A selection of articles from 1898-2009 relating to Cavan (also see list compiled by Brian McCabe in Breifne 2005):
Part II For Quarter ending 30th June 1898: Rotherham, E. Crofton: Remains of urn found in a Cavan bog (note), 177.
Part III 30th September 1906: Burtchaell, G.D.: (p.123 ante) The Arms of the O’Rourkes (note), 318-319.
Part IV 31st December 1906: Meehan, Joseph: (antea, p.304) The Arms of the O’Rourkes: a reply (note), 424-427.
Part II 30th June, 1907: Hall, Thomas: Crannoge near Belturbet (note), 240-241.
Part IV 31st December 1908: Hall, Thomas: Killan old church, County Cavan, 334-343.
Part I 31st March 1909: Meehan, Joseph: The Loughduff cromlech, County Cavan, 88-91.
Part IV 31st December 1910: Hall, Thomas: Barnagrow Lake and crannogs, Co. Cavan (note), 361-362.
Part I 31 March 1911: Milligan, S.F.: Gold ornament found in Co. Cavan (note), 66.
Part I 30 June 1917: anonymous: anecdote re Mr. Thomas Plunkett of Enniskillen, antiquary, and the Ordnance Survey in Counties Leitrim and Cavan, 78.
Part II 31 December 1922: Macalister, R.A.S.: On a stone with La Tène decorations recently discovered in Co. Cavan, 113-116.
Part II 31 December 1924: Meehan, J.B.: Amber beads found in Co. Cavan (note), 173
Part I 30 June 1926: anonymous: Copper halbert from Co. Cavan (note), 56.
Part II 31 December 1933: Ó Ríordáin, Seán P.: Discovery of an ancient burial in a cairn near Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, 167-171.
Part I 30 June 1934: Duignan, Michael V.: The Ui Briúin Bréifni genealogies, 90-137.
Part II 31 December 1934: Duignan, Michael V.: The Ui Briúin Bréifni genealogies, 213-256.
Part I 30 June 1935: Ó Duígeannáin, Mícheál: Notes on the history of the Kingdom of Bréifne, 113-140.
Part II 31 December 1935: Lowry-Corry, Lady Dorothy: Holywell Church, near Lough Macnean, 223-230.
Part II 31 December 1936: Lowry-Corry, Lady Dorothy: St. Molaise’s House at Devenish, Lough Erne, and its sculptured stones, 270-284.
Part II 31 December 1937: Lowry-Corry, Lady Dorothy, & Richardson, Phyllis: Megalithic monuments in the parish of Killinagh, Co. Cavan. With notes on some in the parish of Killesher, Co. Fermanagh, 155-175.
Part II 31 December 1938: Stuart, James: Some Recent Finds in Co. Cavan (note), 284-285.
Part III 30 September 1941: Barron, Thomas J.: Stone head, Clannaphilip Church, Co. Cavan (note), 113.
Part IV December 1945: Went, Arthur E.J.: Fishing weirs of the River Erne, 213-223.
Part I April 1946: Davies, O.: Excavation of a crannog at Deredis Upper, in Lough Inchin, Co. Cavan, 19-34.
Part III October 1946: Went, A.E J.: Fishing weirs on the River Erne (note), 145-146.
Part I 1957: Ó Ríordáin, Breandán: Bronze Age burials at Termon, near Blacklion, Co. Cavan, 53-59.
Part II 1963: Dickie, K.M.: Stone figure from Tomregan, Co. Cavan (note), 198-199.
Part I 1967: Ó Riordáin, A.B.: A prehistoric burial site at Gortnacargy, Co. Cavan, 61-73.
Part I 1967: Brothwell, D.R.: Human remains from Gortnacargy, Co. Cavan, 75-84.
1996: McCabe, Brian: A stone head from Lough Ramor, County Cavan (note), 183.
2002: Cody, Eamon: A complex of prehistoric monuments at Banagher, County Cavan, 77-98.