Corr Townland 1609-2021 by Billy Saunderson

Corr Townland 1609-2021 by Billy Saunderson

Cavantownlands would like to thank Billy for contributing this comprehensive and highly detailed history of the townland of Corr which is located close to Cornafean in the parish of Killashandra. Billy has written many articles about this region of Cavan and this, his latest work, is the culmination of many years of research combined with a unique knowledge of local history in this area. This piece will be of great interest not only to those living in Corr and nearby townlands, but also to the wider Cavan diaspora as much of the history recounted here can be applied to the other townlands of Killashandra and indeed to the entire of the County.

Name Books of 1836

Name Books of 1836

1836 Name Book records for the townlands of 9 parishes first published in The Heart of Breifne.

The preparation of the six inch to one mile scale maps of the entire island of Ireland, which was conducted by The Ordnance Survey of Ireland between 1824 and 1846, required the naming of townlands, geographical features, prominent buildings and landmarks. The renowned Irish scholar, John O’Donovan, was given the task of ascertaining accurately the old Irish names of the townlands,  their translation and making recommendations for the final English version to be used in the printed maps. This he did with great skill and attention to detail. He visited Cavan in 1836 and his travels are recorded in his Ordnance Survey Letters which were reports and requests written to the OS headquarters in the Phoenix Park. The orthography section of the Name Books include the received name, the final agreed name and translations as well as other versions which were encountered. The final section of the field name books under the headings ‘Situation’ and ‘Descriptive Remarks’ typically provide details on the exact location and description of boundaries along with notes on soils, farming practices, leases and rents, prominent buildings, employment and landlord names. Here we reproduce, courtesy of Anna Sexton editor of The Heart of Breifne,  the summarised Descriptive Remarks which were transcribed by Liam O’Ceallaigh and published over the years 1979-1987. The nine parishes covered are: Bailieborough, Castlerahan, Crosserlough, Denn, Killinkere, Knockbride, Lavey, Munterconnaught and Shercock.

Drumlumman Parish Census 1821

Drumlumman Parish Census 1821

Thesis on the 1821 Census for the parish of Drumlumman (Drumlomman).

Griffith’s Valuation of 1857

Griffith’s Valuation of 1857

The primary valuation of Ireland, or Griffith’s Valuation, which was carried out between 1848 and 1864, to determine liability to pay the Poor rate (a tax for the support of the poor within each Poor Law Union) provides detailed information on where people lived and the property they possessed.

Browse the entire list of Griffith’s Valuation of 1857 records for Cavan. Filter by parish, townland and name. For additional data (image of original ledger and maps), visit Griffith’s Valuation (

Please bear with us if this page is slow to load – there are nearly thirty thousand records.
Records can be filtered in the column headers once table is loaded.

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Griffith’s Valuation of 1857

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Commonwealth Survey Records of 1652

Commonwealth Survey Records of 1652

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Commonwealth Survey Maps

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The Commonwealth Survey of 1652

The Commonwealth Survey of 1652

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Bodley Plantation Map of the barony of Tullyhunco 1609/10

Bodley Plantation Map of the barony of Tullyhunco 1609/10

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Ordnance Survey Maps

Here you can view a selection of historical Ordnance Survey maps of County Cavan.

One Inch Maps
Town Maps of Cavan
Six Inch Index
Bodley Maps of the baronies of County Cavan1610

Bodley Maps of the baronies of County Cavan1610

In preparation for the Plantation of Ulster forces of the Crown were tasked with surveying the escheated (confiscated) counties of Ulster vacated after the Flight of the Earls in 1607. This work was overseen by Sir Josias Bodley who presented the completed maps to King James I in 1610.

Barony of Tullyhunco
Barony of Loughtee
Barony of Clankee
Barony of Clonmahon
Barony of Tullyhaw
Taylor & Skinner Road Maps of Cavan 1778

Taylor & Skinner Road Maps of Cavan 1778

We have extracted all the Cavan related maps from this comprehensive set of road maps which were prepared for the entire country by Taylor & Skinner in 1778. When viewed as a set they cover a substantial part of the County and are the only maps to this level of detail prior to the Ordnance Survey maps which followed in the 1830’s. Click on the images below to enlarge.

Commonwealth Survey Maps

Commonwealth Survey Maps

These parish maps, covering the entire of County Cavan, have been prepared by Michael McShane from the information contained in the Commonwealth Survey of 1652/53. They visually chart the evolution of the plantation estates and contain information on the proprietors of the lands at this time. Click on the images below to enlarge.