 202a. 0r. 29p. including water, 12a. 0r. 14p., about 5 acres of bog and 1 1/2 acres of rough pasture. It belongs to Richard Adams and is let by lease of 20 years from 24s. to 26s. per acre. Farms are from 3 to 12 acres and produce oats, potatoes and flax. It contains 1 1/2 carvaghs, paying £2.19.9 Co. Cess. Cornaleen lake is in the South side of the townland, 495 feet above low water. A road also passes through its South side. Its greatest height is 625 feet and its lowest is 462 feet.
It contains 150a. 1 r. 20p. including water, 24a. 0r. 39p., and one island of 1a.0r.7p. and there are about 4 acres of bog. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by leases of some lives from 12s. to 30s. per acre. It produces oats, barley, potatoes and flax. There are three portions of lakes in this townland viz. Corraghy 364 feet above low water, Drumminick Lough 362 feet and Dromlom Lough 368 feet. There is also a trigl. station about the centre of the townland, 505 feet, and a road leading from Cavan to Cootehill. Co. Cess is £5.19.6.
It contains 223a. 2r. 20p. including water, 50a. 1r. 27p. and 4 acres of bog and 4 acres of rough land. It belongs to Will Ruxton and is let from £1.7s. to £1.10s. per acre. Farms are from 3 to 25 acres (no leases). It produces oats, potatoes and flax. There is a portion of Milltown in the East side of the townland and a smith's forge. There is also a portion of Milltown lough which stands 365 feet above low water. It contains three carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh.
It contains 103a. 3r. 26p. of which 7 acres are bog and the remainder is middling good arable land. It belongs to the Rev. F. Fitzpatrick and is let at from 27s. to 30s. per acre. It produces oats, potatoes and flax. Farms are from 3 to 40 acres. It is distant from Shercock 2 miles. Its greatest height is 516 feet, and its lowest is 395 feet, above low water and it pays £2.9.9. Cess. (This is glebe land).
It contains 222a. 2r. 15p. about 15 acres of which is bog and 2 acres of planting. It belongs to William Ruxton and is let from 24s. to 28s. per acre. Farms are from 2 to 12 acres and produce oats, potatoes and flax. It contains 4 1/4 carvaghs of which each pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is an ancient fort in the West side of the townland called Lisnageer fort. The road leading from Shercock to Carrickmacross passes through this townland. Its greatest height is 496 feet and its lowest 326 feet above low water.
It contains 265a. 3r. 26p. about 23 acres of which is bog. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of three lives from 10s. to 15s. per acre. Farms are from 3 to 10 acres and produce oats, potatoes and flax. It contains three carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. A road leading from Bailieborough to Kingscourt passes through it. The greatest height above low water is 804 feet and lowest 651 feet.
It contains 447a. 0r. 12p. including 89a. 2r. 13p. of water, one island -? 0.0.16p., 13 acres of rough land and 1 1/2 acres of planting. Farms are from 1a. to 20a. and are let at from 24s. to 30s. per acre. They produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 8 1/2 carvaghs paying £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is a trigl. station about the centre of the townland, 485 feet above the low water mark and there are portions of three loughs viz. Lough Sillan 309 feet, Shinan Lough 332 feet and Muddy Lough 311 feet above low water. A road leading from Cavan to Shercock passes through it from East to West.
It contains 371a. 2r. 37p. including water, 2a. 0r. 16p., 34 acres of bog and 2 acres of planting. It belongs to John Singleton and is let at from 18s. to 26s. per acre. Farms are from 4 to 20 acres and they produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 5 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There are two ancient forts in this townland, one in the North side and the other in the South. There is also a portion of Cornalaragh Lough in it. Its height is 490 feet above low water.
It contains 208a. 0r. 34p. including water, 5a. 1r. 38p. and 11 acres of bog, 11 1/2 acres of rough ground and 1 1/2 acres of plantation. It belongs to J. Singleton and is let by lease of three lives or 31 years, from 25s. to 30s. per acre. Farms are from 2 to 40 acres and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. There is a trigl. station about the centre of the townland, 502 feet above low water. A portion of Drumlum Lough is 368 feet above low water. It contains 3 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess.
It contains 359a. 0r. 24p including water, 2a. 3r. 15p., and 40 acres of bog. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of 31 years and 3 lives from 10s. to 12s. per acre. Farms are from 5 to 20 acres and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 5 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is a trigl. station in the South of the townland which is 552 feet above low water. There is an ancient fort in the South side of the townland and also a portion of Drumod Lough, 417 feet above low water.
It contains 690a. 1r. 0p. including water, 66a. 1r. 14p. and one island, 0.0.16p., 71 acres of bog and 27 acres of rough land. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of three lives or 31 years at from 5s. to 20s. per acre. It produces oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 12 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There are three ancient forts in this townland and a portion of two loughs, viz. Taghart Lough, 736 feet above low water, Milltown Lough, 365 feet above low water.
It contains 171a. 0r. 11p, including water, 13a. 3r. 17p. and about 1 acre of bog. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of three lives or 31 years from 13s. to 20s. per acre. Farms are from 3 to 13 acres and produce oats, barley and flax. It contains 3 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is a trigl. station about the centre of the townland, 511 feet above low water. A Roman Catholic chapel is in the North side and also a portion of Annaghieran Lough is in this townland and stands 376 feet above low water.
It contains 442a. 0r. 29p. including 67 acres of bog and 7 1/2 acres of rough land. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of three lives or 31 years from 18s. to 26s. per acre. Farms are from 2 to 18 acres and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 5 1/2 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is a trigl. station in the East side of the townland, 748 feet above low water.
It contains 122a. 0r. 21p. including 2 acres of rough land. It belongs to the Rev. John Gormly (?) and is let by lease of 21 years at from 20s. to 30s. per acre. It produces oats, barley and potatoes. It contains 3 carvaghs and there is a trigl. station about the centre of the townland, 502 feet above low water. There is an ancient fort in the East side of the townland called Blomees (?) fort. There is also a village in the West side of the townland called Milltown.
It contains 505a. 03r. 37p. including water, 8a. 3r. 24p., 16 acres of bog and 6 acres of rough ground. It belongs to W. Ruxton and is let at from 18s. to 26s. per acre. There are no leases. Farms are from 3 to 30 acres and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. There is a trigl. station in the South side of the townland, 622 feet above low water. There are three ancient forts in this townland viz. Black fort, Lecks fort, Killesannerin (?) fort; in the latter unchristened children are buried. It is 317 feet above low water. It contains 9 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess.
It contains 94a. 2r. 29p. all arable land of a good quality. It is let at from 23s. to 25s. per acre. Farms are from 2 to 13 acres and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 2 and 1/8 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is an ancient fort in the East part of this townland and also a road leading from Shercock to Carrickmacross.
It contains 160a. 0r. 9p. including 24 1/2 acres of bog. It belongs to W. Ruxton and is let at from 18s. to 22s. per acre. Farms are from 2 to 18 acres and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 2 1/2 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is an ancient fort in the North side of the townland, 426 feet above low water. The road leading from Shercock to Carrickmacross passes through it.
It contains 248a. 1r. 37p. including water, 13a. 0r. 23p., 13 acres of bog and 2 acres of rough pasture. It belongs to Mr. Ruxton and is let at from 24s. to 30s. per acre. Farms are from 4 to 10 acres and produce oats, potatoes and flax. It contains 3 1/2 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. The town of Shercock stands in the West side of the townland in which stands the parish church. There is also a market house in which is held the Petty Sessions every fortnight. There is a Police station of 6 men including one sergt. Market day is Tuesday and there is a trigl. station in this townland standing on the South side of a fort 454 feet above low water. There are also three portions of Loughs viz. Lough Sillan, 309 feet, Muddy Lough, 311 feet, Steepleton's Lough, 315 feet, above low water.
It contains 119a. 3r. 27p. including water, 7a. 0r. 25p., 7 acres of bog and 3 acres of rough pasture. It contains 3 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. Farms are from 2 to 30 acres and are let at from 18s. to 30s. per acre and produce oats, barley, potatoes and flax. There are two ancient forts in this townland, one in the East side, the other in the West. There is also a portion of Shinan Lough in this townland which stands 332 feet above low water.
It contains 751a. 2r. 35p. including water, 5a. 1r. 28p., 39 acres of bog and 13 acres of rough land. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of 3 lives or 31 years at from 10s. to 16s. per acre. It produces oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 10 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is an ancient fort in the West side of the townland called Cooney' s fort. There are two trigl. stations, one in the East side and the other in the West side. The latter is called Nolagh Middle and is 725 feet above low water. The former is Nolagh Upper, 778 feet above low water. A road from Bailieborough to Kingscourt passes through it from East to West.
It contains 634a. 0r. 39p. including about 29 1/4 acres of bog and 28 of rough land. It belongs to John Singleton and is let at from 5s. to 14s. per acre on leases of three lives or 31 years. It produces oats, barley, potatoes and flax. It contains 7 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There are two ancient forts in this townland. On the most Northern stands a trigl. station 653 feet above low water. The other is called Black Fort and is 737 feet above low water. There is also another trig. station called Glasleck Upper, 889 feet above low water.
It contains 175a. 1 r. 37p. including water, 5a. 0r. 20p., and 9 acres of bog. This is Glebe land held by the Rev. Fredrick Fitzpatrick and is let at from £1.2.6 to £1.6.0 per acre. Farms are from 3 to 14 acres and produce oats, potatoes and flax. It contains 3 1/4 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. There is a trigl. station in the South side of the townland, 614 feet above low water. There are also two loughs, a portion of which belongs to this townland, viz. Bog Lough, 381 feet, Annaghieran Lough, 376 feet, above low water.
It contains 255a. 1r. 0p. including water, 19a. 0r. 30p., 21 acres of bog, 3 acres of rough pasture and 7 acres of plantation. It belongs to Captn. Wilson who resides in the same townland. It is let by lease of three lives at from 20s. to 30s. per acre. It contains 4 carvaghs which pay £1.19.10 per carvagh Co. Cess. Shinan House stands in the West side of the townland. There are portions of 4 loughs in it, viz. Shinan Lough, 332 feet, Muddy Lough, 311 feet, Steepleton's Lough, 315 feet and Island Lough, 317 feet, above low water.
It contains 209a. 2r. 24p., including 29 acres of bog and 3 qrs. of rough land. It belongs to John Singleton and is let by lease of three lives or 31 years from 18s. to 22s. per acre. It produces oats, barley and potatoes and flax. It pays £5.19.0 Co. Cess. A road passes through its South side.
Griffith’s Valuation of 1857
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Annaghierin | Brennan | James |
Annaghierin | Clarke | Anne |
Annaghierin | Clarke | Betty |
Annaghierin | Clarke | Francis |
Annaghierin | Clarke | Peter |
Annaghierin | Jones | James, Jr. |
Annaghierin | Jones | James, Sr. |
Annaghierin | Mc Cullagh | Thomas |
Annaghierin | Mc Entee | Michael, Jr. |
Annaghierin | Mc Entee | Michael, Sr. |
Annaghierin | Mc Gee | Patrick |
Annaghierin | Mc Gee | Philip |
Annaghierin | Mc Gee | Rose |
Annaghierin | Mc Phillips | Anne |
Annaghierin | Mc Phillips | Francis |
Annaghierin | Rock | Philip |
Annaghierin | Rusk | John |
Annaghierin | Singleton | Henry |
Annaghierin | White | James |
Carrickcreeny | Daly | Philip |
Carrickcreeny | Dermott | Francis |
Carrickcreeny | Dermott | John |
Carrickcreeny | Dermott | Philip |
Carrickcreeny | Finlay | James |
Carrickcreeny | Flanagan | Jane |
Carrickcreeny | Gillon | Mary |
Carrickcreeny | Gray | Martha |
Carrickcreeny | Harris | Rev. John |
Carrickcreeny | Hurst | William |
Carrickcreeny | Johnston | Thomas |
Carrickcreeny | Kennedy | Elizabeth |
Carrickcreeny | Kennedy | Thomas |
Carrickcreeny | Kinahan | Daniel |
Carrickcreeny | Levey | Michael |
Carrickcreeny | Lynch | David |
Carrickcreeny | Lynch | John |
Carrickcreeny | Lynch | Peter |
Carrickcreeny | Martin | William |
Carrickcreeny | May | Benjamin |
Carrickcreeny | May | Samuel |
Carrickcreeny | Mc Cabe | Bernard |
Carrickcreeny | Mc Camus | Mary Anne |
Carrickcreeny | Mc Grath | Patrick |
Carrickcreeny | Mc Mahon | Mary |
Carrickcreeny | Miles | Thomas |
Carrickcreeny | Ruxton | William |
Carrickcreeny | Sloane | Isaac |
Carrickcreeny | Sorraghan | Cecilia |
Carrickcreeny | Wallace | Benjamin |
Carrickcreeny | Wallace | John |
Carrickcreeny | Wright | John |
Corbeagh | Connor | Peter |
Corbeagh | Corkey | John |
Corbeagh | Crawson | Philip |
Corbeagh | Daly | Edward |
Corbeagh | Duffy | Michael |
Corbeagh | Duffy | Philip |
Corbeagh | Duffy | Robert |
Corbeagh | Mc Comas | Mary Anne |
Corbeagh | Mc Kenna | Connor |
Corbeagh | Neilson | James |
Corbeagh | Reilly | Barney |
Corbeagh | Reilly | Charles |
Corbeagh | Reilly | Francis |
Corbeagh | Reilly | James |
Corbeagh | Reilly | Michael |
Corbeagh | Reilly | Patrick |
Corbeagh | Reilly | Philip |
Corbeagh | Ruxton | William |
Corbeagh | Smith | John |
Corclare | Browne | Samuel |
Corclare | Kennedy | John |
Corclare | Levey | Michael |
Corclare | Nelson | Joseph |
Corclare | Ruxdon | William |
Corclare | Ruxton | William |
Corclare | Sloane | Isaac |
Corclare | Sloane | William |
Cornalara | Adams | Rev. Dean |
Cornalara | Byrne | Owen |
Cornalara | Byrne | Thomas |
Cornalara | Clarke | Elizabeth |
Cornalara | Coffey | Francis |
Cornalara | Coffey | Martin |
Cornalara | Connolly | Valentine |
Cornalara | Hand | Catherine |
Cornalara | Keenan | Edward |
Cornalara | Mooney | Bridget |
Cornalara | Mooney | Michael |
Cornalara | Murtha | Bernard |
Cornalara | Tierney | Michael |
Cornalara | Tierney | Patrick |
Cornalara | Tierney | Thomas |
Cornaleen | Coffey | Martin |
Cornaleen | Coyle | Patrick |
Cornaleen | Duffy | Edward |
Cornaleen | Duffy | Felix |
Corraghy | Boyle | Patrick |
Corraghy | Brennan | James |
Corraghy | Caffery | Patrick |
Corraghy | Mc Cabe | Simon |
Corraghy | Mc Cullagh | Lucinda |
Corraghy | Middleton | William |
Corraghy | Middleton | Wm. |
Corraghy | Nelson | James |
Corraghy | Ross | William |
Corravilla | Brown | Thomas |
Corravilla | Daniel | Edward |
Corravilla | Hall | Jemima |
Corravilla | Hall | Thomas |
Corravilla | Hall | William |
Corravilla | Johnstone | John |
Corravilla | Mc Cabe | James |
Corravilla | Mc Gee | Anthony |
Corravilla | Mc Gee | Michael |
Corravilla | Mc Loughlin | Isaac |
Corravilla | Mc Loughlin | William |
Corravilla | Mc Manus | Patrick |
Corravilla | Mullin | Bridget |
Corravilla | Norris | William |
Corravilla | Ruxton | William |
Corravilla | Standish | James |
Crocklusty | Ackens | James |
Crocklusty | Fay | Hugh |
Crocklusty | Harris | Rev. John |
Crocklusty | Mc Gee | Peter |
Crocklusty | Mc Nally | Patrick |
Crocklusty | Reilly | Hugh |
Crocklusty | Reilly | John |
Crocklusty | Reilly | Mary |
Crocklusty | Rogers | Patrick |
Crocklusty | Ruxton | William |
Crocklusty | Ward | Rose |
Crocklusty | White | William |
Croley | Callaghan | Peter |
Croley | Clarke | Francis |
Croley | Coyle | Bridget |
Croley | Dermott | Patrick |
Croley | Donnery | Edward |
Croley | Donnery | Patrick |
Croley | Duffy | James |
Croley | Dunn | Rev. James |
Croley | Fitzsimons | Anne |
Croley | Geenty | Barney |
Croley | Lannon | John |
Croley | Leavey | John |
Croley | Martin | John |
Croley | Mc Call | Joseph |
Croley | Mc Comb | Charles |
Croley | Mc Comb | Thomas |
Croley | Morgan | Patrick |
Croley | Ruxton | William |
Croley | Sullivan | Hugh |
Crossmakeelan | Carolan | Charles |
Crossmakeelan | Clarke | Michael |
Crossmakeelan | Clarke | Owen |
Crossmakeelan | Duffy | Matthew |
Crossmakeelan | Lucas | Bridget |
Crossmakeelan | Lynch | Hugh |
Crossmakeelan | Lynch | Mary |
Crossmakeelan | Lynch | Patrick |
Crossmakeelan | Lynch | Peter |
Crossmakeelan | Lynch | Philip |
Crossmakeelan | Mcconnell | Andrew |
Crossmakeelan | Moore | James |
Crossmakeelan | Orr | James |
Crossmakeelan | Reilly | Connor |
Crossmakeelan | Reilly | James |
Crossmakeelan | Reilly | John |
Crossmakeelan | Reilly | Miles |
Crossmakeelan | Reilly | Owen |
Crossmakeelan | Roundtree | John |
Crossmakeelan | Singleton | Henry |
Crossmakeelan | Smyth | Philip |
Darkley | Berne | Owen |
Darkley | Bloomer | James |
Darkley | Brady | James |
Darkley | Clerkins | John |
Darkley | Clisdell | James |
Darkley | Duffy | James |
Darkley | Duggan | Francis |
Darkley | Hewson | John |
Darkley | Maguire | Peter James |
Darkley | Mc Callan | Rev. Randal |
Darkley | Mc Caul | Owen |
Darkley | Mc Cullagh | Thomas |
Darkley | Mc Cullagh | William |
Darkley | Mc Guire | Hugh |
Darkley | Mc Kenna | Hugh |
Darkley | Miles | James |
Darkley | Mullin | Bernard |
Darkley | Reilly | Anne |
Darkley | Reilly | Catherine |
Darkley | Reilly | Thomas |
Darkley | Ruxton | William |
Darkley | Snodden | William |
Derry | Adams | Dean |
Derry | Argue | Thomas |
Derry | Carney | Catherine |
Derry | Clarke | Philip |
Derry | Clarke | Thomas |
Derry | Cullam | Rev. R. M. |
Derry | Duffy | Owen |
Derry | Eakan | James |
Derry | Fitzsimons | John |
Derry | Gray | John |
Derry | Gray | Robert |
Derry | Keenan | Barney |
Derry | Mc Intee | Laurence |
Derry | Murtagh | James |
Derry | Murtagh | Philip |
Derry | Niblock | James |
Derry | Niblock | William |
Derry | Reilly | Hugh |
Derry | Rutherford | Robert |
Derry | Sloan | George |
Derry | Sloan | John |
Drumad | Aikens | James |
Drumad | Aikens | Robert |
Drumad | Aikens | William |
Drumad | Clisdell | Anne |
Drumad | Clisdell | James |
Drumad | Cooper | Hugh |
Drumad | Davidson | James |
Drumad | Davidson | Robert |
Drumad | Fox | William |
Drumad | Hickey | Peter |
Drumad | Kelly | Alexander |
Drumad | Leary | John |
Drumad | Orr | James |
Drumad | Singleton | Henry |
Drumad | Traynor | Patrick |
Drumad | White | Hugh |
Drumad | White | James |
Drumad | White | Robert |
Drumad | White | William |
Drumlom | Campbell | Anne |
Drumlom | Halfpenny | John |
Drumlom | Heuston | John James |
Drumlom | Jones | Benjamin |
Drumlom | Jones | John |
Drumlom | Mc Cullagh | Thomas |
Drumlom | Mc Williams | James |
Drumlom | Middleton | William |
Drumlom | Reburn | James |
Drumlom | Rusk | John |
Drumlom | White | Robert |
Glasleck | Boyle | Charles |
Glasleck | Brady | Judith |
Glasleck | Brady | Owen |
Glasleck | Brady | Patrick |
Glasleck | Brady | Thomas |
Glasleck | Callaghan | Patrick |
Glasleck | Clarke | Catherine |
Glasleck | Clarke | Daniel |
Glasleck | Clarke | Frances |
Glasleck | Clarke | Lawrence |
Glasleck | Clarke | Owen |
Glasleck | Clarke | Thomas |
Glasleck | Connor | John |
Glasleck | Connor | Michael |
Glasleck | Connor | Thomas |
Glasleck | Cor | Mary |
Glasleck | Davidson | Robert |
Glasleck | Farrelly | Catherine |
Glasleck | Farrelly | Daniel |
Glasleck | Farrelly | Philip |
Glasleck | Fitzsimon | John |
Glasleck | Hand | Catherine |
Glasleck | Hand | Francis |
Glasleck | Hand | Owen |
Glasleck | Kelly | George |
Glasleck | King | Thomas |
Glasleck | Lamb | Patrick |
Glasleck | Lynch | Alice |
Glasleck | Martin | James |
Glasleck | Martin | Owen |
Glasleck | Martin | Patrick |
Glasleck | Mc Cabe | Catherine |
Glasleck | Mc Caul | Owen |
Glasleck | Mc Cullagh | William |
Glasleck | Mc Gee | Anthony |
Glasleck | Mc Inteer | Bernard |
Glasleck | Mc Inteer | Edward |
Glasleck | Mc Inteer | James |
Glasleck | Mc Phillips | Patrick |
Glasleck | Mines | Catherine |
Glasleck | Reilly | Elizabeth |
Glasleck | Reilly | Patrick |
Glasleck | Shields | James |
Glasleck | Singleton | Henry |
Kilcrossbeg | Aikens | Robert |
Kilcrossbeg | Argue | Robert |
Kilcrossbeg | Belch | William |
Kilcrossbeg | Browne | Abraham |
Kilcrossbeg | Browne | John |
Kilcrossbeg | Browne | William |
Kilcrossbeg | Hickey | Peter |
Kilcrossbeg | Johnston | George |
Kilcrossbeg | Lindsay | William |
Kilcrossbeg | Mc Comb | Jane |
Kilcrossbeg | Mc Cullagh | William |
Kilcrossbeg | Mc Kibbin | John |
Kilcrossbeg | Mc Kiltrick | Peter |
Kilcrossbeg | Reilly | James |
Kilcrossbeg | Reilly | Patrick |
Kilcrossbeg | Reilly | Peter |
Kilcrossbeg | Traynor | Patrick |
Kilcrossduff | Adams | Rev. Dean |
Kilcrossduff | Anderson | John |
Kilcrossduff | Boyle | Ellen |
Kilcrossduff | Boyle | John |
Kilcrossduff | Boyle | Philip |
Kilcrossduff | Callaghan | Michael |
Kilcrossduff | Callan | Philip |
Kilcrossduff | Carolan | Mary |
Kilcrossduff | Clarke | James |
Kilcrossduff | Clarke | John |
Kilcrossduff | Clarke | Owen |
Kilcrossduff | Dangan | Thomas |
Kilcrossduff | Dermott | Michael |
Kilcrossduff | Donegan | Michael |
Kilcrossduff | Farrelly | Catherine |
Kilcrossduff | Farrelly | Laurence |
Kilcrossduff | Farrelly | Peter |
Kilcrossduff | Fox | Thomas |
Kilcrossduff | Gallaghan | Catherine |
Kilcrossduff | Gillan | Patrick |
Kilcrossduff | Gogarty | John |
Kilcrossduff | King | Anne |
Kilcrossduff | Lamb | Simon |
Kilcrossduff | Lynch | Bernard |
Kilcrossduff | Martin | Owen |
Kilcrossduff | Mc Inteer | Laurence |
Kilcrossduff | Mc Inteer | Patrick |
Kilcrossduff | Mcinteer | Thomas |
Kilcrossduff | Mckay | Margaret |
Kilcrossduff | Murtha | John |
Kilcrossduff | Murtha | Patrick |
Kilcrossduff | Reilly | Hugh |
Kilcrossduff | Reilly | Thomas |
Kilcrossduff | Rice | Anne |
Kilcrossduff | Smith | Peter |
Kilcrossduff | Tierney | Peter |
Kilcrossduff | Ward | Francis |
Kilcrossduff | Ward | James |
Kilcrossduff | Ward | John |
Kilcrossduff | Ward | Michael |
Kilcrossduff | Ward | Terence |
Latterriff | Bloomer | Edward |
Latterriff | Bloomer | John |
Latterriff | Bloomer | Mary |
Latterriff | Donaghy | Bernard |
Latterriff | Gallagher | Owen |
Latterriff | King | James |
Latterriff | Mc Gee | Thomas |
Latterriff | Mc Inteer | Patrick |
Latterriff | Mc Kenna | Patrick |
Latterriff | Mills | John |
Latterriff | Reburn | John |
Latterriff | Young | Isabella |
Lecks | Bloomer | Edward |
Lecks | Bloomer | James |
Lecks | Clarke | William |
Lecks | Coffey | Michael |
Lecks | Connor | Anne |
Lecks | Cooney | Patrick |
Lecks | Coyle | Alice |
Lecks | Coyle | Patrick |
Lecks | Dermott | Patrick |
Lecks | Duffy | James |
Lecks | Duffy | Nicholas |
Lecks | Duffy | Thomas |
Lecks | Fitzsimons | John |
Lecks | Gordon | John |
Lecks | Hagan | Felix |
Lecks | Kearney | Patrick |
Lecks | Lynch | Mary |
Lecks | Lynch | Michael |
Lecks | Martin | Hugh |
Lecks | Martin | Patrick |
Lecks | Mc Inteer | John |
Lecks | Mc Inteer | Patrick |
Lecks | Mc Inteer | Patrick, Jr. |
Lecks | Mc Kay | Edward |
Lecks | Ruxton | William |
Lecks | Taylor | Alexander |
Lecks | Taylor | Edward |
Lecks | Taylor | Robert |
Lecks | Taylor | William |
Lisataggart | Larkin | Owen |
Lisataggart | Larkin | Patrick |
Lisataggart | Loughran | Patrick |
Lisataggart | Mc Comb | Charles |
Lisdrumfad | Clarke | Michael |
Lisdrumfad | Connor | Patrick |
Lisdrumfad | Connor | Peter |
Lisdrumfad | Geenty | Thomas |
Lisdrumfad | Hogan | John |
Lisdrumfad | Lynch | Charles |
Lisdrumfad | Lynch | Joseph |
Lisdrumfad | Mc Camus | Mary Anne |
Lisdrumfad | Mc Cluskey | Anne |
Lisdrumfad | Mc Clusky | Owen |
Lisdrumfad | Mc Comb | Charles |
Lisdrumfad | Mc Evoy | Thomas |
Lisdrumfad | Mc Kenna | Constantine |
Lisdrumfad | Reilly | James |
Lisdrumfad | Sloane | William |
Lisdrumfad | Traynor | Thomas |
Lisdrumskea | Adams | Benjamin |
Lisdrumskea | Adams | James |
Lisdrumskea | Blumer | Edward |
Lisdrumskea | Browne | Samuel |
Lisdrumskea | Callaghan | Peter |
Lisdrumskea | Campbell | James |
Lisdrumskea | Campbell | Joseph |
Lisdrumskea | Carney | Patrick |
Lisdrumskea | Carolan | Peter |
Lisdrumskea | Carroll | Thomas |
Lisdrumskea | Cassidy | Patrick |
Lisdrumskea | Cassidy | Peter |
Lisdrumskea | Clarke | Michael |
Lisdrumskea | Clarke | Patrick |
Lisdrumskea | Clarke | Terence |
Lisdrumskea | Clarke | Thomas |
Lisdrumskea | Connelly | Arthur |
Lisdrumskea | Connolly | Thomas |
Lisdrumskea | Coyle | Patrick |
Lisdrumskea | Daniel | James |
Lisdrumskea | Dermott | Dominick |
Lisdrumskea | Donaghan | Michael |
Lisdrumskea | Doran | James |
Lisdrumskea | Dowdy | John |
Lisdrumskea | Duffy | Francis |
Lisdrumskea | Dunn | Rev. James |
Lisdrumskea | Hagan | James |
Lisdrumskea | Hall | Edward |
Lisdrumskea | Harris | Rev. John |
Lisdrumskea | Hogan | James |
Lisdrumskea | Johnston | John |
Lisdrumskea | Leary | John |
Lisdrumskea | Leary | Michael |
Lisdrumskea | Lynch | James |
Lisdrumskea | Lynch | John |
Lisdrumskea | Lynch | Joseph |
Lisdrumskea | Lynch | Peter |
Lisdrumskea | Martin | Henry |
Lisdrumskea | Martin | James |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Aneeny | Bryan |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Call | Owen |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Cartney | Robert |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Caul | Charles |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Comas | Margaret |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Gahey | Robert |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Gahey | Robt. |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Gahy | Robert |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Gee | Owen |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Grady | Mary |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Guire | Betty |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Guire | Peter |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Guire | Terence |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Intee | Daniel |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Intee | James |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Intee | Patrick |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Kenna | James |
Lisdrumskea | Mc Kenna | Peter |
Lisdrumskea | Miles | John |
Lisdrumskea | Morgan | James |
Lisdrumskea | Morrow | Edward |
Lisdrumskea | Neill | Bernard |
Lisdrumskea | Nelson | Joseph |
Lisdrumskea | Office | ??? |
Lisdrumskea | Reburn | George |
Lisdrumskea | Reburn | Henry |
Lisdrumskea | Reburne | George |
Lisdrumskea | Reilly | Edward |
Lisdrumskea | Reilly | John |
Lisdrumskea | Reilly | Philip |
Lisdrumskea | Reilly | Thomas |
Lisdrumskea | Richey | James |
Lisdrumskea | Richie | James |
Lisdrumskea | Ruxton | William |
Lisdrumskea | Sloane | Isaac |
Lisdrumskea | Sloane | William |
Lisdrumskea | Sorahan | Hugh |
Lisdrumskea | Spottles | Henry |
Lisdrumskea | Stanhope | George |
Lisdrumskea | Traynor | Thomas |
Lisdrumskea | Wallace | Samuel |
Lisdrumskea | Ward | Anne |
Lisdrumskea | White | Thomas |
Lisnadarragh | Foy | Catherine |
Lisnadarragh | Gormley | John |
Lisnadarragh | Jackson | Henry |
Lisnadarragh | Johnstone | John |
Lisnadarragh | Kelly | Henry |
Lisnadarragh | Reburn | John |
Nolagh | Adams | Robert |
Nolagh | Brady | John |
Nolagh | Cahill | Peter |
Nolagh | Callaghan | Patrick |
Nolagh | Clarke | Andrew |
Nolagh | Clarke | Ellen |
Nolagh | Clarke | John |
Nolagh | Clarke | Laurence |
Nolagh | Clarke | Michael |
Nolagh | Clarke | Owen |
Nolagh | Clarke | Patrick |
Nolagh | Clarke | Terence |
Nolagh | Comesky | Luke |
Nolagh | Cooney | Charles |
Nolagh | Cooney | Daniel |
Nolagh | Cooney | Edward |
Nolagh | Cooney | Ellen |
Nolagh | Cooney | Michael |
Nolagh | Cooney | Niell |
Nolagh | Cooney | Philip |
Nolagh | Cranston | William |
Nolagh | Fox | Thomas |
Nolagh | Gibson | Thomas |
Nolagh | Gilmore | George |
Nolagh | Kindelan | Bernard |
Nolagh | Kindelan | Edward |
Nolagh | King | Patrick |
Nolagh | Lennan | Michael |
Nolagh | Lucas | Mary |
Nolagh | Lynch | Charles |
Nolagh | Lynch | Edward |
Nolagh | Lynch | Hugh, Sr. |
Nolagh | Lynch | Mary |
Nolagh | Lynch | Michael |
Nolagh | Lynch | Peter |
Nolagh | Lynch | Terence |
Nolagh | Mc Cabe | Anne |
Nolagh | Mc Danniel | Owen |
Nolagh | Mc Ginn | Michael |
Nolagh | Mc Inteer | Alice |
Nolagh | Mc Inteer | Michael |
Nolagh | Mc Inteer | Owen |
Nolagh | Mitchell | Ingram |
Nolagh | Moore | Robert |
Nolagh | Morrow | John |
Nolagh | Reilly | James |
Nolagh | Reilly | John |
Nolagh | Reilly | Owen |
Nolagh | Reilly | Philip |
Nolagh | Rogers | Laurence |
Nolagh | Rogers | Patrick |
Nolagh | Short | Bernard |
Nolagh | Singleton | Henry |
Nolagh | Smith | James |
Nolagh | Smith | John |
Nolagh | Smith | Owen |
Nolagh | Traynor | James |
Nolagh | Traynor | John |
Nolagh | Traynor | Laurence |
Nolagh | White | Hugh |
Rabane | Clarke | Michael |
Rabane | Davidson | Samuel |
Rabane | Harris | Rev. John |
Rabane | Lynch | Thomas |
Rabane | Mc Entee | Michael |
Rabane | Monaghan | Philip |
Rabane | Nulty | Catherine |
Rabane | Nulty | James |
Rabane | Nulty | Patrick |
Rabane | Nulty | Rose |
Rabane | Nulty | Thomas |
Rabane | Phips | Owen M. |
Rabane | Reilly | James |
Rabane | Reilly | John |
Rabane | Reilly | Mary |
Rabane | Reilly | Owen |
Rabane | Reilly | Terence |
Rabane | Ruxton | William |
Ralaghan | Bell | Joseph |
Ralaghan | Boyle | Charles |
Ralaghan | Brady | Owen |
Ralaghan | Callaghan | James |
Ralaghan | Callaghan | Michael |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Charles |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Ellen |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Francis |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Judith |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Michael |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Owen |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Patrick |
Ralaghan | Clarke | Sarah |
Ralaghan | Connor | Michael |
Ralaghan | Farrelly | Bernard |
Ralaghan | Farrelly | Ellen |
Ralaghan | Farrelly | Mary |
Ralaghan | Fitzsimon | John |
Ralaghan | Gallagher | Thomas |
Ralaghan | Ginty | Peter |
Ralaghan | Halfpenny | John |
Ralaghan | Halfpenny | Thomas |
Ralaghan | King | Anne |
Ralaghan | King | James |
Ralaghan | King | Patrick |
Ralaghan | Lynch | Patrick |
Ralaghan | Martin | Patrick |
Ralaghan | Mc Cluskey | Connor |
Ralaghan | Mc Connell | Frances |
Ralaghan | Mc Connell | James |
Ralaghan | Mc Inteer | Bernard |
Ralaghan | Mc Inteer | Edward |
Ralaghan | Mc Inteer | Michael |
Ralaghan | Mc Inteer | Owen |
Ralaghan | Mc Inteer | Patrick |
Ralaghan | Mc Inteer | Peter |
Ralaghan | Mc Phillips | Owen |
Ralaghan | Niblock | William |
Ralaghan | Reilly | James |
Ralaghan | Reilly | John |
Ralaghan | Rogers | Laurence |
Ralaghan | Singleton | Henry |
Ralaghan | Traynor | Anne |
Ralaghan | Traynor | James |
Ralaghan | Traynor | John |
Ralaghan | Traynor | Laurence |
Ralaghan | Traynor | Patrick |
Ralaghan | Traynor | Philip |
Ralaghan | Traynor | Thomas |
Ralaghan | Traynor | William |
Ralaghan | Ward | Charles |
Shinan | Adams | Capt. Benjamin |
Shinan | Carolan | Peter |
Shinan | Clarke | Patrick |
Shinan | Clarke | Terence |
Shinan | Clarke | Thomas |
Shinan | Connor | John |
Shinan | Drum | Bernard |
Shinan | Irwin | David |
Shinan | Johnstone | John |
Shinan | Mc Guire | Peter James |
Shinan | Reburn | John |
Shinan | Sloane | Isaac |
Shinan | Tully | Patrick |
Shinan | Wright | Edward Wm. |
Tullybrick | Adams | Rev. Dean |
Tullybrick | Argue | Robert |
Tullybrick | Argue | William |
Tullybrick | Clarke | Michael |
Tullybrick | Clarke | Thomas |
Tullybrick | Cranston | Obadiah |
Tullybrick | Reilly | Patrick |
Tullybrick | Sheridan | Andrew |
Tullybrick | Sloane | George |
Tullybrick | Smyth | Edward |
Tullybrick | Smyth | John |
Tullybrick | Taylor | Alexander |
Townland | Surname | Forename |
Parishes in Cavan
Annagelliff Annagh Bailieborough Ballintemple Ballymachugh Castlerahan Castleterra Crosserlough Denn Drumgoon Drumlane Drumlumman Drumreilly Drung Enniskeen Kilbride Kildallan Kildrumsherdan Killashandra Killinagh Killinkere Kilmore Kinawley Knockbride Larah Lavey Loughan or Castlekeeran Lurgan Moybolgue Mullagh Munterconnaught Scrabby Shercock Templeport Tomregan Urney
Towns and Townlands in Shercock
Annaghierin Carrickcreeny Corbeagh Corclare Cornalara Cornaleen Corraghy Corravilla (Shercock Civil Parish) Crocklusty Croley Crossmakeelan Darkley Derry Drumad Drumlom Glasleck Kilcrossduff Killcrossbeg Latterriff Lecks Lisataggart Lisdrumfad Lisdrumskea Lisnadarragh Nolagh Rabane Ralaghan Shercock Shinan Tullybrick