Deep in the mists of time, the story begins with the pre-reformation church which stood on Drumgoon Hill, followed by the building of St.James, the first Church of Ireland place of worship in Cootehill, after which the present day church on Market Street was opened in 1819. This book shines a light on community relations during the nineteenth ccentury, recalling forgotten friendship of the Rev. Archibald Douglas with Bishop James Browne, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Kilmore. Both men co-operated on important projects for the betterment of life in Cootehill. Also discussed, are the charitable labours of Bishop John Richard Darley, who established the Darley School. Each chapter contains many interesting tales, such as the draining of the lake at Killyrue, the rent reductions provided during ‘An Gorta Mor’, Lady Wyndham’s humorous encounter with a donkey, and a Rector’s time as the chairman of Cootehill’s Boxing club. This book is a must for anyone with an interest in Ireland’s local, social and cross-community history.